Personal profile


Curriculum Vitae of Per Morgen

Associate professor and Head of Research (Materials-, Energy- and Environmental Research and Education); Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
Tel.: +45 6550 3529 , Fax.: +45 6615 8760

Degrees obtained in Denmark: Cand.scient.(1969), lic.scient.(1978), dr.scient.(1991).

e-mail: [email protected] www:

Per Morgen graduated from Århus University in September of 1969 (Master of Science in Physics and Chemistry, with a project done at the Niels Bohr Institute, Risø, on Nuclear Reaction Spectroscopy of Os, Ir, and Pt nuclei).
In 1970 he was employed as a research assistant at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Institute of Physics, working with computer models of the Bohr-Mottelson Hamiltonian to describe the structures of the nuclei studied in his experimental thesis work, supported in part by a Carlsberg Foundation grant.
On November 1, 1970 he took up the post as professor and later UNESCO associate expert in the Physics Department at the University of Brasilia, Brazil, where he worked with Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance- and Nuclear Quadrupolar Resonance studies of Fe- and other transition metal salts in solution.
In 1973 he returned to Denmark, and got employment at Odense University, where he concluded a Ph.D. in Experimental Surface Science Studies, and published several papers on the nuclear reaction studies initiated during his master’s thesis work. The group in Odense was the first university group in Denmark to create facilities for surface studies with electron spectroscopies under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. At the conclusion of his Ph.D. period he was appointed as associate, tenured professor at Odense University. There he has continued working with a wide range of surface problems, also in areas directly related to technical applications, such as semiconductor surface physics, tribology of lubrication and the running-in-problem of mechanical systems such as gears, and tribology of automotive brake systems. He has since 1991 led the efforts to build-up, through support from public and private funds, and from private instrument donations, a range of mostly ultrahigh vacuum based surface analysis facility now filling four laboratories, for advanced basic studies and for technological investigations, comprising complementary microscopic-, spectroscopic-, and scanning probe tools, utilizing electrons, photons, and ions as probes, and a scanning tunneling microscope facility.

In 1980 he went on a one year sabbatical to Stanford University, hosted by professors W. Spicer and I. Lindau in the Department of Electrical Engineering, to work with semiconductor surfaces and to learn about the applications of these in various devices. During three years, 1983-1986 he was a corresponding scientist at the Physik Department E20, Garching (The Technical University of Munich, Germany), working there with the interactions of oxygen on silicon surfaces.

In 1988 he went on leave to act as Scientific Director of EuroPACE (European Association of Continuing Education) in Paris, and stayed there for three years. He was responsible for the academic content of educational TV programs sent by satellite to companies and universities all over Europe, heading a number of program advisory boards within most of the different subject areas covered, and often acted as a host for live events staged to represent highlights within the subject areas.

After his return to Odense University in 1991, he continued his association with EuroPACE as a consultant for one year, and later took up the role as chairperson for the Scientific and Technology Network under the EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities), a related but purely academic network.

He has been on the board of the Danish Physical Society (as Vice President), and he is a member of the American Vacuum Society. He has been a member of the Study Board of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Study Board of Science, and a member of the educational board of the Physics and Technology School of Engineering.

Together with a colleague, Per Morgen founded the company NanoS ApS, in the Research Park Fyn, in 2001.

Since 2003 Per Morgen has been partner in bi-lateral projects with professor Mohan G. Rao, Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, about thin film growth, surface treatments, and applications. He is now on a permanent base a visiting professor at IISc, Bangalore, with visits to Bangalore in 2005 and 2008 and one month foreseen in 2009.

From 2002 to 2006 he was acting Head of the Physics Department, during a difficult period with heavy changes in infrastructure, integration of new groups and activities, and last-but not least- the merger of the former Departments of Physics and Chemistry. In 2006 he became Head of Research in Materials-, Energy- and Environmental Studies in the newly established Department of Physics and Chemistry as part of the direction of the institute.

His interests include basic research, technological developments, and the exposition of scientific and technological progress to the public. He has authored several instructional CD-ROM’s, and translated a book about nanotechnology from German to Danish, has written papers and book chapters about open and distance education, and is very active as a presenter and facilitator of science to the public. He has been on the educational board of Folkeuniversitetet, and arranged and given several lectures in this activity. He has participated in a EU LEONARDO project to facilitate access to processes and analytical equipment via the Interned, called, from 2004 to 2007.

Per Morgen’s research activities currently include
• surface properties and reactions of silicon and silicon carbide surfaces
• thin- and ultra thin films grown with atomic control on silicon and silicon carbide surfaces (with Scandinavian partners)
• nanostructured (porous) template materials (Al2O3) and their applications
• instrumentation of new analytical methods for nanostructural investigations (FINST innovation consortium, 2007-2009)
• deployment of imbedded or surface attached nanoparticles for a wide range of new applications such as solar cells, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, surface antiseptics, and water cleaning purposes (with the Technical Faculty, SDU)
• polymer surfaces and plasma conditioning for their application in intra-ocular lenses (polymer research group, Risø, DTU, and IISc, Bangalore and Madurai Eye Hospital, India)
• search for new materials for batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen storage (IISc, Bangalore, India)
• the use of synchrotron radiation for surface studies ( ASTRID, Aarhus University and Institute of Physics and Nanotechnology, Aalborg)

PM has been teaching courses in all basic disciplines of classical physics and a course in biophysics, as well as advanced courses on materials and techniques for analysis of these.

PM has authored more than 100 papers, CD-ROMs and book chapters, ranging in subjects from basic nuclear science to nanoelectronics issues, technological and didactic issues, and has used modern technology as much as possible in his teaching and presentations. He has supervised numerous bachelor’s and master’s projects in Denmark and in Brazil, and four Ph.D. projects in Denmark, and co-supervised one Ph.D. project at Stanford. He has been an examiner of Doctoral Dissertations in Israel, Sweden and India and of several Ph.D. theses in Denmark. He has also been invited speaker at many international conferences.

He is a regular referee of Physical Review, Surface Science, Applied Physics, Institute of Physics Journals, and of research proposals for the Finnish Research Council and Dutch Foundations for bilateral exchange with Indonesia.

PM has recently been invited by the Japanese Research Foundation to visit the Spring8 synchrotron radiation facility near Osaka in December of 2008, to participate in two experimental rounds with Japanese scientists, regarding the nitrogen interaction with Al surfaces.

Research Interests

Per Morgen’s research activities are based on experimental surface analytical and microscopic methods to study 
• surface properties and reactions of silicon and silicon carbide surfaces
• thin- and ultra thin films grown with atomic control on silicon and silicon carbide surfaces (with Scandinavian partners)
• nanostructured (porous) template materials (Al2O3) and their applications (with the technical faculty)
• instrumentation of new analytical methods for nanostructural investigations (FINST innovation consortium, 2007-2009)
• deployment of imbedded or surface attached nanoparticles for a wide range of new applications such as solar cells, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, surface antiseptics, and water cleaning purposes (with the technical faculty, SDU)
• polymer surfaces and plasma conditioning for their application in intra-ocular lenses (polymer research group, Risø, DTU, and IISc, Bangalore and Madurai Eye Hospital, India)
• search for new materials for batteries, fuel cells and hydrogen storage (IISc, Bangalore, India and the technical faculty)
• the use of synchrotron radiation for surface studies ( ASTRID, Aarhus University, Institute of Physics and Nanotechnology, Aalborg, SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan)

Current external positions

Visiting professor, Indian Institute of Science


Videnskabelig direktør, EuroPACE

1. Sept 198831. Aug 1991


  • Fuel Cells
  • Semiconductor Physics
  • Catalysis
  • Solar Cells
  • Solids physics
  • Nanoscience and nanotechnology
  • Functional nanomaterials


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