Personal profile



Rasmus Glenthøj is an Associate Professor of history at the University of Southern Denmark in the Promotion Programme for Full Professorship. He is a Knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit, the recipient of the Elite Travel-Scholarship (the Danish Ministry for Science, 2009) and the Carlsberg Foundation Distinguished Associate Professor Fellowship (2017), and the winner of The H. O. Lange Prize for Outstanding Research Dissemination (2014) and The Nordic History Book Prize (2017, with Morten Nordhagen Ottosen). Glenthøj has published widely on nineteenth century Scandinavian history from a comparative perspective with a special focus on nationalism, war, political culture, and historiography.


2024 - Associate Proffesor, in the Promotion Programme for Full Professorship, University of Southern Denmark

2017- Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark

2014-2017 Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark

2011-2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Southern Denmark

2007-2010 Ph.D. Fellow, University of Southern Denmark

2005-2006 Research-assistant at the Danish Folklore Archives

2005-2005 Exhibition editor, The Royal Library

2004-2005 Project and editorial work at The House of History


2010 Degree in History, University of Southern Denmark

2004 Master’s degree in history, University of Copenhagen

2002 Subsidiary subject in Philosophy, University of Copenhagen

2001 Bachelor’s degree in history w. module in Philosophy, University of Copenhagen


2022 Nominated for Nordic History Book Price (w. Morten N. Ottosen)

2021 Runner-up for History Book of the year, The Danish Historical Council (w. Morten N. Ottosen)

2017 The Nordic History Book Price (together w. Morten N. Ottosen)

2014 The H.O. Lange Prize for Outstanding Research Intermediation, The Royal Library & G.E.C. Gad Foundation

2014 Knight of the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit, the Norwegian State

2014 Nominated for Weekendavisen’s Literary Prize, Weekendavisen

2014 Runner-up for History Book of the Year, the Danish Historical Council

2009 Elite Travel-Scholarship, the Danish Ministry for Science, Technology and Innovation


2023 Visiting Researcher, University of Kent (UK), (Scheduled, June 2023)

2023 Visiting Professor, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).

2016 Santander Academic Visitor, University of Kent (UK)

2009 Visiting Research Student, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)

2008 Visiting Ph.D. Fellow, University of Oslo (Norway)

2000 Visiting student, University of Lund (Sweden)

1997 EF International School of English, Santa Barbara, USA               


2024- Member of the advisory board for Reclaiming the Northern Past. The Shaping of National and Transnational Identities through Old Norse Literature, 1750-1900

2023- Member for the steering group Golden Imprints of Danish Cultural Heritage, AUFF, Nova

2021- Member of Det Letterstedtske Selskab

2019-2027 Member of the advisory board, (Norwegian) Historisk Tidsskrift

2016- Member of the board for the Nordic 19th Century Research Network

2016- Member of the board of the Danish Nineteenth-Century Research Network

2012-2014 Member of the committee for the Danish-Norwegian constitutional jubilee, the Danish Parliament

2012-2014 Member of the committee for the Danish-Norwegian dimension of the constitutional jubilee, The Norwegian Parliament

2011-2014 Project Leader for the commemoration of the 1814-jubilee, The Foundation for Danish-Norwegian Cooperation, 2011-2014

2012-2014 Member of the Reference Group for Manning the State, the Norwegian Research Council, 2012-2014

2010-2012 Network Coordinator for the Danish 1814-Network, the Danish Research Council 2010-2012.


2024- International Nineteenth-Century Studies Association

2023- Security History Network,

2016- The Nordic 19th Century Research Network

2016- The Danish Nineteenth-Century Research Network

2016- Historisk Samfund for Sønderjylland

2015- Carl Johan Förbundet

2014- The Royal Danish Society for the study of the History

2011- The Society for the Study of Sources

2009- The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism



  • R. Glenthøj & M. Ottosen: Scandinavia and Bismarck, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.
  • R. Glenthøj & M. Ottosen: Scandinavia after Napoleon, Palgrave Macmillan, in press, 2024.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj & Morten N. Ottosen: Union eller undergang. Kampen for et forenet Skandinavien, in Danish (Gads Forlag, 2021), Norwegian (SAP, 2021), and in Swedish (Historiska Media, 2022)
  • Sissel Bjerrum Fossat, Rasmus Glenthøj & Lone Kølle Martinsen (eds.): Konfliktzone Danmark. Stridende fortællinger om dansk historie, Gads Forlag 2018.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj (ed.): Mellem brødre. Dansk-norsk samliv i 600 år, Gads Forlag/Spartacus 2016.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: 1864 – sønner af de slagne, Gads Forlag 2014.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj & Morten Nordhagen Ottosen: Experiences of War and Nationality in Denmark and Norway, 1807-1815, Palgrave Macmillan 2014.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: Skilsmissen. Dansk og norsk identitet før og efter 1814, Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2012.

Articles and Book Chapters

  • R. Glenthøj: ”High Tide of Political Scandinavianism”, R. Hemstad & P. Stadius (eds.): Pan-nationalisms, a Reappraisal: Nordic Experiences in Comparison, 1840–1940, Routledge 2023.
  • R. Glenthøj: ”War Aims: Scandinavia”, M. Broers & P. Dwyer (eds.): The Cambridge History of the Napoleonic Wars, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press 2022.
  • R. Glenthøj: ” The National Past as a Zone of Conflict in Danish History”, S. Krogh, K.L. Grand & T.J. Mednick (eds.): Culture and Conflict. Nation-Building in Denmark and Scandinavia, 1800–1930, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2022.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: ”Pan-Scandinavism and the threshold principle?”, Michael Broers & Ambrogio Caiani (eds.): A History of the European Restorations: Governments, States and Monarchy, Bloomsbury Academic 2020.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: “Krieg, Nationalismus und Demokratisierung im Dänemark des 19. Jahrhunderts. Niedergang des Imperiums und Bildung des Nationalstaates”, Frie, Ewald & Ute Planert (eds.): Revolution, Krieg und die Geburt von Staat und Nation. Staatsbildung in Europa und den Amerikas 1770-1930, Mohr Siebeck 2016.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: “ The History of a Defeat. 1864 and the flagellant tradition of Danish historiography”, Bregnsbo, Michael & Kurt Villads Jensen (eds.): Schleswig Holstein – contested region(s) through history, Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2016.
  • Rasmus Glenthøj: “Denmark and the Napoleonic Wars”, Ute Planert (ed.): Napoleon’s Empire. European Politics in Global Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan 2015.

Research Interests


Period: 1648-1914

Geography: Scandinavia and Europe

Topics: Nationalism, patriotism, war, democratization, constitutional monarchy, absolutism, political history, diplomacy, political culture, historiography, and the politics of history


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