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Seksuel Selektion, et foredrag i Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
11. Oct 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Animal Sound Communication: Source-Path-Receiver. Departmental talk University of Wageningen, The Netherlands
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
5. Sept 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Opponent at a thesis defense at the University of Torino, Italy: Marco Banto: Cetacean diversity off Grande Comore (Mozambique Channel): linking biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Union of Comoros
Larsen, O. N. (Other)
10. Feb 2016 → 13. Feb 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Cormorant hearing under water
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
13. Oct 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
File -
Call transmission advantage for parrots at dawn in tropical dry forest ?
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
7. Sept 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Cave crawling in the zebra finch skull: what is the functional interaural canal?
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
24. Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Proximal Mechanisms for Song Production in Male Pacific Walus
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
30. May 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Inviteret foredrag: Proximal mechanisms for sound production in male Pacific walruses
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
10. Oct 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Invited talk: Environmental Acoustics -Basic Principles
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
13. Sept 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Deltagelse med foredrag i arrangement i forbindelse med uddeling af ”The Eric Kandel Young Neuroscientists’ Price 2011”: Laudatory Address for Henrik Østergaard Mouritsen
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
1. Jun 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Making sense of birdsong (invited talk at Gurukula Kangri University, Haridwar, India)
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
14. Dec 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Directional hearing: an aspect of sensory ecology (invited talk at Center for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science)
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
27. Oct 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Bioacoustics: Making Sense of Sound (Invited presentation)
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
5. Oct 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kan fugle ekkolokalisere?
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
1. Jul 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Den ph.d.-studerendes udfordringer set fra vejlederperspektiv (inviteret foredragsholder til workshop om PhD-coaching)
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
22. Apr 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fuglesangens bioakustik (inviteret foredragsholder)
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
18. Apr 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Do flight calls influence orientation of night-migrating birds?
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
18. Sept 2009Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Echolocating birds
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
14. Mar 2009Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fuglesang og kommunikation
Larsen, O. N. (Lecturer)
19. Nov 2007Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies