Teaching & Supervision
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Digital Dilemmas of human data: Dependency, Necessity, and Protection of Privacy (MICS)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Masterprojektforberedelse (MICS)
Jakobsson, A. K. & Nielsen, L. 01/08/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Gymnasieoplæg for A. P. Møllerskolen: "Teknologiens rolle i krig" (SDU)
Jakobsson, A. K. 26/10/2023 → 26/10/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
New Wars and Conflict - Political and Social Science
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2022 → 31/08/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Grey zone cyber conflict: Actors, actions and effects
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2022 → 31/08/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
New Wars and Conflict (MOISL)
Jakobsson, A. K. & Jakobsen, P. V. 01/02/2023 → 30/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Grey zone cyber conflict: Actors, actions, and effects (MICS + MOISL)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2023 → 30/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
From Theory to Practice: Job Skills and the International Crisis Simulation (Spring 2023)
Theussen, A., Mennecke, M. & Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2023 → 30/06/2023
Course: Teaching
Critical Infrastructure and Grey Zone activities: Assessing Denmark's cyber policy framework and cyber resilience (MOISL master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 21/06/2023 → 21/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Securitised Governance in Cyberspace: A developing challenge or benefit? (MOISL master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 21/06/2023 → 21/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Masterprojekt (MICS sommer 2023)
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/06/2023 → 15/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Masterprojekt (MICS sommer 2023)
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/06/2023 → 15/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Masterprojekt (MICS sommer 2023)
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/06/2023 → 15/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Masterprojekt (MICS sommer 2023)
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/06/2023 → 15/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Certifikatprojekt (MICS sommer 2023)
Jakobsson, A. K. 14/06/2023 → 14/06/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Masterprojektforberedelse (MICS)
Flockhart, T. & Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2022 → 31/01/2023
Course: Teaching
Digital Dilemmas of human data: Dependency, Necessity, and Protection of Privacy
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/08/2022 → 31/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Udlændingepolitik i det 21. århundrede: Socialdemokratiet på ny kurs (bachelorprojekt)
Jakobsson, A. K. 30/01/2023 → 30/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
China's Social Credit System and the European Union (MOISL master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 30/01/2023 → 30/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
The challenges for the liberal rules-based world order (bachelor thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 30/01/2023 → 30/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Danskernes syn på alliancer og afskaffelsen af det danske forsvarsforbehold i en ny sikkerhedspolitisk virkelighed (bachelorprojekt)
Jakobsson, A. K. 30/01/2023 → 30/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Offensive realism's ability to explain the Ukraine crisis (MOISL master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 30/01/2023 → 30/01/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
PMC Wagner Group's presence in Sahel. Challenges and opportunities for the international community's stabilisation efforts in West Africa (Master thesis MOISL)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2022 → 01/09/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Grey zone cyber conflict: Actors, actions, and effects
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2022 → 31/08/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
New Wars and Conflict
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2022 → 31/08/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Weaponized interdependence, cyber resilience, and financial institutions (MOISL master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 29/06/2022 → 29/06/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Grey zone cyber conflict: Actors, actions, and effects (MICS + MOISL)
Jakobsson, A. K. 07/02/2022 → 16/06/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
CSTO, Rusland og Krigen i Ukraine (Elective assignment MOISL)
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/06/2022 → 15/06/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Cyberwarfare in jus ad bellum and jus in bello principles (elective assignment)
Jakobsson, A. K. 09/01/2022 → 31/03/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Digital Dilemmas of Human Data: Dependency, Necessity, and Protection of Privacy
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/08/2021 → 31/01/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Grey zones of cyber and international law today and in the future (elective assignment)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2021 → 31/01/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Digital Dilemmas of human data: Dependency, Necessity, and Protection of Privacy
Jakobsson, A. K. 15/10/2021 → 10/12/2021
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Strukturering og kodning af kvalitative data (Metode 1)
Jakobsson, A. K. 25/10/2021 → 25/10/2021
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Kvalitative interview (metode 1)
Jakobsson, A. K. 13/10/2021 → 13/10/2021
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Center for Militære Studier sommerskole for dansk forsvarspolitik og strategiske studier: Gråzonen mellem krig og fred – den nye normaltilstand (Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen)
Jakobsson, A. K. 18/08/2020 → 18/08/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Profession og praksis (Social science master, Department of political science, University of Copenhagen)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2019 → 31/01/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Security Studies (Security Risk Management, Department of political science, University of Copenhagen)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2019 → 31/01/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Samfundsfag (Kommunikationsuddannelsen, DMJX)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2019 → 31/08/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Center for Militære Studier sommerskole for dansk forsvarspolitik og strategiske studier: Gråzonen mellem krig og fred – den nye normaltilstand (Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen)
Jakobsson, A. K. 20/08/2019 → 20/08/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Web of Lies - The Politics of Cyber Security (elective assignment)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2019 → 01/07/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
The Dark Side of Trust - The Risks of Living in a Digitised Society (master thesis)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2019 → 01/07/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Regulering af dual-use teknologi (elective assignment)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2019 → 01/07/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Danmarks strategi for sin indsats i Libyen (elective assigment)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2018 → 01/02/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Samfundsfag (Kommunikationsuddannelsen, DMJX)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/02/2018 → 31/08/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Samfundsfag (Kommunikationsuddannelsen, DMJX)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2017 → 31/01/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Samfundsfag (Kommunikationsuddannelsen, DMJX)
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2016 → 31/01/2017
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Master of International Security and Law: Simulation Game
Jakobsson, A. K. 25/04/2016 → 26/04/2016
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Det blodige 20. århundrede (International Politik og Organisation)
Jakobsson, A. K. 19/02/2015 → 19/02/2015
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Imperier og stater (International Politik og Organisation)
Jakobsson, A. K. 17/02/2015 → 17/02/2015
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Classical Realism: Global Order, Conflict and Globalization
Jakobsson, A. K. 01/09/2014 → 31/01/2015
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching