Activities per year
- 21 results
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Clinicians in the SDM tango: a blind spot?
Lund, L. (Speaker), Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker), Steffensen, K. D. (Speaker) & Montori, V. (Speaker)
7. Jul 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Exceptional Young Scientist Abstract: Fælles beslutningstagning med brystkræftpatienter - virker det?
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Guest lecturer)
31. Aug 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Fælles beslutningstagning med brystkræftpatienter - virker det?
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Guest lecturer)
15. Jun 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hvad kan fælles beslutningstagning være med til at løfte og forbedre?
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker) & Lund, L. (Speaker)
1. Jun 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
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Late Breaking Abstract at ESTRO 2023: Shared Decision Making with breast cancer patients - does it work? Results of the randomized DBCG RT SDM trial
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
15. May 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Invited speaker at European Cancer Organisation and European Anticancer Fund Virtual Meeting on Informed and Shared Decision-Making
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
18. Jan 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
The Breast (Journal)
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Peer reviewer)
20. Dec 2022Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Interviews with doctors and nurses in the DBCG RT SDM trial
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
22. Nov 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Fælles Forskningsseminar ved Nykøbing Falster Sygehus
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
12. Oct 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Membership of national shared decision making research group
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Participant)
1. Oct 2022Activity: Other activities › Other
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Moderator)
22. Jun 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Consultation length and decisions. A prospective cohort study of the Decision Helper
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Author), Madsen, P. H. (Co-author), Hilberg, O. (Co-author), Bechmann, T. (Co-author), Hugger Jakobsen, E. (Co-author), Mølgaard Jensen, K. (Co-author), Olling, K. (Co-author) & Steffensen, K. D. (Co-author)
20. Jun 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Workshop presentation
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
19. Jun 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Medtalk ved BestPractice: Fælles beslutningstagning og øget inddragelse af patienter ved behandling af kræft
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Guest lecturer)
18. Mar 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Inviteret oplægsholder ved Dansk Karkirurgisk selskabs årsmøde: Fælles beslutningstagning
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
12. Nov 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Inviteret oplægsholder ved Vibis' nationale netværksmøde: Erfaringer med måling af patientinvolvering
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Guest lecturer)
14. Oct 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
DCCC Radiotherapy annual meeting 2021
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
5. Oct 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Radiotherapy & Oncology (Journal)
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Peer reviewer)
4. Oct 2021Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Danske Kræftforskningsdage
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Participant)
26. Aug 2021 → 27. Aug 2021Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Opstart af interregionalt samarbejde mellem Center for fælles beslutningstagning og forskergruppe i Kiel ved Friedemann Geiger: Oplæg om mit Phd projekt
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Guest lecturer)
30. Jun 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Invited speaker ved ESTRO: Patient involvement in radiation oncology
Rauff Søndergaard, S. (Speaker)
29. Nov 2020Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations