Personal profile

Research Interests

Research area

The variety of life histories displayed by the world’s animals and plants has fascinated scientists for centuries. Some organisms have short lives, while others have long lives. Some reproduce abundantly, while others produce fewer offspring. Some can enter dormancy of some kind, while others can not. Some are caring parents, or are highly social, while others are not.

My research area is centred on understanding the patterns, causes, and consequences of this variation across the tree of life and in different environments.

Education/Academic qualification

Biology, PhD, Imperial College London

Award Date: 1. Jun 2004

Ecology, MSc, University of Aberdeen

Award Date: 1. Sept 1998

Biology, BSc, University of York

Award Date: 1. Jun 1997


  • Biodiversity
  • Evolution
  • Conservation
  • Population biology


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  • Cozzarelli Prize

    Colchero, F. (Recipient), Rau, R. (Recipient), Jones, O. (Recipient), Barthold, J. A. (Recipient), Conde, D. A. (Recipient), Lenart, A. (Recipient), Nemeth, L. (Recipient), Scheuerlein, A. (Recipient), Schöley, J. (Recipient), Torres, C. (Recipient), Zarulli, V. (Recipient), Altmann, J. (Recipient), Brockman, D. K. (Recipient), Bronikowski, A. M. (Recipient), Fedigan, L. M. (Recipient), Pusey, A. E. (Recipient), Stoinski, T. S. (Recipient), Strier, K. B. (Recipient), Baudisch, A. (Recipient), Alberts, S. C. (Recipient) & Vaupel, J. W. (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Prizes, scholarships, distinctions