Teaching & Supervision
- 3 results
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PhD project: Fitness for all
Juul-Kristensen, B., Troelsen, J. & Sandal, L. F. 01/08/2017 → 31/10/2020
Course: Supervision
Risk factors for knee injuries in children 8-15 years – the impact of Generalised Joint Hypermobility The CHAMPS Study-DK. Tina Junge
Wedderkopp, N. & Juul-Kristensen, B. 01/07/2011 → 01/08/2015
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Childhood motor performance as predictor of physical activity and physical activity related injuries: The Childhood Health, Activity and Motor Performance School Study-DK The CHAMPS Study-DK. Lisbeth Runge Larsen
Wedderkopp, N., Juul-Kristensen, B. & Kristensen, P. L. 01/06/2011 → 01/04/2015
Course: Supervision