Research output per year
Research output per year
dr.merc. & lic.oecon.
Niels Chr. Petersen, Professor
Department of Health Economics
University of Southern Denmark
J.B. Winsløwsvej 9, 1., DK-5000 Odense C, Denmark
Tel. +45 6550 3644, Fax. +45 6550 3880
email: [email protected]
1977 Arkitekt, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København
1983 Cand.rer.soc., Odense Universitet
1983-85 Licentiatstuderende, Odense Universitet.
Akademiske grader.
1988 Den økonomiske licentiatgrad. Title: The Unemployment Health Relationship - a theoretical and empirical investigation
2000 Dr.merc. Title: The embedding of flow formulations of the TSP and some of its extensions into Benders' decomposition algorithm ¬a practical approach for the solution of the TSP and a class of related routing problems to optimality in GAMS
1989 Den Fynske Erhvervsfonds hæderspris
1992 STATOILs forskningspris
1996 Sammen med Lektor Ole B. Olesen, SDU, Odense, modtaget kr. 200.000 fra Albanifonden til medfinansiering af en UNIX-computer.
Primære ansættelser:
1977-81 Forskningsmedarbejder, BSA, Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København.
1983-85 Kandidatstipendiat, Institut for Økonomi, Odense Universitet.
1985-88 Adjunkt, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse, Odense Universitet.
1988-02 Lektor, Inst. for Virksomhedsledelse, Odense Universitet, Inst. for Ledelse og Organisation, SDU, Odense
2002-08 Professor, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi, SDU, Odense
2005-08 Institutleder, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Økonomi, SDU, Odense
2008- Professor, Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning, SDU, Odense
Videnskabelige arbejder:
N.C. Petersen: 1983 "A Note on the Demand Side in Models with Benefit and Tax Share Discrimination by Monopoly Bureaus", Occasional Papers No. 5/1983, Department of Public Finance and Policy, Odense University
N.C. Petersen: 1984 "Demand for Health and Preventive Care", Rapportserien No. 6/1984, Laboratoriet for Samfundsmedicinsk og Sundhedsøkonomisk Forskning, Odense Universitet
N.C. Petersen: 1986 "A Public Choice Analysis of Parallel Public-Private Provision of Health Care", in "Public & Private Health Services" ed. by A.J. Culyer & Bengt Jönsson, Blackwell
Pedersen, P. B., O.B. Olesen og N. C. Petersen: 1987 "Produktivitetsevaluering af 96 Danske Sygehuse - en præsentation af DEA-metoden og et eksempel pa dens anvendelse", Ledelse og Erhversøkonomi No. 2 1987.
N.C. Petersen: 1988 "The Unemployment-Health Relationship - a theoretical and empirical investigation", licentiatafhandling, Odense Universitet
Andersen, P. og N.C. Petersen: 1989 "En procedure for rangordning af efficiente enheder i DEA", Occasional Papers no. 2/1989, Økonomisk Institut, Odense Universitet.
Andersen, P. and N. C. Petersen: 1989 "A Procedure for Ranking Efficient Units in DEA", Skrifter fra Institut for Virksomhedsledelse No. 11/1989, Odense Universitet, Danmark.
N. C. Petersen: 1989 "Anvendelse af DEA til produktivitetsevaluering af danske toldkamre", Skrifter fra Institut for Virksomhedsledelse No. 4/1989, Odense Universitet, Danmark.
O. B. Olesen & N.C. Petersen: 1989 "Chance Constrained Efficiency Evaluation", Publications from Department of Management, Odense University, Denmark, No. 9/1989
N. C. Petersen: 1990 "A Note on the Relationship between the DEA and the Russell Input Efficiency Index". Skrifter fra Institut for Virksomhedsledelse No. 3/1990, Odense Universitet, Danmark.
N.C. Petersen: 1990 "Data Envelopment Analysis on a Relaxed Set of Assumptions", Management Science, Vol. 36
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1991 "Collinearity in Data Envelopment Analysis - An extended Facet Approach", Publications from Department of Management No. 1/1991, Odense University, Denmark .
Andersen, P. & N.C. Petersen: 1993 "A Procedure for ranking efficient units in DEA", Management Science, Vol. 39.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1993 "Incorporating Quality into Data Envelopment Analysis: A Stochastic Dominance Approach". Publications from Department of Management, Odense University, Denmark, No. 2, 1993.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1993 "Indicators of Ill-conditioned Data Sets and Model Misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis: Aggregation as a Potential Remedy", Publications from Department of Management, Odense University, DK. No. 3, 1993
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1994 "A Presentation of GAMS for DEA " Publications from Department of Management, Odense University, Denmark, No. 1, 1994.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1995 "A Presentation of GAMS for DEA ", Computers and Operations Reseach , No. 4, 1996.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1995 "Chance Constrained Efficiency Evaluation ". Management Science, Vol 41. No. 3, p. 421-452.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1995 "Incorporating Quality into Data Envelopment Analysis: A Stochastic Dominance Approach", International Journal of Production Economics, Vol 39, p. 117-135.
Olesen, O.B. & N.C. Petersen: 1995 "Anvendelse af DEA til produktivitetsevaluering af folkeskoler i Danmark", DORS-nyt 103-4
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1996 "Indicators of Ill-conditioned Data Sets and Model Misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis: An Extended Facet Approach", Management Science, Vol. 42.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1996 "Probabilistic Bounds on the Virtual Multipliers in Data Envelopment Analysis. Part 1: Polyhedral Cone Constraints", Publications from Department of Management, Odense University
Lovell, C.A.K., O.B.Olesen & N.C. Petersen: 1996 "Editors' Introduction", Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 7.
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1998 "Foundations of Chance Constrained Data Envelopment Analysis for Pareto-Koopmann Efficient Production Possibility Sets" , Publications from Department of Management, Odense University
Olesen, O. B. & N.C. Petersen: 1999 "Probabilistic Bounds on the Virtual Multipliers in Data Envelopment Analysis: Polyhedral Cone Constraints", Journal of Productivity Analysis vol. 12, pp. 103-33
Olesen, O. B. and N. C. Petersen: 1999 "Måling af sygehusets produktivitet", Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
Olesen, O. B. and N. C. Petersen: 1999 "Foundation of chance constrained DEA for Pareto-Koopmans efficient production possibility sets", Proceedings from International DEA Symposium 2000, Measurement and improvement in the 21st Century, 2-4 July, Brisbane: The University of Queensland, Australia, 313-49.
N.C. Petersen: 2000,"The embedding of flow formulations of the TSP and ome of its extensions into Benders' decomposition algorithm: A practical approach for the solution of the TSP and a class of related routing problems in GAMS", doktordisputats, SDU, Odense
N.C. Petersen: 2000 "Extensions of a two-commodity flow formulation for the symmetric TSP", working paper.
N.C. Petersen: 2000 "A comment on: Lower Bound Restrictions on Intensities in Data Envelopment Analysis by Bouhnik et al.", Journal of Productivity Analysis vol. 16, 2001
Beltov, T., S. Jørgensen, C. Larsen, O.B. Olesen & N.C. Petersen: 2001 "Introduktion til produktion, logistik og optimering." Odense Universitetsforlag.
Olesen, O.B. & N.C. Petersen: 2002 "The use of Data Envelopment Analysis with Probabilistic Assurance Regions for Merasuring Hospital Efficiency", Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 17, 2002
Beltov, T. & N.C. Petersen: 2002 "Planning of School Districts - a combinatorial optimization model for the solution of a school district planning problem in a Danish municipality, submitted to EJOR
Olesen, O.B. & N.C. Petersen: 2003 "Identification and use of efficient faces and facets in DEA", Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 20, pp. 323-360.
Olesen, O.B. & N.C. Petersen: 2003, "Introduction", Journal of Productivity Analysis, Vol. 20, pp. 337-341.
Fields of interest:
Productivity Analysis
Data Envelopment Analysis
Management Science
Operations Research
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Research output: Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Petersen, N. C. (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Petersen, N. C. (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Petersen, N. C. (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Petersen, N. C. (Chairman)
Activity: Membership › Membership of research networks or expert groups
Petersen, N. C. (Lecturer)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Petersen, N. C. (Coordinator)
01/01/2010 → 31/10/2015
Project: Research
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Press / Media
He, Y., Olesen, O. B. & Petersen, N. C. 01/09/2019 → 31/12/2020 |
Course: Teaching
He, Y., Olesen, O. B. & Petersen, N. C. 01/09/2019 → 31/12/2020 |
Course: Teaching
Olesen, O. B. 01/02/2015 → 30/06/2018 |
Course: Teaching