6 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Niels Christian Petersen with the persons below:
Konstantin Pavlikov
- Department of Business & Management (DBM)
- Strategic Organization Design (SOD) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Ole Bent Olesen
- Department of Business & Management (DBM)
- Strategic Organization Design (SOD) - Professor Emeritus
Person: VIP
Troels Martin Range
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Emergency Medicine (Odense) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Mai Louati
- Department of Business & Management (DBM)
- Consumption, Culture and Commerce (CCC) - Research Assistant
Person: VIP
Qiang Guo
- Department of Business & Management (DBM)
- Accounting (ACCT) - Associate Professor
Person: VIP