9 Similar Researchers
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Michael Christensen with the persons below:
Torben Thorbjørn Knudsen
Person: VIP
Jacob Lyngsie
Person: VIP
Oliver Baumann
- Department of Business & Management (DBM)
- Strategic Organization Design (SOD) - Professor, Head of Research Unit
- Digital Democracy Centre - VIP
Person: VIP
Christian Møller Dahl
- Department of Economics
- HEDG (Historical Economics & Development Group) - Professor
- Econometrics and Data Science - Professor
- CPop - Professor
Person: VIP
Mads Bruun Ingstrup
- Department of Business and Sustainability
- Center for Sustainable Business Development and Policy - Associate Professor
- SDU Climate Cluster - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb
- Department of Technology and Innovation
- SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Andreas Johan de Gier
- Department of Technology and Innovation
- SDU Civil and Architectural Engineering - Research Assistant
Person: VIP