Teaching & Supervision
- 44 results
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Specialestuderende Melanie Trabjerg Pedersen, stud. scient.
Assing, K. 01/02/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Supervision
BMB512: Teoretisk immunologi (Autoimmunologi samt primære/sekundære immundefekter), SDU
Assing, K. 01/09/2023 → 31/12/2023
Course: Teaching
Modul K10: Forberedelse til KBU, Transfusionsmedicin, SDU, medicinstudiet
Assing, K. 01/09/2023 → 31/12/2023
Course: Teaching
Fremskridt i forståelsen af den eosinofile biologi, GSK EOSINOPHILIC SUMMIT 2023
Assing, K. 06/09/2023 → 06/09/2023
Course: Teaching
Udarbejdelse af OSCE-opgave i transfusionsmedicin til embedseksamen, forår 2022
Assing, K. 01/03/2022 → 04/03/2022
Course: Supervision
Modul BMB512: Autoimmunitet og transplanation
Assing, K. 28/10/2020 → 28/10/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Transfusionsundervisning, intensivsygeplejersker
Assing, K. 05/02/2020 → 05/02/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Transfusionsundervisning, sygeplejerskestuderende, UCL, Svendborg
Assing, K. 03/01/2020 → 03/01/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Modul B10, Angreb & Forsvar
Assing, K. 28/11/2019 → 28/11/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Modul B10, Angreb & Forsvar
Assing, K. 26/11/2019 → 26/11/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Biomedicinstuderende: Auto-immunitet/transplantation, 5. semester, SDU
Assing, K. 07/11/2019 → 07/11/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Transfusionmedicin: Anæstesisygeplejersker i Region Syddanmark
Assing, K. 30/10/2019 → 30/10/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Vejleder for human medicinstuderende Anne-Mette Nielsen, bachelorstuderende
Assing, K. 01/02/2018 → 30/06/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Undervisning på Modul B10 - Angreb & Forsvar
Assing, K. 01/11/2018 → 28/01/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Immunologiundervisning for medicinstuderende på Modul B10, 5. semester
Assing, K. 01/11/2018 → 11/01/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Graviditetens immunologi, SVS Esbjerg
Assing, K. 19/12/2018 → 19/12/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Undervisning i Donormodtagelseskursus
Assing, K. 23/11/2018 → 23/11/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Undervisning i Autoimmunitet på kurset BMB512 (Trevor Owens)
Assing, K. 05/11/2018 → 05/11/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Tutorfunktion: Stud.med. i klinikophold, Sharmake Abdulahi Maxamed
Assing, K. 08/10/2018 → 02/11/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Undervisning i transfusionsmedicin af intensiv sygeplejersker OUH
Assing, K. 31/10/2018 → 31/10/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Tutor for stud.med. Molly Blendberg i klinikophold
Assing, K. 27/08/2018 → 21/09/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Transfusionsundervisning for sygeplejersker i Svendborg
Assing, K. 06/07/2018 → 06/07/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Vejleder for human medicinstuderende Mariam Ekhlas, bachelorstuderende
Assing, K. 01/02/2018 → 30/06/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Kontaktperson og udarbejdet program for Nina Szárazová, tjekkisk læge
Assing, K. 03/04/2018 → 29/06/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Undervist på Modul B10 Angreb & Forsvar
Assing, K. 22/05/2018 → 22/05/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
H-kursus - Slimhindens forsvar
Assing, K. 25/04/2018 → 25/04/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Undervisning i Immundefekter på Afdeling Q, OUH
Assing, K. 25/04/2018 → 25/04/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Undervisning i transfusionsimmunologi for intensiv sygeplejersker, Fredericia Kursuscenter
Assing, K. 05/02/2018 → 05/02/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Vejleder for stud.med. i klinikophold Emil Ainsworth Jochumsen
Assing, K. 08/01/2018 → 02/02/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision