Andreas Peter Cornett


Personal profile


Curriculum vitae
Andreas Peter Cornett, Ph.D, Professor and Research Director at IFG, University of Southern Denmark, Soenderborg. Main research interests: Regional development and innovation, Economic convergence and international economic trade and integration. Recent academic duties: Chair of the Nordic Section of ERSA 1999-2005, board member 1997 – 2009Member of the Council of European Regional Science Association (2003-2009). Director Centre for Small Business Studies, University of Southern Denmark, Kolding 2005-2008. Member of ‘Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung', Hannover Germany since 2009.

Andreas Peter Cornett, Ph.D, Professor University of Southern Denmark, Soenderborg

1972 Graduated from ‘Deutsches Gymnasium für Nordschleswig’
1978 Master of Political Science from Institute of Political Science, the University of Århus.
1986 Ph.D. in Political Science (regional policy) from Institute of Political Science, the University of Århus.
Academic positions:
1.8.1978 Assistant professor in International Politics and Organization at the Institute of Political Science, the University of Århus.
1.1.1979 Research Fellow at the Institute of Regional Studies in Aabenraa and part time lecturer at the Southern Denmark Business School. On leave from the Institute of Regional Studies,(1.7.85 to 31.12.85) associate professor at the Institute of Political Science, the University of Århus.
1.1.1988 Ass. professor in Economics at Southern Denmark Business School (since 1998 merged into University of Southern Denmark)
1.5.1991- 31.12.92 Chair Department of Business Economics, Southern Denmark Business School.
1993/94 Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Department of Economics.
Head of Department, 'Betriebliche Bildung und Management' Joint BA/MA program, University of Flensburg (D) and Southern Denmark Business School (DK) in Flensburg Germany 1996-1999.
1.1.1997 Member of the Board of the Nordic Regional Science Association.
1.5.1999-1.8.2005 Chair of the Nordic Section of Regional Science Association International.
1.8.2005-1.9.2009 Member of the Board of the Nordic Regional Science Association
1.8.2003-1.9.2009 Member of the Council of European Regional Science Association
1.1.2002- 31-12.2007 Member of 'Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung' Hannover.
1.12.2009- appointed ‘Ordentliches Mitglied der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung'
Spring 2002, Visiting Professor at Armstrong Atlantic State University, European Studies Program, Savannah GA.
Winter 2003: Visiting Professor (short term) University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
1.3. 2005 – 1.7.2008, Chair of CESFO, Centre for Small Business Studies, SDU, Kolding
Spring 2008: Short term guest lecturer Dep. of Economics University of Vilnius, Lithuania
Fall 2008: Visiting professor at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Department of Economics
1.1.2009- Research Director ‘Regional Economics & Development’ (Department of Border Region Studies
1.6.2013- Professor in Regional Economics & Development

Main research interest:
- Regional Economics and business development
- Comparative regional policy (EU and national).
- The process of integration and the implications for peripheral regions.
- Economic transition and the development of the international economic system
- National and regional adaptation to international economic and political integration.

Selected external duties:
Member of the Scientific Committee Udddevalla Symposium since 2001- 2009, University Vest, Trollhättan, Sweden
Member of Scientific Committee, European Regional Science Association Congress 2009 (Lodz, Poland) & 2010 (Jönköping, Sweden)
Member of evaluation committee for IRS, Erkner (Leibnitz Gemeinschaft)
Referee on submitted articles, books research proposals: Papers in Regional Science, Annals of Regional Science, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, German Annual of Spatial Research and Policy, McGraw-Hill, Edgar Elgar Publisher etc. .
Regional vidensbank, Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, Ministry of Business & Economics
Sønderjylland det vil vi (URS),
Regional Udviklingsplan Syddanmark: Temagruppe Syddanmark og globaliseringen
External evaluator for the Academy of Science Helsinki Finland 2010,
External reviewer for the Estonian Research Council 2010-

Research areas

Main research interest:
- Regional economics and development. Processes of clustering and regional innovations systems.
- Regional convergence and disparities.
- Comparative regional policy (EU and national).
- The process of integration and the implications for peripheral regions.
- Economic transition and the development of the international economic system
- National and regional adaptation to economic and political integration.

Current projects:
Participation in external funded projects:
‘Energi på havet‘ joint project with colleges from SDU Esbjerg in cooperation with off-shore Denmark and other. (regional economic and cluster analysis)
,Emerging Attraction’ joint Interreg program with University Flensburg, FH Flensburg and MCI Sønderborg
Internal projects:
‘SME growth’ together with CESFO- Kolding and Nils Karl Sørensen IFG.
‘Regional economic convergence and development’ in cooperation with SDU and international partners.

Research information



“Regional Impacts of Economic Integration: The Case of In- and Outsourcing” (6 pp.) MECIBS Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Frederiksberg, Denmark 2005.

(together with N. B. Groth og B. Nielsen) (2005): ”Kommuner og pendlingsregioners sårbarhed overfor outsourcing. En statistisk analyse med udgangspunkt i Herning, Randers og Nakskov. Arbejdsrapport nr. 21-2005 Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning, KVL, Frederiksberg, 2005. 81 sider.

(together with Nils Karl Sørensen): “Regional Development: A Survey of Innovation and Clusters in Western Denmark” pp. 475-498 in Charlie Karlson, Börje Johansson & Roger Stough, Industrial Clusters and Inter-Firm Networks, Edwatd Elgar, Cheltenham, UK – Northhampton, MA, USA.

“Economic integration in a cross border perspective: An emerging new system of production?”. Paper prepared for workshop on ‘European union, European integration and cross-border development’ of the 45rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August, 2005. CD-rom proceedings 45th European Congress of the Regional Science Association in Amsterdam.

(together with Groth, Niels Boje, Thilo Lang, Mats Johansson, Vesa Kanninen, Stefan Anderberg) (eds) (2005), Restructuring of Medium Sized Cities. Lessons from the Baltic Sea Region, Final report of the Interreg IIIB project Medium Sized Cities in Dialogue around the Baltic Sea. Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, Frederiksberg, 2005.

(together with Freytag, P.V. & J.D. Thaysen): “Innovation – en kortlægning af virksomheders innovationsadfærd i Vestdanmark” CESFO Working Paper 2005/1. Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning, SDU, Kolding.


‘Regional Perspectives on Integration in the Baltic Sea Region’ pp 115-138 in Søren Dosenrode & Henrik Halkier, The Nordic Regions and the European Union, in ‘The International Political Economy of New Regionalims Series, Asgate, Aldershot,UK & Burlington, VT, USA 2004.

Together with N.K Soerensen: ”Clusters and Innovation as an Instrument in Regional Development Policy”, pp. 365-381 in ‘Entrepreneurship, Spatial Industrial Cluster and Inter-firm Networks’ Research reports 04:01, University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla.

“Co-operation between companies and the advisory system in innovations – a comparative analysis of Northern Germany and Western Denmark” Paper prepared for workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship, networks and innovation’ of the 44rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association (CD-rom proceedings of 44rd European Congress of the Regional Science Association), Oporto, Portugal, August 2004.


‘The Baltic States and the Regional Science Community’ pp.107-111 in Jørgen Drud Hansen, Gustav Kristensen & Alf Vanags (ed,), The Changing Focus in European Studies: EU – Europe – World, EuroFaculty, University of Latvia, Riga 2003.

“Economic and Political Perspectives on Integration in the Baltic Sea Region” Published in R-sessions CD-Rom proceeding of European Regional Science Association, 43st European Congress, University of Jyväskylä, Finland 2003.

Together with Poul Rind Christensen & Kristian Philipsen: “Coherence of innovation policy instruments” pp. 166 – 1990 in B.T.Asheim, A. Isaksen C. Nauwelaers & F. Tödling (ed.), Regional Innovation Policy for Small-Medium Enterprises, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK & Northhampton MA

(Together with Per V. Freytag og Jørn D. Thaysen): "Rådgivning og innovation” pp. 67 – 71 i Årsrapport 2002/2003 - Center for Småvirksomhedsforskning, SDU, Kolding 2003.

’Innovation policy as an instrument in regional development policy’. CD-Rom Proceedings of ‘Trondheim Research Seminar: Nordic Regional Development – Policy, models and data’, November 5-8, 2003,


(together with Folke Snickars) “Trade and Foreign Direct Investment as Measures of Spatial Integration in the Baltic Sea region” pp.33 - 55 in GEOGRAHIA POLONICA, 75,2 Autumn 2002.

"Spatial Development: Regional and Global Specialization" , pp. 51 - 73 in Christer Bengs (ed.), Facing ESPON, Nordregio R2002:1, Stockholm.

"From Trade Integration to the Integration of the Production System a case study of the impact of economic transition on trade and specialization in the Baltic Rim", pp. 201 - 215 in Uddevalla Symposium 2001 Regional Economics in Transition, Research reports 02:01, University of Trollhättan/Uddevalla, 2002.

(Together with Per V. Freytag). "Innovative relations: a business to business and a business to public policy perspective"pp. 191- 220 in Knudsen, T, Askegaard, S.. & Jørgensen, N., Perspectives on Marketing Relationships, Tompson Copenhagen 2002.

"Regional Cohesion in an enlarged European Union - an analysis of inter regional specialization and integration", pp. 147 - 164 in Cuadrado-Roura, J.R. & Parellada, M.(eds), The European Monetary Union and Regional Convergence, Facts Prospects and Politics, Advances in Spatial Science, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg New York, 2002.


"Regional Economic Integration in the Baltic Rim: Towards a European Region after ten Years of Transition?" pp.13-27 in Johannes Bröcker & Hajo Herrmann (ed.) Spatial Change and Interregional flows in the Integrating Europe - Essays in Honor of Karin Peschel, Contributions to Economics, Physica Verlag, Heidelberg-New York 2001.

"International Trade and Specialization in a Global framework: A Regional Integration Perspective", CFES Working paper No. 6/2001, Centre for European Studies, University of Southern Denmark, Odense 2001.

"Toward an integrated European Economic System? An Assessment of the Integration of the European Trading System", ERSA 41th European Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, 29.August - 1. September. (Published in CD.Proceedings of ERSA 41th European Congress).


"Regional Business Promotion in Europe: Creating Industrial Districts - a Possible Objective for Regional Development Agencies? - Conceptual Remarks and some Danish Evidence", paper presented at the Western regional Science Associations thirty-ninth annual meeting, Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii, February 26- march 1,2000,CESFO Working Paper 1/2000. SDU Kolding.

"Regional Cohesion in an enlarged European Union - an analysis of inter regional specialization and integration" Paper for the ERSA 40 European Congress , Barcelona August/September 2000, SDU, Sønderborg 2000 (Published in CD-proceedings, Barcelona 2000)

"Regional development and competitiveness in a regional integration perspective: the case of the Baltic Rim region" pp. 43-61 in Ewa Bojar (ed.), Competition and coexistence in the process of European integration, Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, Warszawa 2000.

"The Baltic Rim Region an Integrated Part of the European Economic System? pp.93-102 in Reports from the 6thNordic - Baltic Conference in Regional Science, Nordic-Baltic Sea Region on the Eve of 21st Century, Riga, Latvia Oct. 2000.


"The Problem of Transition and Reintegration of East and Central Europe - Conceptual remarks and empirical problems" Paper for the ERSA 38 European Congress , Vienna August 1998, Sønderborg 1998 (Published in CD-proceedings, Vienna 1998) revised and updated version published in Fischer, M.M. & P. Nijkamp, eds. (1999)Spatial Dynamics of European Integration- Regional and policy Issues at the Turn of the Century, Springer-Verlag Berlin/ Heidelberg 1999.

(Together with P.R. Christensen & K.Philipsen) (1999): "Innovations & Innovation Support for SMEs The Triangle Region of Denmark" (SMEPOL Report No.2, Funded by the European Community (DGXII) under the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER) Project no. 1319:SME policy and the regional dimension of innovation), Centre for Small Business Studies, University of Southern Denmark Engstien 1, Kolding, Denmark.

"Regional Integration and Regional Development- Concepts and Empirical Relevance" Paper for the ERSA 39th European Congress , Dublin August 1999, SDU, Sønderborg 1999 (Published in CD-proceedings, Dublin 1999).


"International Trade in a Regional Perspective: Globalization vs. Regional Cooperation" Paper prepared for the 37th Annula Meeting of the Southern Regional Science Association, Savannah, GA, April 2.-4, 1998, Sønderborg 1998.

(Together with Jan M. Hansen & Edward Young, UWEC) "Regional Development Policy in the US and Europe: Lessons from Local Initiatives, CESFO Working Paper 1998-1, Kolding (revised and updated version of paper presented at 35th Regional Science Association European Congress, Odense, Denmark, August 1995)

"The Problem of Transition and Reintegration of East and Central Europe - Conceptual Remarks and Empirical Problems, paper presented at 38th European Congress of Regional Science Association International, Viennea, Austria 28. August - 1. September 1998 (CD-Rom Proceedings).

(together with S. P. Iversen (1998): 'The Baltic States in an European and Baltic Perspective: Trade and Transition in the Baltic Rim'. Paper prepared for the 5th Nordic-Baltic conference in Regional Science, Global-Local Interplay in the Baltic Sea Region, Pärnu, Estonia, October 1-4, 1998.(Published in CD-proceedings, Pärnu 1998).


(Together with Søren P. Iversen): "The Baltic Rim in the European Trade System" in: Jan W. Owsinski and Anrej Stepniak, Warsaw-Sopot 1997. (ed.), The Nordic -Baltic Europe: Integration Risks, Barriers & Opportunities, Warsaw-Sopot 1997.

"Decentralisation of Business Development Policy: Challenge or New Opportunity", Paper presented at the European regional Science Associations 38th European Congress, Rome, Italy 25-29 August 1997 (Published in CD-proceedings, Rome 1998).


(together with Knut Ingar Westeren 1996): “The Impact of European Union Regional Policy on Local Development Policy: A Comparative Case-study of an Internal and an External EU-border Region”. Paper for the European Regional Science Association, 36th European Congress ETH Zürich, Switzerland 26-30 August 1996, Sønderborg 1996.

"Zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in Nordschleswig in dänischer und europäischer Perspektive" pp. 149-170 in A.Ritter (Hrsg.), Südtirol, Ostbelgien Nordschleswig: Modelle und Orientierung für die deutsche Minderheit in Polen, Institut für Regionale Forschung und Informatition, Flensburg, 1996.

Økonomiernes Internationalisering - fra regional til global orientering (red), (The internationalization of Economies - from regional to glabal orientation (ed.), (ch. 1 & 3), DJØF-Publishers, Copenhagen 1996. Ch.1: "Træk af den internationale økonomis udvikling: En indledning" (pp.5-17), Ch.3:"Regionalisering eller globalisering af det internationale handelsregime?" (pp.41-64)

"Forklaringen og dens begrænsninger i samfundsvidenskabelige analyser" pp.137-154 in Darmer & Freytag (red), Erhvervsøkonomisk undersøgelsesmetodik (2.udg.) Samfundslitteratur, København 1996.


"Regionalism and regional development - Efficiency vs. Democracy?" Paper for the workshop on European Integration and Policy, European Summer Institute in Regional Science, Spetses, Greece, July 10-15,1995, Sønderborg, June 1995.

(Together with Søren P. Iversen 1995): "Spatial, Economic and Organisational Change in a European Perspective, A Gravity Model Analysis of European Trade". Paper prepared for the 35s Regional Science Association European Congress, Odense, Denmark August Working Paper nr. 27, Det Erhvervsøkonomiske Fakultets Skriftserie, Sønderborg, 1995.

Together with Jan M. Hansen & Edward Young, UWEC) "Regional Development Policy in the US and Europe: Lessons from Local Initiatives". Paper prepared for the 35s Regional Science Association European Congress, Odense, Denmark August 1995.

"Regional development in Europe in theory and practice: Member States and their regions: Denmark" pp. (I-138)- (I-149) in Gerry Sweeney (ed.), Regional and Local Development, vol. 1 Built Environment Research Centre &Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 1995.


"Le pourtour balte dans la nouvelle Europe", pp. 221-241 in Pierre Maillet & Dario Velo (ed.), L'Europe à Geometrie Variable Transition vers l'integration, Édition L'Harmattan, Paris, 1994.

"NAFTA - verdens største Fællesmarked", pp. 31-38 i Samfundsøkonomen, 1994, no. 2.

"L'Estrema Fascia Baltica e l'Integrasione Europea. Prospettive per il futoro", pp. 269-280 in Cecillia Santoro Lezzi & Anna Trono (ed.), Atti del seminario internationale 1992 e periferie d'Europa, Prospettive Regionali del Mercato, Universita Degli Studi di Lecce, Pàtron Editore, Bologna, 1994.

"Innovation og regional integration" pp.206-30 in in Freytag et al. Innovation i økonomisk perspektiv,Samfundslitteratur, 1994.

"Regional Economic Integration - a pragmatic approach toward reintegration of East and Central Europe" Working Paper no 21, Det Erhvervsøkonomiske Forskningsinstituts Skriftserie, HHS, Sønderborg 1994. (revideret udgave af : "Regional Economic Integration - a pragmatic approach toward reintegration of East and Central Europe" paper for the 34st RSA European Congress Groningen, the Netherlands, August 23-26, 1994, Eau Claire, June 1994).


(Together with S. P. Iversen): "Commercial Relations in the Baltic Rim Region in an Integration/Network Perspective" in Lundqvist, L. and L. O. Persson eds (1993), Visions and Strategies in European Integration. A North European Perspective, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1993.

"Der Ostsee-Raum in der europäischen Integration der neunziger Jahre" Paper prepared for "6. Tagung für Regionalforschung und Geographie, Nauders Tirol, April 1993" Sønderborg. (Schriften des Arbeitskreis für Regionalforschung).

(Together with S.P. Iversen): "Inter- and intraregional impacts of political and economic transition in the Baltic Rim". Paper prepared for Regional Science Association 33rd European Congress, Moscow, August 1993, Sønderborg, August 1993.


"The European Regional System: Determinants in the Process of Restructuring", Paper presented for the workshop on "European Integration 1990 - 2000" 32th RSA European Congress, Luovian-La- Neuve, Belgium, August 1992.

(Together with S.Basu (University of Denver) & S.P. Iversen): "European Economic Integration: Recent Experiences". Paper for the AIB Conference, Bruxelles 1992, Sønderborg 1992.

"Forklaringen og dens begrænsninger i samfundsvidenskabelig analyse" pp. 85 - 105 in Per Darmer & Per V. Freytag (red), Erhvervsøkonomisk undersøgelsesmetodik, Samfundslitteratur, København 1992.(Swedish edition published 1995, Lund)


(Together with Søren P. Iversen) "Netværk - et redskab i erhvervspolitikken" pp. 27-59 in Nätverk i Norden, ERU, Indsustridepartementet Ds 1990:78, Allmänna Förlaget, Stockholm 1991.

"The Nordic Periphery turns to Center? Or new opportunities for economic development in the Baltic Sea Area", Paper prepared for the Regional Science Associations 31th European Congress, Lisboa, August 27-30, 1991. (Published in the Proceedings of the Regional Science Associations 31th European Congress, Lisboa 1991)

"Intranational eller international regionalpolitik" pp. 16 -22 in Nord Revy, NordREFO, no. 4, 1991


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