Activities per year
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Evaluering af pilottesten af det nationale PRO for basal palliation
Lindström, C. (Speaker)
31. May 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Introduktion til implementering og implementeringsforskning – del II
Lindström, C. (Guest lecturer)
2. Feb 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Introduction to implementation science
Lindström, C. (Speaker)
6. Oct 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
What does research tell us about implementation support practitioners?
Lindström, C. (Lecturer)
31. Mar 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Implementation Research: An introduction to implementation science, and an elaboration on how to study determinants for implementation
Lindström, C. (Speaker)
28. Feb 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Introduktion til Implementation Science
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Guest lecturer)
7. May 2021Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kvalitetsudvikling og monitorering
Egholm, C. L. (Guest lecturer)
19. Nov 2020Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kvaliteten i de kliniske kvalitetsdatabaser – Dansk Hjerterehabiliteringsdatabase som case
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Lecturer)
25. Oct 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Evaluering af PRO Hjerterehabilitering – pilot
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Other)
9. Oct 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Implementering af Dansk Hjerterehabiliteringsdatabase på sygehuse – hvad har vi lært?
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Lecturer)
19. Sept 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Patientinddragelse og PRO i hjerterehabilitering
Egholm, C. L. (Lecturer) & Zwisler, A. D. O. (Lecturer)
30. Aug 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fra forskningsbaseret evidens til klinisk praksis: implementering af retningslinjer for rehabilitering i Danmark og Dansk Hjerterehabiliteringsdatabase (DHRD)
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Speaker)
26. Oct 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Implementering af en klinisk kvalitetsdatabase
Cecilie Lindström Egholm (Speaker)
21. Apr 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies