Personal profile


Education and employment in modern and comparative literature history, Aarhus University 1978, lic.phil. in Nordic literature, Aarhus University 1982, course leader and lecturer at the Extramural Department of Aarhus University 1978-1987, freelance producer at the public media institution Danish Radio 1982-1988, leader of the evening courses at the evening course association of Kalundborg 1986-1988, external associate professor at the Department of Nordic studies, Odense University 1988, adjunct at the same institution 1993, associate professor at the same institution 1995, head of the development project regarding the university pedagogy of the University of Southern Denmark 1995-1999, associate research professor at the same institution 1998, professor of Danish literature at the University of Southern Denmark, Institute of Literature, Media and Cultural studies 1999, head of the board of the Danish Writers Academy (since 2002), visiting professor at Scandinavian Department, University College London (2000), visiting professor at
Scandinavian Department, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel (2003), She is one of the founders of The Danish Society for 18th Century Studies (1993). She is general secretary of International Society for 18th Century Studies and chairman of The Research Council of The Ministry for Culture.

In her research, she has especially focused on history of Danish Literature, contemporary Nordic literature, history of Nordic Women´s literature and history of Scandinavian Enlightenment, literary historiography, narrativ medicin, human health. 
She has edited and published (selected list): ”Der unermessliche Modernismus. Über den Modernismusbegriff in der dänischen Literatur”, Wiener Studien zur Skandinavistik, red. Sven Rossel m. fl., 2009; Nye historier om dansk literatur, vol. I-V 2005-2009 (Contemporary Danish Literature, Gyldendal, Copenhagen, ed. Anne-Marie Mai et al.), En bog om Michael Strunge (Anne-Marie Mai and Jørgen Aabenhus, Borgens forlag 2008; (Michael Strunge – the Poet); Nordic Light (ed. Mai, Bredsdorff and Hansen, University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense, 2008); Enlightened Networking – Import and Export of Enlightenment in 18th Century Denmark (ed. Mai and Bredsdorff, 2004, University Press of Southern Denmark, Odense), Danske digtere i det 20. århundrede vol. I-III (ed. Mai 2000-2002, Danish Poets of the 20th. Century, Gads Forlag, København), “Ludvig Holberg”, In Encyclopedia of The Enlightenment, 2002, Oxford University Press, Oxford, Nordisk Kvindelitteraturhistorie,vol. I-V (ed. Elisabeth Møller Jensen, Anne-Marie Mai et al. 1993-1998, History of Nordic Women’s Literature, Bra Böcker and Rosinante, Stockholm and Copenhagen), Læsninger i dansk litteratur 1200-2000, vol. I-V, (Mai et. al., 1997-2000, Studies in Danish Literature 1200-2000, University Press of Southern Denmark), ”Hylet fra Amerika – om amerikaniseringen af dansk litteratur i midttressernes opbrud fra modernismen”, Kulturens amerikanisering 1945-1975 ed. lektor Niels Arne Sørensen, (The Howl of America – on the Americanization of Danish literature in the Sixties), Aarhus University Press, 2010;
Sted (Place), ed. Anne-Marie Mai og Dan Ringgaard, Aarhus University Press,, 2010.
Hvor litteraturen finder sted. Bidrag til dansk litteraturhistorie, bd. I-III, (Where Literature Takes Place. Contribution To The History of Danish Literature), Gyldendal, 2010-2011.

Anne Borup 2000
Jon Helt Haarder 2002
Malene Rehr 2007
Gitte Tofterup Hansen 2010
Bente Bramming 2010 

Johanne Gormsen Schmidt, 2019. 

The Jubilee Celebration Prize of Odense City 1996
The Champagne Celebration Prize of the Danish Teachers´ Union 1998
The Ragna Sidén Literary Award for Danish Women 2002
The H. O. Lange Prize of The Royal Library 2003
The N. Bang and Camilla Bang, born Troensegaard’s Prize (2008)
The Danish Art Council’s Prize (2010)
The Research Dissemination Prize of The University of Southern Denmark (2011)

The Research Dissemination Priza of The Minstery for Research (2014)

Søren Gyldendal prisen (2018)


Research Interests

Litteraturhistoriografiske studier med henblik på dansk litteraturhistorie, stedsfilosofi,  studier i ny dansk litteratur, det formelle gennembrud,  nordisk kvindelitteraturhistorie,  velfærdsstatens litteratur og forfatterroller, narrativ medicin, Bob Dylan-Studier 

Seneste udgivelse: Hvor litteraturen finder sted. Bidrag til dansk litteraturhistorie, bd. I-III,  Gyldendal, 2010-2011.

100 Danish Poems. Introduction by Anne-Marie Mai, Washington University Press/Museum Tusculanum, 2011 (Oversættelse af 100 danske digte ved John Irons).

Udgivelser undervejs: antologi om velfærdsstatens forfatterroller, antologi om Bob Dylans digtning, bidrag og redaktion af antologi om litterære karakterer.


  • Litterature, Culture and Media


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