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HEAD & NECK, and CANCER: Thyroid carcinoma: Clinical aspects and prognostic factors in Danish series
Godballe, C. (PhD student), Krogdahl, A. (Co-supervisor), Bastholt, L. (Project participant) & Jørgensen, K. E. (Supervisor)
Project: PhD Project
Salivary gland carcinoma in Denmark 1990-2015: A national study with focus on diagnostic imaging, surgical treatment of the neck and prognosis
Westergaard-Nielsen, M. (PhD student), Bjørndal, K. (Supervisor), Eriksen, J. G. (Co-supervisor), Larsen, S. R. (Co-supervisor) & Godballe, C. (Co-supervisor)
Project: PhD Project
LARYNGOLOGY and PHONIATRICS: Standardization of the Voice Range Profile for Clinical and Research Purposes, assessment of the voice in patients with Laryngeal Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Non-Neoplastic Lesions, and monitoring the vocal outcome of transoral CO2 laser microsurgery
Printz, T. (PhD student), Godballe, C. (Co-supervisor), Juhl, P. M. (Co-supervisor) & Grøntved, Å. M. (Supervisor)
Project: PhD Project
MEDICAL AUDIOLOGY: Self-Reported Hearing Aid Effectiveness in Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss
Houmøller, S. S. (PhD student), Godballe, C. (Co-supervisor), Hammershøi, D. (Co-supervisor), Hougaard, D. D. (Co-supervisor) & Schmidt, J. H. (Supervisor)
Project: PhD Project