12 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Lilian Keene Guldhammer Boye with the persons below:
Birgitte Nørgaard
- Department of Public Health
- User Perspectives and Community-based Interventions - Head of Research, Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Elizabeth Emilie Rosted
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Zealand University Hospital, Research Unit of Oncology (Roskilde) - Associate Professor, Head of Research
Person: VIP
Christian B. Mogensen
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland, Research Unit of Emergency Medicine (Aabenraa) - Clinical Professor, Coordinative Head of Research
Person: VIP
Malene Beck
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Zealand University Hospital, Research Unit of Pediatrics (Roskilde) - Associate Professor, Head of Research
Person: VIP