Personal profile

Research Interests

Postcolonial literature, migration literature, hybridity theory, place and literature

Research information



(forthcoming 2021) Everyone Is Here: New Shapes of Diversity and Belonging in Britain Aarhus: Systime. 2021.

Moslund, Sten Literature's Sensuous Geographies: Postcolonial Matters of Place Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. (Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies).

Migration Literature and Hybridity: The Different Speeds of Transcultural Change. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

London – Migrant City. Aarhus: Systime, 2005.
(bestselling teaching material for English courses in the Danish Gymnasium).

Making Use of History in New South African Fiction: An Analysis of the Purpose of Historical Perspectives in Three Post-Apartheid Novels. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003.


How Literature Comes to Matter: Post-Anthropocentric Approaches to Fiction. Co-edited with Marlene Marcussen og Martin Karlsson Petersen. Edinburgh University Press. 2020. (New Materialisms).

Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition. Co-edited with Schramm, Moritz and Anne Ring Pedersen. New York: Routledge. 2019. (Routledge Research in Art and Politics).

The Culture of Migration: Politics, Aesthetics and Histories Co-edited with Anne Ring Petersen and Moritz Schramm I.B. Tauris. 2015.

Stedsvandringer: Analyser af stedets betydning i kunst, kultur og medier. Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press. Co-edited with Søren Frank, Malene Breunig and Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek (collection of articles in Danish on place perspectives in literature, culture and media), 2013.



(forthcoming) "Postcolonialism, the Anthropocene, and New Nonhuman Theory: A Postanthropocentric Reading of Robinson Crusoe". ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 2021

"Postmigrant Revisions of Hybridity, Belonging, and Race in Gautam Malkani’s Londonstani". ariel: A Review of International English Literature. 2019, 50(2-3). 105-136.

Moslund, Sten "'Sitrende tilstedeværelse': Sansegeografier og migratorisk æstetik i Lotte Inuks Sultekunstnerinde". og Larsen, Marianne Schramm, Moritz (red.). Mine drømme har en anden virkelighed: Charlotte Inuk og hendes forfatterskab. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag. (University of Southern Denmark studies in Scandinavian languages and literatures, Bind 124). 2015, 195-213.

“Problems of Aesthetic Analysis in Literatures of Migration, Movement and Cultural Hybridity?” (working title) in Sten Moslund, Anne Ring Petersen and Moritz Schramm (eds.): Migration, Culture and Aesthetics (working title). London: I B Tauris, 2014 

“Introduction” in Sten Moslund, Anne Ring Petersen and Moritz Schramm (eds.): Migration, Culture and Aesthetics (working title). London: I B Tauris. Co-written with Anne Ring Pedersen and Moritz Schramm, 2014

“Introduktion” in Sten Moslund, Søren Frank, et al (eds): Stedsvandringer: Analyser af stedets betydning i kunst, kultur og medier. Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press, 2013. Co-written with Søren Frank, Malene Breunig and Hjørdis Brandrup Kortbek, 2013 

2013: “Sted, krop og den lokale transkulturalitet i Harold Sonny Ladoos No Pain Like This Body (1971)” in Sten Moslund, Søren Frank, et al (eds): Stedsvandringer: Analyser af stedets betydning i kunst, kultur og medier. Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press, 2013 

“Blixens blik: Æstetisk og kolonial topofili” (co-written with Søren Frank) in Salon 55 - det litterære tidsskrift 2, 2012.

“Intentional and Organic Hybridity, Place and Different Speeds of Cultural Becoming” in David Gallagher (ed.): Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanisms. Belgium: Academia Press, 2012

“The Presencing of Place in Literature: Towards an Embodied Topopoetic Mode of Reading” in Robert Tally Jr. (ed.): Geocritical Explorations: Space, Place, and Mapping in Literary and Cultural Studies. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011

“Difference, Otherness and Speeds of Becoming in Transcultural Migration Literature and Theory”. In Susan Yi Sencindiver, Maria Beville, Marie Lauritzen (eds.): Otherness: A Multilateral Perspective. Aarhus University Press, 2011

“Danish Identity and the Migrant Hero's Hybridising Gaze in Jamal Mahjoub's The Carrier” in Mirjam Gebauer and Pia Lausten (eds.): Migration and Literature in Contemporary Europe. München: Martin Meidenbauer, 2010.

“The Presence of Place in Literature – with a Few Examples from Virginia Woolf” in Aktuel Forskning: Litteratur, Kultur og Medier, 07.12.2010.

“Literature as Discourse: An Analysis of the Discursive Strategies in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses” in Orbis Litterarum, Vol. 61, No. 4, 2006, s. 291-309.

“Litteratur som diskurs: En analyse af Salman Rushdies diskursive strategier i De sataniske vers” in Apparatur, No. 11, 2005.

“The Phantom Walking the Text: The Death of the Author Reconsidered” in FORUM. The University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2005.

“Beyond the Realism of the Struggle” in Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2001.


"The Text and Its Sensuous Geographies: An Analysis of Imperial I/eyes and Revolting Bodies in J. M. Coetzee’s Dusklands ". In Schatz-Jakobsen, Claus Simonsen, Peter Pettitt, Tom (red.). The Book Out of Bounds: Essays Presented to Lars Ole Sauerberg. Institut for Kulturvidenskab, Syddansk Universitet. (Aktuel forskning ved Institut for Litteratur, Kultur og Medier). 2015, 137-147.

“Hybriditetens grænser. Fremstillingen af dansk identitet i Jamal Mahjoubs The Carrier” in Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek (Special Issue: ”Et postkolonialt Danmark”), Vol. 30, No. 2, 2009.

“En topopoetisk skitsering” in Aktuel Forskning: Litteratur, Kultur og Medier (Special Issue: Interstitiel: Litteratur, Kultur og Medier), 09.06.2010.


(forthcoming) "Place and Existential Belonging in Literature – Exemplified in a Reading of Toni Morrison’s Beloved" (working title) in The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies, edited by Neal Alexander and David Cooper, 2022

"Introduction" in Moslund, Sten Marcussen, Marlene Pedersen, Martin Karlsson (red.). How Literature Comes to Matter: Post-Anthropocentric Approaches to Fiction. Edinburgh University Press. 2020.

"Aisthetic Realities in Ayi Kwei Armah's The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born. A Matter-Oriented Reading of Postcolonial Literature" in Moslund, Sten Marcussen, Marlene Pedersen, Martin Karlsson (red.). How Literature Comes to Matter: Post-Anthropocentric Approaches to Fiction. Edinburgh University Press. 2020.

"Introduction to Part II: Postmigration as a Perspective (Art, Literature, Film)". Co-authored with Anne Ring Petersen. In Schramm, Moritz Pultz Moslund, Sten Ring Petersen, Anne (red.). Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition. New York: Routledge. (Routledge Research in Art and Politics). 2019, 65-66.

"Towards a Postmigrant Reading of Literature: An Analysis of Zadie Smith's NW". In Schramm, Moritz Pultz Moslund, Sten Ring Petersen, Anne (red.). Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition. 1. udg., Kapitel 5, New York: Routledge. (Routledge Research in Art and Politics). 2019, 94-112.

"When Migration Turns from the Spectacular to the Ordinary: Postmigrant Inflections of Analytical Categories and Concepts of Migration". og Dogramaci, Burcu Mersmann, Birgit (red.). Handbook of Art and Global Migration: Theories, Practices, and Challenges. De Gruyter. 2019, 351–365.

"Postmigration: From Utopian Fantasy to Future Perspectives". Co-authored with Moritz Schramm and Sabrina Vitting-Seerup. In Schramm, Moritz Pultz Moslund, Sten Ring Petersen, Anne (red.). Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition. Kapitel 10, New York: Routledge. (Routledge Research in Art and Politics). 2019, 227-248.

“Naipaul i Naipaul’s The Enigma of Arrival” in Anne-Marie Mai and Erik Skyum-Nielsen (eds.): Den store karakterbog. 155 fiktive personer. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2012.

*“Mrs Dalloway” in Anne-Marie Mai and Erik Skyum-Nielsen (eds.): Den store karakterbog. 155 fiktive personer. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2012.

“Zakes Mda: Ways of Dying” in Black Literature Criticism: Classic and Emerging Black Writers Since 1950 (2nd edition). Kentucky: Gale, 2008.

“Literature as Discourse - Illustrated in an Analysis of the Discursive Strategies in Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses”. Chapter Three in Rotimi Taiwo, Moji Olateju, Adeleke Fakoya (eds.): Towards the Understanding of Discourse Strategies. Lagos: Olabisi Onabanjo University Press, 2007.


The Project Society by Anders Fogh Jensen (originally published in Danish as Projektsamfundet). Aarhus University Press, 2013

“At være på kanten af sted: Moderne, antikke og postmoderne refleksioner” by Edward Casey (original title: “Being on the Edge of Place: Modern, Ancient, and Postmodern Reflections”) in Sten Moslund, Søren Frank, et al (eds): Stedsvandringer: Analyser af stedets betydning i kunst, kultur og medier. Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press, 2013

Salman Rushdie: A Deleuzian Reading by Søren Frank (originally published in Danish as Salman Rushdies kartografi). Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2011.

“Det blot kulturelle” by Judith Butler (original title: “Merely Cultural”) in K&K. Kultur og klasse: kritik og kulturanalyse, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2007.


"Dustin Crowley. Africa's Narrative Geographies: Charting the Interaction and Postcolonial Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015". ariel: A Review of International English Literature. 2018, 49(1). 160-162.


Peter Childs, Jean Jacques Weber and Patrick Williams: Post-Colonial Theory and Literatures. African, Caribbean and South Asian. In Orbis Literarum Vol. 62, issue 5, 2007.

Joel Kuortti and Jopi Nyman (eds.): Reconstructing Hybridity. Post-Colonial Studies in Transition. In Orbis Literarum Vol. 63, issue 3, 2008.


Passport to South Africa. Copenhagen: Alinea, 2003 (book for English courses in the secondary schools in Denmark, Norway and Sweden).

“Billen”. Rask Mølle: Forlaget Spiren, 2003 (story and teaching material for courses in the Danish primary/ secondary school).


Sten Pultz Moslund

Associate Professor,

Comparative Literature and English Studies,

Institute for the Study of Culture,

University of Southern Denmark

Date of birth: 14 Dec., 1971




Postcolonial theory and literatures; migration and multicultural literature and theory; black British and British Asian literature; place theory and literature; new materialisms and literature.




2013-                                  Associate Professor, Comparative Literature, Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark                     


2015-2018                         Member of the Research Council at the Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark


2010-2018                         Member of the Steering Committee of Network for Migration and Culture: The Interrelations of Migration, Culture and

                                       Aesthetics, the Universities of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg,

                                   Roskilde, Southern Denmark (and international affiliations).



2012-2013                            Assistant Professor, English Studies, Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark


2009-2012                          Postdoctoral fellow on Place and Literature, English Studies, Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark (financed by FKK and SDU)(including six months paternity leave)


2006-2009                          Ph.D. in Postcolonial Migration Literature, English Studies, Institute for Literature, Culture and Media, University of Southern Denmark (financed by FKK)


2002-2006                          Assistant Lecturer, British History and English as a World Language, English Studies, Institute for Literature, Culture and Media, University of Southern Denmark




2015-2018                          Chaired: Materiality, Literature and Aesthetics. A three-year collective research programme at the Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark



2011-2013                          Co-chaired (with Søren Frank): The Place Research Programme at the Institute for Literature, Culture and Media, University of Southern Denmark. A two-year cross-disciplinary research programme on place in relation to Literature, Culture and Media.




2018-2021                          (planned) ”Culture and Migration – Postmigrant Perspectives in Europe”. A three-year collective research programme at the Institute for the Study of Culture, University of Southern Denmark.


2015-2018                          Participant and member of steering group in the collective research project, “Art, Culture and Politics in the ‘Postmigrant Condition’” (financed by Danish Council for Independent Research (SFI) and chaired by Moritz Schramm)


2013-                                  MateriAlterity: Network for Materialterity, Literature and Aesthetics (the universities of Southern Denmark, Aarhus, Aalborg, Erfurt, Kiel, Limerick, Warszawa, Geneve og St Gallen. Initiated in corporation with Kai Merten (Erfurt), Susan Yi Sencindiver (Aarhus) and Maria Beville (Limerick).


2010-2018                          Participant and member of the steering group: Network for Migration and Culture: The Interrelations of Migration, Culture and Aesthetics, the Universities of Copenhagen, Aarhus, Aalborg, Roskilde, Southern Denmark (and international affiliations).





2012-                                  Literature and Urban Studies:


2011-                                  Geocriticism (academic Facebook group by Robert Tally, Texas State)


2009-2013                          American Tropics (University of Essex)




2018                                    (planned)

International conference: The Postmigrant Condition: Art, Culture and Politics in Contemporary Europe. Organized in co-operation with Moritz Schramm, Hans Christian Post and Anna Meera Geonkar. November 22-3. Keynotes: Naika Foroutan, Erol Yildiz, Riem Spielhaus, John McLeod, Roger Bromley and Marsha Meskimmon.                      


2017                                   Lecture of Excellence: Professor Roger Bromley (Nottingham University), “Putting the Black in the Union Jack: the background to the teaching of British Black and Asian Writing in the UK”


2017                                   Lecture of Excellence: Timothy Morton (Rice University), “Fake News, Ecological Edition”


2012-2014                          Member of the steering group of Network for Migration and Culture (conceptualization and organization of the network’s conferences, seminars and workshops).


2014                                   Lecture of Excellence: Professor Marsha Meskimmon (Loughborough University), “Feminism, Citizenship and the Arts: Creative Ecologies of Belonging”


2012                                   Lecture of Excellence: Professor Nikos Papastergiadis (University of Melbourne), “Into Cosmos: Contemporary Art and the Cosmopolitan Imaginary”


2012                                    International conference: Migration, Memory, and Place

Organized in co-operation with Anne Ring Pedersen, Søren Frank, Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, Kasper Krejberg and Frauke Wiegand (the Network for Migration and Culture in collaboration with the Danish Network for Memory Studies). University of Copenhagen and Arken Museum of Modern Art; 24 parallel panels of three papers. Keynotes: Mieke Bal, Nikos Papastergiadis, Andreas Huyssen, Edward Casey and Alastair Thompson (December)


2011                                   Seminar: Stedets teori, repræsentationer og forestillinger Organised in co-operation with Søren Frank, University of Southern Denmark, Odense. Keynotes: Frederik Tygstrup and Dan Ringgaard (December)

2008                                    International conference: Taking Chances, JD 2008

Organised in co-operation with Roy Sellars

August 26-28, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding

Keynotes:  Graham Allen, John Phillips and Maebh Long.


2000                                   A Danish Literary Event at WordFest at the annual National Festival of the Arts in South Africa, 2000. Festival participation, guest lectures and readings by two Danish writers (Ursula Andkjær Olsen and Vagn Lundbye)





2016                                   Encountering Materiality: Science, Art, Language, University of Geneva. Paper title: “How Matter Comes to Matter in Literature: Material Realisms through the Production of Sensuous Intensities” (June)


2015                                   Bridges Across Cultures, Florence International Studies Institute, Florence, the Umbra Institute and Washington & Jefferson College. Paper title: “Sensuous Geographies and Silent Calls of the Earth in Postcolonial Literature” (July)


2011                                   Imagining Spaces/ Places, University of Helsinki. Paper title: “Sensuous Geographies in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway” (August)


2010                                   Creoles, Diasporas, Cosmopolitanisms, ACLA 2010 New Orleans. Paper title: “Intentional and Organic Hybridity - and Different Speeds of Cultural becoming” (April)


2009                                   American Tropics. Towards a Literary Geography, University of Essex. Paper title: “Langscaping the Novel and the Presencing of Place in Literature - with a Few Examples from Harold Sonny Ladoo's No Pain Like This Body (July)


2008                                   Otherness and the Arts, University of Aarhus. Paper title: “On the Representation of Difference/Otherness in Transcultural Literature and Theory” (August)


2007                                   Migration and Literature in Contemporary Europe. University of Copenhagen. Paper title: “European Identity through Migrant Eyes and the Limits of the Hybrid Gaze” (August)




2014                                   Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: “The New Material Other” (lecture, seminar and taught classes) (January)


2013                                   “Re-thinking Hybridity through the Perspectives of Time, Place and Aesthetics” and round table discussion at the international conference: Language, Culture and Identity in Migrant Narratives, University of Oslo, (May)


2010                                   The Danish Cultural Institute in Poland (et al), Warsaw conference on Literature and Immigration: Paper title: “Hybridity and the Representation of Danish Identity in Jamal Mahjoub’s The Carrier” (March)


2010                                   University of Copenhagen: “Intentional and Organic Hybridity and Different Speeds of Cultural Becoming”. Seminar by the Network for Migration and Culture (October)


2007                                   English studies/ Intercultural studies, the University Centre of Roskilde, “Making Use of History in Contemporary South African Literature” (June)




2018                                   (planned) Den litterære efteruddannelse for biblioteksansatte, IKV, SDU: “Postkolonial litteratur og teori” (November)


2017                                   Den litterære efteruddannelse for biblioteksansatte, IKV, SDU: “Postkolonial litteratur og teori” (November)


2017                                   Dansklærerforeningen og Engelsklærerforeningen (gymnasiet), Signatur hotel, Nyborg: “Postmigration i ny britisk litteratur” (March)


2014                                   Public interview with Salman Rushdie. Odense Centralbibliotek, Odense, Denmark (August)


2012                                   Engelsklærerforeningen (gymnasiet), Syddansk Universitet: ”Sted som inspiration til engelskundervisningen” (March)


2010                                   Engelsklærerforeningen (gymnasiet), Esbjerg Statsskole: “From British-American to Post-Colonial English and World Literature” (November)


2006                                   “Introduction to Orientalism” at Det Fynske Musikkonservatorium (May)





2015                                   Opponent at Annika Myhr’s public defence of her PhD dissertation, Memories out of Place and Season. England, Germany, Russia, Estonia, and Norway in Migration Literature Since 1989 at the University of Oslo, Norway (February)


2014                                   Doctoral master class: The New Material Other. Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany (January)


2013                                   Doctoral master class and workshop: Language, Culture and Identity in Migrant Narratives, University of Oslo, Norway (May)





2012                                   Stony Brook University, Department of Philosophy, invited by Professor Edward Casey (October)


2012                                   Stanford University, Department of Comparative Literature,                                  invited by Professor Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (January-March)


2007                                   Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, Warwick University, invited by Professors Susan Bassnett and David Dabydeen (October-December)




Since 2018                          The Journal of Commonwealth Literature (Sage)


Since 2017                          Journal of Aesthetics & Culture (Routledge)


Since 2011                          SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience (Open Journal Systems)


Since 2009                          Orbis Litterarum (Blackwell Publishing)





Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen


Palgrave-Macmillan, UK: Basingstoke




2015                                   FKK (The Danish Independent Research Council): 3 year research project grant, “Art, Culture and Politics in the ‘Postmigrant Condition’” (DKR 5,406,913) (Main applicant: Associate Professor Moritz Schramm, University of Southern Denmark)


2011                                   FKK (The Danish Independent Research Council): 2 year network grant (DKR 820,987) (Main applicant: Associate Professor Anne Ring, University of Copenhagen)


2009                                    FKK (The Danish Independent Research Council):

two year postdoc research grant (DKR 1,499,175)


2005                                    FKK (The Danish Independent Research Council):

three year Ph.D. grant (DKR 1,550,000)





2009                                   Nominated by my colleagues at the Institute for Literature, Culture and Media for the EliteForsk award of the Danish Council for Independent Research (SFI)


(See attached letter of nomination, “Indstilling af Sten Pultz Moslund til EliteForsk-prisen ved Det Frie Forskningsråd 2009”)




2000                                   Internship/ exchange student at The National English Literary Museum / Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa (January-August)


1996                                   Teacher of English, Standard Seven (roughly 2-3 g. in the Danish system) Inanda Seminary, Durban, South Africa (January-December)




2014-2018                          Member of the IKV Research Council (Forskningsudvalg)


2017                                   Member of the PhD recruitment committee (bedømmelses- og ansættelsesudvalg) for an IKV PhD stipend


2014-2015                          Member of the PhD assessment committee (with Elisabeth Oxfeldt, Oslo and Ulrich Schmid, St. Gallen) for Annika Myhr’s PhD dissertation, Memories out of Place and Season. England, Germany, Russia, Estonia, and Norway in Migration Literature Since 1989 at the University of Oslo, Norway.


Since 2014                          Member of the corpse of external examiners in Comparative Literature (censorkorps) in Denmark




2002-2018                          Courses on literature at pregraduate and postgraduate levels, obligatory core courses and research based optional courses.


(see list of taught courses in enclosed teaching portfolio)


2011-2018                          Supervision of more than forty B.A. projects and eight MA theses (specialer)at Comparative literature and English Studies


2018                                   Revision of content and structure of the Academic Regulations (Studieordning) for English Studies, Bachelor programme (literary section)


2013-2016                          Ph.D. supervision (bivejleder) of Ph.D. project in Comparative Literature, IKV, SDU: Marlene Marcussen, “Reading for Space. An Encounter Between Narratology and New Materialism in the Works of Virginia Woolf and Georges Perec”


2013-2015                          Revision of content and structure of the Academic Regulations (Studieordning) for Comparative literature, Bachelor and MA programmes




2004-2006                          English, 3. G. A-level, Gentofte HF (GSK)

2004-2005                          English, HF B-level, Det Frie Gymnasium, Copenhagen

2003-2004                          Teacher of Danish, Refugees and Immigrants, VUC Vestsjælland Nord

1996-1997                          Teacher of English, Standard Seven (roughly 2.g-3.g), Inanda Seminary, Durban, South Africa




2018                                   Project organisation and project management.

University of Southern Denmark


2016                                    Course in study group facilitation and team building

                                           University of Southern Denmark


2013                                   Course in Ph.D. supervision (Faculty of the Humanities). University of Southern Denmark


2011                                   University Pedagogical Diploma (Universitetspædagogikum), University of Southern Denmark





2009                                   Ph.D. in Postcolonial Migration Literature, University of Southern Denmark


Title of Ph.D. dissertation:

The Speeds of the Migrant Mongrel: A Critical Re-Engagement with Hybrid Discourses and Becomings in Contemporary Migration Literature and Theory.


2001                                   M.A. in English, University of Southern Denmark.

Title of M. A. thesis: “Re-inventing Reality: An Analysis of Discourse and Imaginative Counterdiscourse in Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses


2000                                   Masters in Africa Area Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Title of Masters thesis: “Making Use of History in New South African Fiction: An Analysis of the Purposes of Historical Perspectives in Three Post-Apartheid Novels”



  • Litterature, Culture and Media
  • Cultural Theory and Analysis
  • Theory and History of Literature


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