Activities per year
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Digitalisering af den demokratiske samtale
Dalen, A. V. (Guest lecturer)
8. Sept 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kunstig intelligens
Dalen, A. V. (Guest lecturer)
8. Sept 2023Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fordybelsesseminar F: Tillid til information i den nye medieverden
van Dalen, A. (Guest lecturer)
3. Nov 2022Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Algoritmer som gatekeepere - når algoritmer bestemmer nyhedsstrømme: Samfunds- og Mediedagen
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
2. Nov 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Guest lecture at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
1. Apr 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fabrikeret usikkerhed: De negative effekter af usikkerhed i økonomiske nyheder på forbrugertilliden
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
10. Nov 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Den økonomiske journalistiks påvirkning af borgerne
van Dalen, A. (Speaker)
26. Sept 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Different campaign, different strategy? The place of social media in the campaign mix during local and national elections
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
22. Sept 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Politiske journalisters selvopfattelse og praksis
van Dalen, A. (Speaker)
2. Sept 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Combining surveys and content analysis:Do journalists do what they say they do?: Guest lecture Mixed methods research phd course, University of Aalborg
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
26. Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
No: Film- og debataften Grindsted
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
19. Feb 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Speaker Danish international media festival
van Dalen, A. (Speaker)
2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Journalism cultures and political communication cultures matter: Guest lecture in Ba course Media and Politics in a Comparative Perspective, Communication Science, University of Amsterdam
van Dalen, A. (Lecturer)
20. Nov 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
DocLounge, Odense
van Dalen, A. (Speaker)
12. Dec 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Participant in panel discussion about the values on Danish journalists during the annual Danish international media festival (fagfestival)
van Dalen, A. (Panel member)
11. Nov 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies