Personal profile


Karen la Cour, Professor


Research unit for User Perspectives & Community-based Interventions, 

Department of Public Health, 

University of Southern Denmark, SDU

E-mail:  [email protected]


Academic degrees   

2008                       Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.d. Med. dr. Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sverige

1991                       Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Tufts University, Boston, USA  


Formal research management courses

2018                    Presentation for professors, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

2018                    Research management CBS, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen

2012 - 2013        Project management for researchers’ module 1 - 3 by Just Justesen, University of

Southern Denmark, SDU


         2020 -               Professor, Head of research group, Unit for User Perspectives & Community-based

Interventions, Department of Public, Health, SDU

2018 -  2020     Affiliated professor at Suunaas Hospital the ‘Regionale Kompetensetjeneste for kræft

Rehabilitering’ in Oslo, Norway

2018 –  2020     Professor wso, in Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, Head of Rehabilitation Research


2015  – 2018      Research group leader for ‘Activity studies and Occupational Therapy, the Research

Unit of General Practice, Department of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark (SDU)

2014 – 2016    Educational director for the Advanced Master program in Occupational Therapy, 

Health Sciences, SDU  

2011 – 2018    Associate Professor, Research unit; Health, Man & Society, Institute of Public Health,


2010 – 2018    Head of the Research Initiative of Activity Studies and Occupational Therapy, SDU    

2008 – 2011    Postdoc, Research unit, Health, Man & Society, Institute of Public Health, SDU


2019               Receiver of the Jeppe Juhl Jensen og hustru Ovita Juhl Jensen’s endowment grant

2016               Poster Prize, European Cancer Rehabilitation Symposium 

2015               Academic Honour, Ropox prize  

1989               Fullbright Scholarship 


Project management 

2020 -              Coordinating Rehabilitation and Palliative Care, The CRP project, Head of

WorkPackage3, Co-investigator

2019 -              P-ALS, Palliative Rehabilitation online support for relatives of People with ALS, Co-


2018  -             COMPAS, REHPA Social Reach in cancer rehabilitation and palliative care, Head of

WorkPackage5, Co-investigator

2018  -             YATAC, Young Adult cancer survivors Taking Action project, Principal Investigator

2017 – 2019     Existential Cancer Rehabilitation,Co-investigator

2016 – 2019     Virdex Project, Virtual-based Rehabilitation for people with Dementia, Co-


2012 -- 2017  Activity, Cancer and Quality of life at home, ACQ-Project, Principal Investigator  

2010 – 2012   Cancer Rehabilitation with Inclusion of Patients and Relatives, KRIPP project. Co-


2009 – 2010   Community Based Cancer Rehabilitation, Head of Evaluation

2007 – 2008   Everyday life with cancer, Principal Investigator

2002 – 2008  Activities as Resources when Living with Advanced Cancer, Principal Investigator



Ph.d. supervision

I have functioned as supervisor for both master and Ph.D. students. Seven Ph.D.’s have graduated and four are currently enrolled. 


Publication overview

Total number of peer-reviewed papers: 44; H-index (Google Scholar): 13 (since 2015), Citations 565



Research Interests

Coordination of Rehabilitation & Palliative Care, CRP, Balance in everyday life with advanced cancer

P-ALS, Palliative online support for relatives of people with ALS

YATAC, Young Adults Taking ACtion

Activity, Cancer in palliative stages, and Quality of life when Living at Home

Cancer rehabilitation with involvement of patients and next of kin

Human activity and everyday life studies

Palliative Care and daily living with advanced cancer

Community based cancer rehabilitation

Research information

Peer reviewed publications:

Maerks J., Cutchin, M. & la Cour, K. (2020). Managing daily life in response to uncertainty among people with advanced cancer living at home Journal of Psychosocial Oncology 

Pilegaard, MS., Rossau HK., Lejsgaard, E., Moeller, JJK., Jarlbaek L., Dalton, S. & la Cour, K. (2020). Rehabilitation and palliative care for socioeconomically disadvantaged patients with advanced cancer: A scoping review Acta Oncologica  

Ding, JP., Larsen, EL., la Cour, K., von Bülow, C., Skouboe, M., Christensen, JR., Waldorff, FB. (2020) Feasibility and efficacy of motion-based technology for people with dementia training at home: A pilot study JMIR Mental Health 

la Cour, K., Oestergaard, GL., Brandt, Å., Offersen, SMH., Lindahl-Jakobsen, L., Cutchin, M. & Pilegaard, SM. (2020). Process evaluation of the Cancer Home-Life Intervention: what can we learn from it for future intervention studies? Palliative Medicin (2. July)

Wæhrens, E.E, Brandt, Å, Peoples, H. & la Cour, K. (2020). Everyday activities when living with advanced cancer: a cross sectional study. European Journal of Cancer Care

Assing Hvidt E., Hvidt, N. C.Graven, Cour, K.Rottmann, N.Thomsen, K. F., Linqvist, O., Rasmussen, A., Skaarup, H. & Roessler, K. K. (2020). An existential support program for people with cancer: Development and qualitative evaluation. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 46, 101768.

Roessler, K.K., Graven, V., la Cour, K.Hvidt, N. C.Rottmann, N. & Assing Hvidt, E. (2020). ”The quietness of the place calmed my troubled mind”: The restorative potential of environments in an existential rehabilitation programme for patients with cancer. Expository times

Lindahl-Jacobsen, L. E., la Cour, K., Gregersen Oestergaard, L.Sampedro Pilegaard, M., Peoples, H. & Brandt, Å. (2020). The development of the 'cancer Home-Life intervention': An occupational therapy-based intervention programme for people with advanced cancer living at home. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy. p. 1-11, 11 s.

Pilegaard, M. S., Cour, K. l., Brandt, Å., Lozano-Lozano, M. & Oestergaard, L. G. (2019).  Impact of pain, fatigue and dyspnoea on occupational performance in people with advanced cancer: A longitudinal study Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy

Brekke MF, la Cour K, Brandt Å, Peoples H, & Wæhrens EE. (2019). The association between ADL ability and quality of life among people with advanced cancer, Occupational Therapy International 10 s., 2629673.
Overgaard, A. F., Benigna Kruse, N., Peoples, H., Wæhrens, E. E. E. & la Cour, K. (2019). Fremskreden kræft-hjælpemidler, ADL-evne og livskvalitet BestPractice Onkologi published online: content/uploads/2019/06/fremskreden-kraeft-hjaelpemidler-adl-evne-og-livskvalitet.pdf

Overgaard, A. F., Benigna Kruse, N., la Cour, K., Peoples, H., Wæhrens, E. E. E. & Brandt, Å. (2019), The association between having assistive devices and activities of daily living ability and health‐related quality of life European Journal of Cancer Care. 28, 3, 8 s., e13002.

la Cour, K. & Cutchin, M. Developing Community Based Rehabilitation for Cancer     
Survivors: Coordination and coherence. BMC Health Service Research (Accepted, 2013)

lott, I., Kottorp, A., la Cour, K., van Ness, F., Jonsson, H. & Sadlo, G. (2013) Sustanining International Partnerships: The European Master of Science Programme in Occupational Thearpy, a Case Study. Occupational Therapy International, published online 5April 

Matovu SN, La cour K, Hemmingsson H: Narratives of Ugandan women adhering to HIV/AIDS medication. Occupational therapy international 2012, 19(4):176-184. 

 la Cour, K. & Hansen, HP. Aesthetic engagements: (2012) ‘Being’ in everyday life with 
 incurable cancer. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicin  29(2):126-133

Gantschnig, B. Hemmingsson, H. & la Cour, K. (2011). Feeling and being involved? 
Participation experienced by children with disabilities at mainstream schools. Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention 4:260-275 

Pereira, E., la Cour, K., Jonsson, H., & Hemmingsson, H., 12-2010. The participation 
  experience of children with disabilities in Portuguese mainstream schools. British 
  Journal of Occupational Therapy. 73/12, s 1- 9. 

la Cour, K., Johannessen, H. & Josephsson, S. (2009). Activity and meaning-making in 
  everyday life of people with advanced cancer. Palliative & Supportive Care 7 (4): 469- 479.

la Cour, K., Nordell, K. & Josephsson, S. (2009). Everyday life of people with advanced cancer: 
   Activity, time, location & experience Occupational Therapy Journal of Research 29 (4): 154-162.
la Cour, K., Josephsson S., Tishelman C. & Nygård L. (2007). Experiences of engaging in 
   creative activity at a palliative care facility. Palliative & Supportive Care 5, 241-50.

la Cour, K., Josephsson S. & Luborsky M. (2005). Creating Connections to Life during 
   Life-Threatening llness: Creative Activity Experienced by Elderly People 
   and Occupational Therapists. Scand J Occup Ther 12 (3):98-109.
la Cour, K & Johannessen, H. (2010). Communit-Based Cancer Rehabilitation [Kommunal Kræftrehabilitering - Erfaringsopsamling  fra 11 kommuner], University of Southern Denmark, Institut of Public Health, Odense: Grafisk Produktion Odense 
la Cour, K. (2008). Activities as resources when living with advanced cancer, PhD Thesis, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Insitutet, Stockholm: Reproprint AB.
Josephsson, S., la Cour, K. & Jonsson H. (2007). Possibility spaces in everyday life: On creative 
potentials in interventions for persons with life-threatening incurable illness. In: Positive 
Approaches to Health C.Dumont, G. Kielhofner Eds pp 37-46. New York: Nova Science 

Other relevant activities:
Reviewer Journal of Rehabilitation Medicin
Editorial Board of Occupational Therapy Journal of Research


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