Personal profile



I am Professor in Entrepreneurship at University of Southern Denmark. I am also adjunct professor at University of Adelaide and part-time visiting scholar at Stockholm School in Economics. Earlier I have been employed at Swinburne University of Technology and Stanford University. 

I am fascinated by how entrepreneurs and small business owners interact, shape and are shaped by their social surroundings in their struggle to discover opportunities, acquire resources and gain legitimacy, and how these activities together impact their success.

During my 20-year academic career I have been focused particularly on startup- and growth processes. My research centers round 1) why some start, develop and grow businesses when others don’t, 2) how entrepreneurs and small business owners start, develop and businesses, and 3) what explain their success? Answers to these questions are inherently complicated and cannot be explained on one level, with one theory. To create practically relevant knowledge that is applicable to entrepreneurs and business owners, a multi-level and multi-disciplinary approach is necessary. That characterizes my research. I approach problems and challenges experienced by practitioners from a multi-disciplinary perspective and often combining various micro level (e.g. self-efficacy, gender, age, social skills), meso level (social networks), and macro level (institutions, culture, crisis) explanations.

I am an experienced project and research manager with a large international network. I have managed several large projects and has experience in analyzing large international dataset such Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) and longitudinal datasets such Danish Panel Studies of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (DaPSED). I have published a large number of articles in top international journals and written several books published in Denmark and internationally. My research has been made possible by funding from several prestigious funding agencies such as Independent Research Fund Denmark and Carlsberg Foundation and it has received several international awards. 

I have acted as advisor and speaker for both the European Commission and the Chinese government and am regularly experts in the mass media commenting on entrepreneurship and small businesses.

Scientific key Areas

Entrepreneurship; SMEs; social capital and social networks; agency; institutional theory, institutional logics, and culture; crisis, gender, context, etc


Personal Data

University of Southern Denmark, Department of Entrepreneurship & Relationship Management (Syddansk Universitet, Inst. For Entreprenørskab & Relationsledelse), Universitetsparken 1, 6000 Kolding, Denmark. [email protected]; +45 6550 1463


2005 PhD (Entrepreneurship), University of Southern Denmark (Nov 4)

1999 Master of Science (Business Administration), University of Southern Denmark

1997 Bachelor (Business Administration), Southern Denmark Business School

Academic Positions

2018-           Adjunct professor, University of Adelaide

2017-           Visiting Scholar (part-time), Stockholm School of Economics

2015-2018    Head of Research Group: Organization & Entrepreneurship (on leave)

2014-            Professor, University of Southern Denmark

2013             Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Stanford University

2013             Visiting Scholar, Queensland University of Technology. 

2010-2014     Professor MSO, University of Southern Denmark

2009-2010     Postdoc, Stanford University

2007-2008     Assistant Professor, University of Southern Denmark

2006-2007     Postdoc, Swinburne University of Technology

Scientific Awards and Honours

2019              Among ten most cited papers in IJGE: Gender differences in entrepreneurial networking and participation (May 2019): Klyver & Grant, S. (2010)

2019              Top read paper in Business 2017/18 (Wiley): Schlichter, Klyver, & Haug, (2018). Journal of Small Business Management.

2016              Award for excellence: Outstanding Reviewer for Gender in Management: An                   International Journal in the Emerald Literati Network 2016

2011              Paper selected Emerald Reading ListAssist ‘Gender and Entrepreneurhip’: Klyver &         Grant (2010). International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship

2010              Honorable Mention Paper Award: Senderovitz, Klyver & Steffens & Davidsson (2010).     AGSE Conference.

2008              Scancor Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (Stanford University)

2008              Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2008 Highly Commended Award: Klyver (2007). International   Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research

2008              Emerald LiteratiNetwork 2007 Highly Commended Award: Christensen & Klyver (2006). Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development

Invited sponsored talks (selective)

2017: RMIT, 2016: Stockholm School of Economic, 2015: Copenhagen Business School, 2014: Vrije Universiteit, 2014: Eindhoven University of Technology, 2013; Stanford University, 2012: EU Commission/Chinese Government, Beijing, 2012: OECD and EU Commission Entrepreneurship Expert Meeting, 2010: Brown University, U.S.

PhD supervision and teaching

1. Phd Supervision: Martin Senderovitz (2012), Pia Schou Nielsen (2013), Mette Søgaard Nielsen (2014), Maryam Cheraghi (2018), Jakob Schlichter (2018); Ying Chen (2018), ECSB junior mentering program (2018-)

2. PhD committees: Dhafar Al-Shanfari, Deakin University; Sabine Müller, Aarhus University; Huanmei Li, University of Adelaide; Ian Alexander, University of Copenhagen; Henrik Knudsen, Aarhus University.

3. PhD courses: Publish & Perish (2013-2016); Classic & Contemporary Entrepreneurship Theory (2015-), Responsible Research Conduct (2016-2019)

Principal Investigator (Selective)

1. Independent Research Fund Denmark:

- Career change and social networks (DKK 3,400,000)

- Entrepreneurs’ Startup Process: A Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics. (DKK 185,803).

- Entrepreneurial networks hampering mechanisms (DKK 171,855)

2. Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation/Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

- Career decisions and social support: (DKK 220,000)

- Designing local entrepreneurship policy. (DKK 1,900,000).

- Exploring the multi-level phenomenon of nascent entrepreneurship, (DKK 240,319).

3. The Carlsberg Foundation

- Entrepreneurial networks: The individual strikes back. (DKK973.800).

- Research visit, Stanford University (DKK 50.000)

Committees (selective)

1. External memberships: OECD and European Commission expert group: Self-employment (2012-13); ECSB Country Vice President (2008-2018); BFI committee (group 25) (2015-2018); Innovation Committee (Vejle Municipality) (2016-2018)

2. Internal committees: Social Science’s PhD Committee (elected) (2011-2018); Faculty of Social Science’s Academic Council (elected) (2012-2018 (on leave));

3. International job/promotion/tenure committees: e.g. Vrie Univerity, Memorial University of Newfoundland, University of Adelaide, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Editorial (selective)

1. Editorial board: Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice (2018-), International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (2017-), Journal of Small Business Management (2012-), International Small Business Journal (2017-), Gender in Management – An International Journal (2010-) and Entrepreneurship & Regional Development (2013-)

2. Grant reviewer: Norway’s National Research Council 2012 +2014; Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research 2013

3. Co-editor Frontier of Entrepreneurship (BCERC) (2020-)

Leadership & Management (selective)

1. Head of Research Group: Organization & Entrepreneurship (approx. 26 academics) (2015-2018; on leave)

2. Conference organizing: Nordic Conference on Small Business Research 16th (80 participants) & 21st (100+ participants) (cancelled due to Covid19); Organizing committee ACERE Conference (2018-); Organizing committee Nordic Small Business Conference (2010-)

International co-authors (selective)

Patricia Thornton (Texas A&M University),Tom Elfring (University of Liverpool), Elco Van Burg (Vrie Univerity), Benson Honig (McMaster Univesity), Paul Steffens (University of Adelaide), Siri Terjesen (Florida Atlantic University & Norwegian School of Economics), Mark Schenkel (Belmont University), Gerrit Rooks (Eindhoven University of Technology), Pia Arenius (RMIT), Yuval Engel (Univesity of Amsterdam), Theresa Treffers (Private University Seeburg Castle), Sharon Grant (Swinburne University of Technology), Marilyn Ang Uy (Nanyang Technological University), Pekka Stenholm (Univerity of Turku), Yi Jiang (ECSB Europe), Erno Tornikoski (University of Exeter)



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