Paolo Caserotti
- Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
- Research Unit of Muscle Physiology and Biomechanics - Professor, Head of Centre
- Center for Active and Healthy Ageing - Professor, Head of Centre
- Danish centre for motivation and behaviour science - Professor, Head of Centre
Person: VIP
Jens Søndergaard
- Department of Public Health
- Research Unit of General Pratice - Head of Department
- Danish Aging Research Center - Professor
Person: TAP, VIP
Trine Thilsing
- Department of Public Health
- Research Unit of General Pratice - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Sanne Rasmussen
- Department of Public Health
- Research Unit of General Pratice - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Jonas Bloch Thorlund
- Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
- Research Unit of Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy - Professor, Head of Research Unit
- Center for Muscle and Joint Health - Professor
Person: VIP
Susanne S. Pedersen
- Department of Psychology
- Health and Medical Psychology - Professor
- Danish centre for motivation and behaviour science - Head of Department
Person: TAP, VIP
Peter Haulund Gæde
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Næstved, Slagelse, Ringsted Hospitals (NSR), Research Unit of Neurology (Slagelse) - Clinical Professor, Head of Research
Person: VIP
Jan Christian Brønd
- Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
- Research Unit of Exercise Epidemiology - Associate Professor
- RICH - Research In Childhood Health - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Britt Christensen
- University of Copenhagen
- Aarhus University Hospital
- Arla Foods
- Copenhagen University Hospital
External person
Anne Marie Beck
- University of Copenhagen
- Technical University of Denmark
- Danmarks Fødevareforskning, Søborg
- Københavns Professionshøjskole
- Herlev og Gentofte Hospital
External person
Mette M. Pedersen
External person
Anne Mette L. Rasmussen
External person
Hanne Gilkes
External person
Birgit Herbeck Belnap
External person
Thomas H Haupt
External person
Lisa Derendorf
External person
Rolf Wachter
External person
Klaudia Vivien Nagy
External person
Niels Eske Bruun
- Gentofte Hospital
- University of Copenhagen
- Aalborg University
- Copenhagen University Hospital
- Zealand University Hospital, Roskilde
- Zealand University Hospital, Køge
- Aalborg University Hospital
External person
Thomas Asendorf
External person
for the Escape Consortium
External person
Adrienne Stauder
External person
Fabio D'Oriente
External person
Jonas Nagel
External person
Christoph Herrmann-Lingen
External person
Anna Markser
External person
Christine Zelenak
External person
Christian Albus
External person
Marjolein Visser
- Université Libre de Bruxelles
- VU Amsterdam
- VU University Medical Center
External person
John Brandt Brodersen
- University of Copenhagen
- Primary Health Care Research Unit
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Region Sjælland
- Research Unit for General Practice
External person
Anne Langkilde
External person
Florian Walker
External person
Anne M. Beck
External person
Dagmar Lühmann
External person
Kristina Bersch
External person
Diego Della Riva
External person
Carlos A. Velasco
External person
Stephanie Stock
External person
Margarita Beresnevaite
External person