Personal profile



Lis Wagner
Professor, forskningsleder
Enheden for Sygeplejeforskning
Klinisk Institut
Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Syddansk Universitet
Campusvej 55
DK-5230 Odense M

Titel: Dr.PH (Doctor of Public Health)
Arbejdstlf.: +45 6550 4033
Mobil: +45 6011 4033
Email: [email protected]

Sundhedsplejerske og Doktor i folkesundhedsvidenskab fra Nordiska Helsovårdshøgskolan i Gøteborg, Sverige, 1994.

Ansættelser fra 1984
1984-87  Projektleder i Skævinge Kommune.
1988-92  Projektleder i Græsted-Gilleleje kommune.
1987-94  Forskningsmedarbejder, Københavns Universitet, afdelingen for social medicin.
1994-97  Seniorforsker, Institut for Sundhedsvæsen (DSI).
1997-04  Seniorforsker. Universitetshospitalernes Center for Sygepleje- og omsorgsforskning.
1999-01  Ekstern lektor ved Syddansk Universitet, Master of Public Health uddannelsen.
2003-05  Lektor ved Institut for Sygeplejevidenskab, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, AU.
2003-05  Lis Wagner Consult (eget firma).
2004-06  Regional Advisor for Nursing and Midwifery, World Health Organisation (WHO) European Region.
2005-       Professor og forskningsleder ved Enheden for Sygeplejeforskning, Klinisk Institut, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet. 

2005 Docent ved Nordiska Helsovårdshøgskolan i Gøteborg, Sverige.

2007 Æresbevis ved Tokyo Society of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Japan.

Selskaber og udvalgsposter
2008-13  InterLinks: 'EU Seventh Research Framework Programme Health systems and Long-Term Care for older people in Europe: Modeling the interfaces and links between prevention, rehabilitation, quality of services and informal care'.
2007-      Global Advisory Group, Nursing and Midwifery, WHO, Geneva.

2010-       Novo Nordisk Fonden, udvalget for Sygeplejeforskning.
2010-       Medlem af styregruppen for Den Ældre Medicinske Patient, Sundhedsstyrelsen.
2007-       Formand for Bibliometri faggruppe vedrørende Sygepleje, Forsknings- og
2007-       Dansk Selskab for Folkesundhed.
2007-       Dansk Selskab for Sygeplejeforsknings Forskningsfond.
2007-       Dansk Sygeplejehistorisk Selskab.
2007-       Fagligt Selskab for Geriatrisk og gerontologisk sygepleje.
2006-       Forskningsrådet, Odense Universitets Hospital (OUH).
2006-       Styregruppe for forebyggelse og sundhedsfremme, HC. Andersen Børnehospital, OUH.
2006-       Netværket: Folkesundhed og sundhedstjenesteforskning, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU.
2005-       Dansk Gerontologisk Selskab.

Opponent opgaver
20. september 2012
Marianne Mahler: 'At holde balance. - Betingelser for og perspektiver i forhold til forebyggelse af fald blandt gamle mennesker' (Nordic School of Public Health (NHV) Gøteborg, Sweden).

10. april 2012
Rikke Juul Dalsted: 'Patient trajectory as idea and Practice a Sociological analysis of canser and Care in Denmark'. (KU/Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences).

4. november
Tom Møller: 'Individualized supervised patient education - a key role in reinforcement of infection protection and outpatient management of acute leukemia'. (KU/Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences).

Januar 2007
Andreas Buscher: 'Negotiating helpful action. A substantive theory on relationship between formal and informal care'. (University of Tampere, Finland).

10. maj 2001
Pia Knudsen: 'The experience of younger women with SSRI antidepressants - a user perspective'. (KU/Department of Social Pharmacy) / hovedvejleder
Hovedvejleder på følgende Ph.d.-studier indskrevet ved Enheden for Sygeplejeforskning, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, SDU. Alle oplysninger om projekterne kan findes på

1. Klinisk sygeplejelærer, MLP Lars Thrysøe, Kardiologiskafdeling B og Enheden for Grunduddannelser, OUH. 
'At blive og at være sygeplejerske'. (Forsvaret 2010).

2. Sygeplejerske, MLP, cand.cur. Mette Kjerholt, Amtssygehuset i Gentofte.
'Kommunikation om ældre kroniske medicinske patienter'. (Forsvaret 2011).

3. Sygeplejerske, MA Thora Grothe Thomsen, Bispebjerg Hospital.
'Alvorligt kræftsyge patienters mestring og rehabilitering – i samspillet med professionelle og pårørende'. (Forsvaret 2010).

4. Sygeplejerske, MPH Poul Bruun, Sygeplejeskolen Vejle. Region Syddanmark. 
'Familiens oplevelse af samlivet med en prostatacancerramt mand'. (Forsvaret 2010).

5. Sygeplejerske, MPH Anne Brødsgaard, Børneafdelingen, Hvidovre Hospital.
'Forskelle i livsforløbet for overvægtige og ikke overvægtige 7-8-årige børn, med fokus på relation mellem mor og barn, handlekompetence og sundhedsadfærd'. (Forsvaret 2011).

6. Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.soc. Lene Bjerregaard, Børneafdelingen, OUH.
'Alkoholvaner hos forældre til børn indlagt på hospital'. (Forsvaret 2011).

7. Sygeplejerske, cand.cur. Elizabeth Rosted, Medicinsk Afd., Amager Hospital.
'Sygepleje intervention til geriatriske patienter der udskrives fra akut medicinsk modtageafdeling - En randomiseret kontrolleret undersøgelse'. (Forsvaret 2012).

8. Sygeplejerske, cand.cur. Lisbeth Sølver, Kirurgisk Afd., Bispebjerg Hospital.
'Faktorer af betydning for kontinuitet og forebyggelse af uhensigtsmæssige indlæggelser i det basale palliative patientforløb, belyst ud fra et patientperspektiv'. (Indleveret).

9. Sygeplejerske (RN), cand.cur. Dorthe Boe Danbjørg, Gyn. Obs. Afd., OUH Svendborg.
'Telemedicin - en mulighed til kvinder, der føder ambulant? Et aktionsforskningsprojekt'. / projekt- og medvejleder
10. Sygeplejerske, MPH Bente Høy, Institut for Sygeplejevidenskab, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige fakultet, AAU (Århus Universitet).
'Sundhedsfremmende sygepleje. En kvalitativ undersøgelse af sundhedsfremme som tilgang i klinisk sygepleje til sårbare ældre'. (Forsvaret 2007).

11. Fysioterapeut Lisbeth Minet, Forsknings- og MTV Afd., OUH.
'Kan en adfærdsmodificerende livsstilsintervention øge egenomsorgen og effekten af diabetesbehandling hos kroniske syge patienter med type 2diabetes? - en undersøgelse af effekten af en forebyggende og sundhedsfremmende behandling af type 2 diabetes inden for hospitalssektoren'. (Forsvaret 2011).

12. Sygeplejerske, MHH Jette Primdahl, Kong Christian den X’s Gigthospital, og Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning, SDU.
'Betydning af ’self-efficacy’ hos patienter med reumatoid artrit målt ved en dansk oversættelse af RASE set i forhold til patientundervisning i ’self management’ samt tre forskellige typer organisering af den ambulante opfølgning'. (Forsvaret 2011).

13. Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san. Marianne Thygesen, Gynækologisk/Obstetrisk Afd., OUH.
'Forløbsvejlederes betydning for kvindelige kræftpatienters forløb'. (Forsvaret 2011).

14. Sygeplejerske, cand.scient.san. Karin Dieperink, Onkologisk Afd., OUH.
'En ny hverdag. Rehabilitering og mestring af senfølger efter kurative stålebehandling for prostatacancer'. (Indleveret marts 2013).

Videnskabelige publikationer
H-index: 8

Billings J, Leichsenring K, Wagner L. 'Addressing Long-Term Care as a System – Objectives and Methods of Study'. I: Chapter 1: Long-Term Care in Europe – Improving Policy and Practice. Leichsenring K, Billings J & Nies H (eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013:3-18 .

Kümpers S, Ruppe G, Wagner L, Dieterich A. 'Prevention and Rehabilitation within Long-Term Care: Applying a Comprehensive Perspective'. I: Chapter 7, part III . Long-Term Care in Europe – Improving Policy and Practice. Leichsenring K, Billings J & Nies H (eds.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013:143-166.

Kjerholt M, Wagner L, Delmar C, Clemensen J, Lindhardt T. 'Conditions for continuity in care trajectories of chronically ill patients in an acute medical ward'. International Journal of Older People Nursing Studies. 2013. (Accepted for print).

Dieperink KB, Wagner L, Hansen S, Hansen O. 'Embracing life after Prostate Cancer – A male perspective of treatment and rehabilitation'. 2013. (Accepted for print).

Bjerregaard L, Rubak S, Høst A, Wagner L. 'Alcohol Consumption Patterns Among Parents of Hospitalized Children: Findings from a Brief Intervention Study'. I: International Nursing Review 2012;59:132-138.

Dieperink KB, Hansen S, Wagner L, Johansen C, Andersen K, Hansen O. 'Living Alone, Obesity and Smoking: Important Factors for Quality of Life after Radiotherapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer'. I: Acta Oncologica. 2012;51:722-729. 

Hounsgaard L, Pedersen BD, Wagner L. 'Hverdagslivet som uformel omsorgsudøver med en partner med Parkinsons sygdom: en interviewundersøgelse af kvinders erfaringer med omsorg og livskvalitet'. I: Sygeplejersken, Videnskab og Sygepleje. 2012;112(11); s.68-76. (Sekundær artikel).

Primdahl J, Holst R, Wagner L, Hørslev-Petersen K. 'The Impact on Self-efficacy on Different Types of Follow-up Care and Disease Status in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis - a Randomised Trial'. I: Patient Education and Counseling. 2012;88:121-128.

Rosted EE, Wagner L, Ingrid Poulsen, Hendriksen C. 'Geriatric Nursing Assessment and Intervention in an Emergency Department – a Pilot Study'. I: International Journal of Older People Nursing. 2012;7(2):141-151.

Sølver L, Østergaard B, Rydahl Hansen S & Wagner L. 'Advanced Cancer Patients’ Self-assessed Physical and Emotional Problems on Admission and Discharge from Hospital General Ward - a Questionnaire Study'. I: European Journal of Cancer Care. 2012;21(5):667-676. 

Sølver L, Oestergaard B, Rydahl-Hansen S, Wagner L. 'Advanced Cancer Patients’ Self-assessed Physical and Emotional Problems on Admission and on Discharge from Hospital General Wards - A Questionnaire Study'. I: Palliative Medicine. 2012, 26(4), (suppl.1).

Thomsen TG, Rydahl Hansen S, Wagner L. 'Prioritizing, Downplaying and Self-preservation: Processes Significant to Coping in Advanced Cancer Patients'. I: Open Journal of Nursing. 2012;2:48-57. 

Thrysøe L, Hounsgaard L, Dohn NB, Wagner L. 'Newly Qualified Nurses — Experiences of Interaction with Members of a Community: Nyuddannede sygeplejersker - erfaringer med interaktion med medlemmer af praksisfællesskaber'. I: Nurse Education Today. 2012;32:551-555. 

Thygesen MK, Pedersen BD, Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O. 'Gynecological Cancer Patients’ Differentiated use of Help from a Nurse Navigator: a Qualitative Study'. I: BMC Health Services Research. 2012:12.

Østergaard B, Barington T, Knudsen MP, Pedersen KS, Videbæk L, Wagner L. 'Family Focused Nursing for Outpatients with Heart Failure - a Randomized Multicenter Trial'. I: European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2012;11 (Suppl. 1); s.32.


Andres E, Larsen BM, Wagner L. ‘Kliniske vejlederes muligheder for tilegnelse af evidensbaseret viden: - en pilottest af et interventionsprogram for kliniske vejledere’. I: Klinisk Sygepleje. 2011;25(4):48-61.

Bjerregaard LBL, Gerke O, Rubak SLM, Høst A, Wagner L. 'Identifying parents with risky alcohol consumption habits in a pediatric unit- are screening and brief intervention appropriate methods?' I: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2011;25(2):383-393.

Bjerregaard LBL, Rubak SLM, Høst A, Wagner L. 'Alcohol Consumption patterns among parents of hospitalized children: Findings from a brief intervention study'. I: Netpublikation 17. nov. 2011.

Brødsgaard A, Wagner L, Peitersen B, Poulsen I, Sørensen TI. 'Child overweight - mothers’ competence to take action'. I: Obesity Facts. 2011;4(4):305-311.

Brødsgaard A, Wagner L, Peitersen B, Poulsen I, Sørensen TI. 'Maternal and child awareness and expectations of child overweight'. I: Obesity Facts. 2011;4(4):297-304.

Bruun P, Pedersen BD, Osther PJ, Wagner L. 'The lonely female partner: A central aspect of prostate cancer'. I: Urologic Nursing. 2011;31(5):294-299.

Dieperink K, Wagner L, Hansen S, Hansen O. 'En ny hverdag: - efter strålebehandling for prostatacancer'. I: Best Practice Onkologie. 2011;3:10-13.

Hallett C, Wagner L. 'Promoting the health of Europeans in a rapidly changing world: a historical study of the implementation of World Health Organisation policies by the Nursing and Midwifery Unit, European Regional Office, 1970-2003'. I: Nursing Inquiry. 2011;18(4), 359-368.

Hounsgaard L, Pedersen BD, Wagner L. 'The daily living for informal caregivers with a partner with Parkinson’s disease: - An interview study of women´s experiences of care decisions and self-management'. I: Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness. 2011;3(4):504-512.

Primdahl J, Wagner L, Hørslev-Petersen K. 'Self-efficacy as an outcome measure and its association with physical disease-related variables in persons with rheumatoid arthritis - a literature review'. I: Musculoskeletal Care. 2011;9(3):125-140.

Primdahl J, Wagner L, Hørslev-Petersen K. 'Being an Outpatient with rheumatoid arthritis - a focus group study on patients self-efficacy and experiences from participation in a short course and one of three different outpatients settings'. I: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2011;25:394-403.

Primdahl J, Wagner L, Hørslev-Petersen K. 'The organization of follow-up for outpatients with rheumatoid affects satisfaction and confidence but not disease activity, disability, pain or fatique'. I: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2011;9(3):749.

Rosenbek Minet LK, Lønvig E, Henriksen JE, Wagner L. 'The experience of living with diabetes following a self-management program based on motivational interviewing'. I: Qualitative Health Research. 2011;21(8):1115-1126.

Rosenbek Minet LK, Wagner L, Lønvig EM, Hjelmborg J, Henriksen JE. 'The effect of motivational interviewing on glycemic control and perceived competence of diabetes self-management in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus after attending a group education programme: a randomised controlled trial'. I: Diabetologia. 2011;54(7):1620-1629.

Thomsen TG, Hansen SR, Wagner L. 'How to be a patient in a palliative life experience? A qualitative study to enhance knowledge about coping abilities in advanced cancer patients'. I: Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2011;29(3):254-273.

Thrysøe L, Hounsgaard L, Dohn NB, Wagner L. 'Expectations of becoming a nurse and experiences on being a nurse'. I: Vaard i Norden. 2011;31/101(3):15-19.

Thygesen MK, Pedersen BD, Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O. 'Benefits and challenges perceived by patients with cancer when offered a nurse navigator'. I: International Journal of Integrated Care. 2011;11:130-142.

Thygesen MK, Pedersen BD, Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O. 'Utilizing a New Graphical Elicitation Technique to Collect Emotional Narratives Descreibing Disease Trajectories'. I: The Qualitative Report. 2011;16(2): 596-608.

Zaiton H, Martinussen T, Hounsgaard L, Pedersen BD, Campbell L, Wagner L. 'Can Protocolised Weaning Applied in Denmark Transfer to Egyptian Intensive Care Units? A Comparative Study'. I: University of Cairo 01-09-2011 Faculty of Medicine. I: Medical Journal. 2011;78(1);337-342.

The INTERLINKS Model - 'Report on themes, sub-themes, key issues and the template to describe and analyse long-term care' (Working Paper #10). Jenny Billings, Lorna Campbell, Jon Glasby, Susanne Kümpers, Kai Leichsenring, Gunnar Ljunggren, Michel Naiditch, Henk Nies Georg Ruppe, Karin Stiehr, Judy Triantafillou, Lis Wagner, (with inputs from all INTERLINKS partners and members of National Expert Panels). March 2011 (21 pages).

INTERLINKS - 'Governance and finance of long-term care across Europe' (Work Package #6). Kerry Allen, Rastislav Bednárik, Lorna Campbell, Elisabeth Hirsch Durrett, Thomas Emilsson, Jon Glasby, Pierre Gobet, Georgios Kagialaris, Jan Klavus, Susanne Kuempers, Kai Leichsenring, Gunnar Ljunggren, Tasos Mastroyiannakis, Satu Meriläinen, Michel Naiditch, Henk Nies, Marion Repetti, Kvetoslava Repkova, Ricardo Rodrigues, Karin Stiehr, Roelf van der Veen, Lis Wagner, Barbara Weigl. April 2011 (87 pages).

INTERLINKS - 'Framework for LTC. Themes, sub-themes, key issues and the template to describe and analyse long-term care' (Working Paper #10). Jenny Billings, Kai Leichsenring, Jon Glasby, Susanne Kümpers, Kerry Allen, Michel Naiditch, Henk Nies, Georg Ruppe, Karin Stiehr, Judy Triantafillou, Lis Wagner (with inputs from all INTERLINKS partners, members of National Expert Panels and the European Sounding Board). November 2011 (27 pages).


Bruun P, Pedersen BD, Osther PJS, Wagner L. 'Prostate cancer - friend or enemy. Part one, the son'. I: International Journal of Urological Nursing. 2010;4(2):62-69.

Bruun P, Pedersen BD, Osther PJS, Wagner L 'Prostate cancer - friend or enemy. Part two, the daughter'. I: International Journal of Urological Nursing. 2010;4(3):111-117.

Bruun Poul, Pedersen BD, Osther PJS, Wagner L. 'Living with Prostate Cancer. - A critical review of relatives experiences'. I: International Journal of Urological Nursing. 2010;4(2):53-56.

Minet L, Møller S, Vach W, Wagner L, Henriksen JE. 'Mediating the effect of self-care management intervention in type 2 diabetes: A meta-analysis of 47 randomised controlled trials'. I: Patient Education and Counselling. 2010;80(1):29-41.

Primdahl J, Wagner L, Hørslev-Petersen K. 'Self-efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis: translation and test of validity, reliability and sensitivity of the Danish version of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Self- Efficacy Questionnaire (RASE)'. I: Musculoskeletal Care. 2010;8(3): 123-135.

Thomsen TG, Rydahl-Hansen S, Wagner L. 'A review of potential factors relevant to coping in patients with advanced cancer'. I: Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2010;19(23-24):3410-3426.

Thrysøe L, Hounsgaard L, Dohn NB, Wagner L. 'Participating in a community of practice as a prerequisite for becoming a nurse - Trajectories as final year nursing students'. I: Nurse Education in Practice. 2010;10:361-366.

Zaiton H, Martinussen T, Hounsgaard L, Pedersen BD, Campbell L, Wagner L. 'Can Protocolised Weaning Applied in Denmark Transfer to Egyptian Intensive Care Units? A Comparative Study'. I: The Medical Journal of Cairo University. 2010;78(1):337-342. 
Campbell L, Wagner L. 'Governance and financing of long-term care: 'National report Denmark WP6'. Eu Projekt InterLinks. European Centre for Social Welfare and Research. Marts 2010:43 sider.

Ernest & Young Global Limited (medforfatter Wagner L). 'Intergrated end-user-centrix remote care: Enabling cost-effecient health care delivery while empovering the patient and creating business opportunities for providers across the value chain'. Eidissen W. (red.). Oc300001 udg.: Ernst & Young LLP. Januar 2010:47 sider.

Kumpers S, Allen K, Campbell L, Dieterich A, Glasby J, Kagialaris G, Mastreoyiannakis T, Pokrajac T, Ruppe G, Turk E, Van der Veen R, Wagner L. 'Prevention and Rehabilitation within Long Term Care across Europe: European Overview Paper'. European Centre for Social Welfare and Research. 2010:43 sider.


INTERLINKS -'Danish National Report on Prevention and Rehabilitation for older people in Long-Term Care'. Unpublished report. Campbell L, Wagner L. Sep. 2009:25 sider.

WHO report - 'Scaling up the capacity of nursing and midwifery services to contribute to the achievement of the MDG’s: 11’th meeting of the Global Advisory Group for Nursing and Midwifery development'. Wagner L et al. Marts 2009. 34 sider.

Bjørn A, Hundrup YA, Wagner L. 'Doctoral prepared nurses in Denmark and their scientific production between 1976 and 2005'. I: International Nursing Review. 2008;55:227-233.

Schou L, Østergaard B, Zwisler AD, Wagner L. 'Women’s experiences with cardiac rehabilitation – participation and non-participation'. I: Vård i Norden. 4/2008;28(90):24-28.

Wagner L, Svanekier IV. ’Pleje’. I: 'Trivsel i plejeboligen: En antologi om trivselsfaktorer i plejeboliger'. Møller K, Knudstrup M-A (red.). Syddansk Universitets-forlag. 2008:75-84.

Abou-Youssef E, Al Maaitah R, Chan LSE, Chibuye P, Diallo A, Gumbi R, Kumar TD, Manfredi M, Stowers P, Wagner L. 'Scaling up the capacity of nursing and midwifery services to contribute to the achievement of the MDGs: 11th Meeting of the Global Advisory Group for Nursing and Midwifery Development'. 1. udg. World Health Organization. October 2008.

Yan J, Beck D-M, Wagner L, Sivertsen B, Allen T, Villemim M, Kines A, Kines D. Video: 'Keep on Caring'. Celebration at the WHO 60th and the Alma Ata 30th anniversary, Primary Healthcare History Taskforce. May 2008.


Høy B, Wagner L, Hall EO 'The elderly patient’s dignity: The core value of health'. I: International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Wellbeing. 2007;2:160-168.

Høy B, Wagner L, Hall EO. 'Self-care as a health resource of elders: An integrative review of the concept. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science'. 2007;21:456-466.

Wagner L, Jensen KE. 'Indtryk fra årsmødet der markerede 60 års jubilæet'. I: Gerontologi. 2007; 23(4):12-15.

Wagner L, Nygren C. 'Rehabilitering af ældre'. I: Gerontologi. Livet som gammel. Swane CE, Blaakilde AL, Amstrup K (red). Munksgaard Danmark. 2007:221-228.

Lomborg K, Spirig R, Zydziunaite V, Smith LN, Wagner L. (eds.) 'Introduction' in 'Obesity: a Threat to Health: How can Nursing Research Contribute to Prevention and Care?' Symposium Report. Work group of European Nurse Researchers. 2007:7-9.


Wagner L. 'Two Decades of Integrated Health Care in Denmark'. Tidsskrift for Sygeplejeforskning. 2/2006;22:13-20.

Neymark K, Wagner L. 'The Acuity of School Nurses on their ability to improve eating habits in 11-16 year old students in Denmark'. Vard i Nord 3/2006;26;(81):19-23.

Buscher A, Wagner L. 'Evaluation six Years after the Munich Declaration'. Fifth Workshop on the WHO Family Health Nurse Multinational Study. Berlin, Tyskland. 2006. 

'Obesity', Rapport fra Workgroup of European Nurses Researchers Symposium, København (4.-5. oktober). Wagner L medlem af redaktionsgruppe. 2006.

2005 og tidligere

Wagner L. 'Long Term Care from Global and Local Perspectives'. Professorial seminar 30. november 2005.

Wagner L, Musat G. 'Ciclul Maternal si Obezitatea'. I: Obstetrica si Ginecologia, seria noua LIII. 2005;4:313-317.

Wagner L, Carlslund AM, Soerensen M et al. 'Dialogue in the Accelerated Regime: women’s experiences with short admission in abdominal hysterectomy and their patterns of behaviour'. I: Scand J Caring Sci. 2005;19:330-336.

Braadsgaard A, Wagner L. 'How to facilitate parents and their premature infant for the transition home'. I: Int Nurs Rev. 2005;52 (3):196-203. 

Langvad Å, Bjørn A, Brunn K, Eriksen TR, Wagner et al. 'National strategi for Sygeplejeforskning 2005-2010'. Kbh: Dansk Sygeplejeråd 2005.

Busher A, Wagner L. 'Munich Declaration: Nurses and midwifes: a Force for Health'. Analysis of the Munich Declaration 2004. I: World Health Organization 2005.

Mai D, Wagner L. 'Forældre-Barn forholdet. ”Home Early Program” – Experiences of parents to premature Infant’s one year after discharge'. I: Vård i Norden 4/2004(24):60-63.

Wagner L, Carlslund AM. 'Accelererede forløb i forbindelse med abdominal hysterectomi-sygeplejerskers erfaring med ny klinisk praksis'. I: Vård i Norden. 3/2004(24):15-20.

Wagner L. 'Editorial: Lessons from Denmark on Caring for Elderly'. I: Int Nurs Rev. 2004;51,129-130. 

Wagner L, Carlslund AM, Møller C et al. 'Patient and Staff (doctors and nurses) experiences in of Abdominal Hysterectomy in Accelerated Recovery Programme: a Qualitative Study'. I: Dan Med Bull. 2004;51(4).

Smith L, Ehrenfeld M, Fagermoen MS, Pelkonen M, Wagner L. 'EU funding and the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers: some lessons learned'. I: NTResearch. 2004;9(3):219-21.

Routasalo P, Wagner L, Virtanen H. 'Registered Nurses’ perceptions of geriatric rehabilitation nursing in three Scandinavian countries'. I: Scand J Caring Sci. 2004;18:220-28.

Routasalo P, Wagner L, Bayer N et al. 'Perceptions of geriatric rehabilitation nursing in Denmark'. I: Vård i Norden. 4/2003(23):4-10.

Wagner L. 'Integrated health care for older people in Denmark: evaluation of The Skævinge Project, Ten Years on'. I: Journal of Oita Nursing and Health Sciences [serial online]. 2001;2(2):32-39.

Olsen L, Wagner L. 'From vision to reality: how to actualize the vision of discharging patients from a hospital, with an increased focus on prevention'. I: Int Nurs Rev. 2000;47(3):142-156. 

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