Activities per year
- 29 results
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Presentation on: Gender-disaggregated pay statistics and data disclosure at the individual level in Denmark
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
23. Sept 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
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Præsentation om de metodiske overvejelser inden for arbejdsretten
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
9. Jun 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
EU Competition Law and Collective Bargaining for Self-Employed in the Gig Economy
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
21. May 2021Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
Oplæg om Uber-dommen til netværksmøde
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
19. Mar 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
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Tidsskrift for Miljø (Journal)
Højer Schjøler, C. (Peer reviewer)
17. Dec 2020Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Mutual Learning seminar on Artificial Intelligence and Gender Biases in Recruitment and Selection Processes
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
12. Nov 2020 → 13. Nov 2020Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Oplæg om arbejdsplatforme og arbejds- og ansættelsesret
Højer Schjøler, C. (Lecturer) & Munkholm, N. V. (Lecturer)
9. Dec 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
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Workshop om tidsbegrænset ansættelse med/uden opslag i universitetssektoren
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
23. Oct 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
Symposium on Democracy and Citizenship at Work: The Lagal Institutions of Workplace Representation and Conflict in Europe
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
6. May 2019 → 7. May 2019Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
ECE Annual Conference: The Charter of Fundamental Rights from an EU Labour Law Perspective
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
5. Apr 2019Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Eftermiddagseminar i Dansk Forening for Arbejdsret om "Enkeltvirksomheders skifte mellem arbejdsgiverorganisationer i lyset af Arbejdsrettens domme i DSB- og Fjernvarme Fyn sagerne"
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
2. Apr 2019Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
Gå-hjem-mødet i Dansk Forening for Persondataret om persondata og ansættelsesforhold
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
20. Feb 2019Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
Oplæg om 25-timers reglens overensstemmelse med EU-retten
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
30. Nov 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
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Presentation of extended abstract
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
28. Nov 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Oplæg om effekten af online quizzer
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
6. Nov 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Tidsskrift for Miljø (Journal)
Højer Schjøler, C. (Peer reviewer)
29. Jun 2018Activity: Editorial work and peer review › Peer review of manuscripts › Research
Oplæg om GDPR og forskningsdata ved KU
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
7. Jun 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
Oplæg til Food for Thought
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
3. Apr 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
Oplæg om persondata og HR
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
19. Mar 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Forskningsworkshop i persondataret
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
13. Mar 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Halvdagsseminar i Dansk Forening for Arbejdsret: Hvem bærer ansvaret for EU-stridig implementering af arbejdsretlige direktiver?
Højer Schjøler, C. (Organizer)
11. Oct 2017Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
JurForsk ph.d.-kursus: Legal Aspects Related to Digitisation – Practical Experience, Legal Challenges and Theories
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
6. Oct 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
Seminar om den nye persondatalov
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
14. Sept 2017Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Oplæg om persondataforordningen
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
21. Aug 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
INTRAlaw workshop Kaløvig 2017
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant) & Videbæk Munkholm, N. (Participant)
22. Jun 2017Activity: Attending an event › Organisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars
Arbejdsretlige udfordringer med digitale formidlingsplatforme
Højer Schjøler, C. (Lecturer) & Videbæk Munkholm, N. (Lecturer)
7. Jun 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
18. May 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Guest lectures, external teaching and course activities at other universities
The Personal Scope of labour Law in Times of Atypical Employment and Digitalisation, European Labour Law Network
Højer Schjøler, C. (Participant)
28. Apr 2017Activity: Attending an event › Conference organisation or participation
Seminar om aldersdiskriminationsforbuddet
Højer Schjøler, C. (Guest lecturer)
2. Feb 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies