Teaching & Supervision
- 10 results
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MRI instrumentation, MRI functionality, technology (practical and theory).
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 10/11/2014 → 14/11/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Quality control (QC)/quality assurance (QA) of X-ray equipment for Diploma DXA scanner course OUH
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 15/09/2014 → 15/09/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Hospitasfysiker Uddannelse
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 01/06/2021 → 01/07/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Teaching to: 6th semester radiograph students at University collage lillebælt
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 12/11/2020 → 12/11/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Radiation protection and quality control (QC)/quality assurance (QA) of X-ray equipment
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 11/11/2020 → 11/11/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
radiation protection and practical use of X-ray fluoroscopy imaging system
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 03/09/2020 → 03/09/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Røntgen kørekort til Læger udenfor radiologisk afdeling
Ahmed Jibril Abdi 05/03/2020 → 05/03/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching