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Mental Health Profiles of Danish Youth Soccer Players: The Influence of Gender and Career Development
Larsen, C. H. (Guest lecturer) & Küttel, A. (Guest lecturer)
26. May 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
To Flourish or Languish, that is the question: Exploring mental health research and service delivery in elite sport
Larsen, C. H. (Guest lecturer)
19. May 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Applied sport psychology at the Danish FA - Under-16 and 17
Larsen, C. H. (Guest lecturer)
5. Sept 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Psychology and mental health in football
Larsen, C. H. (Guest lecturer) & Küttel, A. (Guest lecturer)
26. Jan 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Talent development and sport psychology in Danish ice hockey
Larsen, C. H. (Guest lecturer)
11. May 2018Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations