Lone Grønbæk Jørgensen


Personal profile

Research Interests

My core research field is management of renewable resources. I have a particular interest in the interaction and conflicts connected to the exploitation of marine resources. I have worked with strategic behavior from a quantitative point of view, constructing theoretical models to enlarge our knowledge in the field of game theory and externalities, and testing the models to fisheries. Also, I have exploited the economic aspects of different regulatory measures implemented in relation to climate change. I have had a particular focus on how to establish self-enforcing agreements, and which consequences climate change have had for existing agreements for renewable marine resources.

My second field of research is about economics evaluation of policy interventions in fisheries management I apply well-known tools for evaluation, like cost-benefit analysis or cost-effectiveness analysis and modify these to be applicable to fisheries management. The tools then allow for evaluating the effects of policy interventions and link these effects to the consequences on fish stocks. The tools for evaluation have been tested on the mixed trawl fishery in Kattegat and Skagerrak. The tool of economic evaluation I have also applied to health-related matters. In particular, I have exploited the intervention of a vaccine programme against COVID-19 in the health care sector applying an epidemiological model to predict the cost per gained life-year. 
My third field of research deals with enforcement of regulations. I apply the theory of stage games where authorities and agents (fishermen or companies) make decisions on different stages. Also, I have been working empirically with models for enforcement in different fisheries in Kattegat and Skagerrak.


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