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Foredrag om telemedicin for østrigsk delegation af hospitalsdirektører og hospitalsejere
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
7. Nov 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Creating solutions that allow the elderly citizens to stay independent and active and not become patients
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
8. May 2017Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
5-COOP Country report – Denmark
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
9. Dec 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Anthropometric measures
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
9. Dec 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Are all centenarians cognitively intact in the 5-COOP countries?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
7. Dec 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Comparing the prevalence of Morbidity and Diseases across the 5-COOP countries
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
7. Dec 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Why Females have the Longevity Advantage
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
7. Oct 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Morbidity in Centenarians: Results from the 5-COOP study
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
6. Oct 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
The Prevention of Acute Admission by Tele Health (PAATH) project
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
12. May 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Dried Blood Spots and Health
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
25. Feb 2016Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Den Komplekse Geriatriske Patient
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Other)
2. Nov 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Monitoring primary health care utilizarion in order to prevent acute hospitalization of older patients
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
17. Sept 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Will the old people of tomorrow be healthier?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
17. Sept 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
DÆMP og tværsektoriel kommunikation fra sygehusperspektivet
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
14. Sept 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
How to do a peer review for a journal
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
28. Jan 2015Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
De sidste gode leveår
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
29. Oct 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Er man færdig når man er firs?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
30. Sept 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Cardiovascular diseases in Danish Centenarians: The Danish Centenarian Program
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
18. Sept 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Identifying prehospital factors associated to acute hospitalization elderly citizens: Presentation of results from the Danish pilot study
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
20. Aug 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Integration of biomarkers in social science
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
26. Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Gør livet mindre ondt når man er fra Nordeuropa?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
25. Jun 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Diagnosing Dementia in Denmark
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
27. Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Den ældre patient og medicinen
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
25. Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Moving in old age – appreciation from a holistic view
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
25. Mar 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kan aldringens konsekvenser forebygges?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
15. Jan 2014Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
What is SHARE? Introduction to a European study on ageing and health: How to access the SHARE data?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
3. Oct 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Præsentation af SHARE Survey
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
30. May 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Folkeuniversitetet i Ålborg: Verden af i morgen
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
22. May 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
17. Jan 2013Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Demens og den ældre borger
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
31. Oct 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Syddanmark på Europa-kortet for sundhed og velfærdsinnovation: Samarbejde, synlighed og bedre service
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
30. Oct 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Fear of falling is associated with decreased grip strength, slower walking speed, and inability to stand from chair without using arms in a large European ageing study
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
27. Oct 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Using cardiovascular diseases and medicine consumption to describe morbidity in Danish centenarians
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
12. Jun 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Ældre borgeres sundhed og sygdom i fremtiden
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
31. May 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Cognition in Centenarians
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Other)
24. Jan 2012Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Arbejde kvikker op. Tidlig tilbagetrækning fra arbejde: Hvorfor er der forskelle?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
18. Nov 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Why bother about centenarians?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
13. Oct 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Resultater fra SHARE projektet
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
7. Sept 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Den demografiske udvikling i relation til sygehusbyggerierne i DK
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
6. Sept 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Observatory Venice Summer School 2011
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
27. Jul 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Dansk Transplantationsselskabs Årsmøde
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
26. May 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hearing impairment in Europe: A comparison study based on SHARE data waves 1 and 2
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
27. Apr 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hearing impairment in Europe: A comparison study based on SHARE data waves 1 and 2
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
14. Apr 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Hvorfor er aldring interessant?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
15. Mar 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Geriatri og Folkesundhed
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
4. Mar 2011Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Care of Older People in Portugal
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
26. Nov 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Kroppens aldring - færdig med firs?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
6. Oct 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Learning from the oldest olds?
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Lecturer)
1. Oct 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
- Vibeke Juliebø: Delirium, dementia, medical treatment, and mortality in elderly hip fracture patients: A prospective observational study
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Other)
24. Sept 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies
Viden om ældre. Temamøde for personalet på Ældreområdet i Norddjurs Kommune
Andersen-Ranberg, K. (Speaker)
21. Sept 2010Activity: Talks and presentations › Talks and presentations in private or public companies