Activities per year
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Protective Buffering: Nurses Facilitating Communication Between Adults With Cancer and Their Adult Family Caregivers Who Overprotect One Another - An Integrative Review
Rothausen, C. S. (Guest lecturer), Clausen, A. M. (Co-author), Voltelen, B. (Co-author) & Dieperink, K. B. (Co-author)
22. May 2024Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
Dansk Selskab for Familiesygepleje (External organisation)
Clausen, A. M. (Participant)
2023 → …Activity: Membership › Board duties in companies, associations, or public organisations
Nordic Conference in Family Health and Care. (External organisation)
Clausen, A. M. (Member)
2023 → …Activity: Membership › Membership of commitees, commissions, boards, councils, associations, organisations, or similar
Styregruppemedlem i FaCe - Family focused healthcare research Center, Klinisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet (External organisation)
Clausen, A. M. (Member)
2023 → …Activity: Membership › Board duties in companies, associations, or public organisations
Tværfagligt Hæmatologisk Forskningsnetværk i Danmark (External organisation)
Clausen, A. M. (Member)
2023 → …Activity: Membership › Board duties in companies, associations, or public organisations
MICRO-KVAL - En undersøgelse af hæmatologisk kræftpatienters oplevelse af fatigue i hverdagen
Møller Clausen, A. (Guest lecturer)
7. May 2019Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hvordan oplever kræftsygeplejersker omsorgstræthed
Møller Clausen, A. (Guest lecturer)
23. Jan 2019 → …Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations