Personal profile

Research Interests

Research profile 
Jesper Bo Nielsen has a background a MSc in biology and chemistry and was originally trained as experimental toxicologist and did his master thesis on environmental factors affecting the cytochrome P450 enzymes. His PhD from 1992 focused on the toxicokinetics of inorganic as well as organic mercury compounds. During recent years, Jesper Bo Nielsen has attracted substantial funding and initiated independent research projects within areas such as immunotoxicology, dermal absorption, risk analysis and risk communication.

Research information

Jesper Bo Nielsen has since 1985 published 175 scientific papers mainly in international journals with peer review (n=130), 30 within the last 5 years. He is principal author on 40% of the papers and last author on another 30% of the publications. Jesper Bo Nielsen is principal or co-author on 27 book chapters or conference proceedings and +100 lectures, abstracts or posters presented at international and national meetings/symposiums.

Within the past 5 years Jesper Bo Nielsen has been invited speaker at 8 international meetings. He has chaired or co-chaired 3 international congresses or workshops (Siena, Italy; Golden, Colerado, USA, Copenhagen, Denmark) and been co-organizer of 2 international meetings (OEESC, Stockholm 2005; ICOH work shop, Siena, Italy 2006).

Research Funding 

Since 2003 Jesper Bo Nielsen has received

  • 3,5 mio DKK from the Danish EPA for research in dermal penetration 
  • 1,4 million kroner from the Danish EPA for intervention and risk communication in relation to child exposure to contaminated soil
  • 390,000 DKK from the National Board of Health for research on risk communication in relation to environmental exposures
  • 700,000 DKK from EU (total budget was 10 million kroner) for research on dermal penetration 
  • 7.4 million kroner together with the Danish Cancer Society from the Danish Research Council to study risk perception and risk communication in relation to mobile phones

Apart from the personal grants JBN is grant holder for a 17,1 million DKK grant from the Danish Cancer Society to establish and run a research center on cancer rehabilitation.


1992 PhD in Toxicology and Environmental Medicine
1984 M.Sc. in biology and chemistry

Work experience
2011- Professor (risk analysis and risk communication), Research Unit of General Practice, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2006- Head of Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
1993-2006 Associate professor, Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
1990-1993 Assistant professor, Environmental Medicine, Odense University, Denmark
1988-1990 Research fellowship, Environmental Medicine, Odense University, Denmark
1985-1988 Toxicologist, Occupational Medical Clinic, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
1984-1985 Research assistant, Environmental Medicine, Odense University, Denmark


  • Health and Illness


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