Niels Opstrup
- Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Public Administration, Welfare and Politics - Head of Executive Master of Public Governance (FMOL), Associate Professor
- SDU Climate Cluster - Associate professor
Person: VIP
Morten Skovsgaard
- Department of Political Science and Public Management
- Journalism - Professor Mso
- Digital Democracy Centre - VIP
- SDU Climate Cluster - Professor MSO
Person: VIP
Christian Møller Dahl
- Department of Economics
- HEDG (Historical Economics & Development Group) - Professor
- Econometrics and Data Science - Professor
- CPop - Professor
Person: VIP
Lars Brandt
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Odense) - Clinical associate professor
Person: VIP
Majbritt Rostgaard Evald
- Department of Business and Sustainability
- Kolding - Professor, Vice Head of Research and Vice Head Kolding
- Interactive Innovation - Professor
- Center for Sustainable Business Development and Policy - Professor
Person: VIP
Ask Elklit
- Department of Psychology
- Clinical Psychology - Professor
- The National Center of Psychotraumatology - Professor
Person: VIP
Niels Ejersbo
- Københavns Professionshøjskole
- KORA - Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning
External person
Lars Louis Andersen
- National Research Centre for the Working Environment
- Aalborg University
External person
Maiken K. Westergaard
External person
Klaus T. Nielsen
External person
N. Hansen
External person
Pernille Carlsson
External person
Ulrik Gensby
External person
Per H. Jensen
External person
Nanna Hansen
External person