Personal profile


Camilla Bille, MD. Phd

Education and qualifications
1998 Authorisation as a Physician (A-autorisation)
2001 Permission to Practice Independently as a Physician (B-autorisation)
2001-2005 PhD Student, Department of Epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark
2005-2012 Visiting researcher, Epidemiology, University of Southern Denamrk
2007-2012 Plastic surgery Specialty training OUH/Vejle
2012 Registration as a specialist in Plastic Surgery
2012-2014 Breast surgery specialty training
2014 Registered as breast surgeon

1998 First year Resident, Faaborg Hospital, Intern Medicine (6 mth.)
1999 First year Resident, Faaborg Hospital, Surgery (6 mth.)
1999 First year Resident, Faaborg Hospital, Surgery (1½ mth.)
2000 General Practice, Odense (6 mth.)
2002-2005 Ph.d.
2005 Research assistant, Epidemiology, USD (3½ mth.)
2005-2012 Visiting researcher, Epidemiology, USD Present
2006 Second year Resident in Dept. of Surgery, OUH (3 mth.)
2006 Second year Resident in Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH (6 mth.)
2006 Second year Resident in Dept. of Surgery, OUH (6 mth.)
2007 Third year Resident in Dept. of Plastic Surgery, Vejle Hospital (5 mth.)
2007-2008 Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Plastic surgery, Vejle Hospital (12 mth.)
2008-2009 Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Surgery, OUH (6 mth.)
2009 Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Orthopedics, OUH (6 mth.)
2009 Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH (6 mth.)
2010-2011 Senior Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH (18 mth.)
2011-2012 Senior Fellow in Plastic Surgery, Dept. of Plastic surg., Vejle (12 mth)
2012-2014 Staff specialist 1 in Breast surgery (present)
2014- Klinisk lektor

Oral presentations at meetings and conferences
2003 “Parental Age and Oral Clefts” The American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association, 60th anniversary meeting, Asheville, North Carolina, USA
2004 “Oral Clefts in Denmark” WHO meeting on International Collaboration to reduce Health Care Burden of Craniofacial Anomalies, Geneve, Switzerland
2004 “Parental age and Oral clefts” Oral presentation of poster, Research day 2004, SDU
2005 “Babies with oral cleft: An effect of the increasing maternal and paternal age?” Nordic Demographic Symposium, Aalborg University
2005 “Experiences with classification of congenital malformations in the Danish National Birth Cohort” Expert Workshop: “Surveillance of congenital malformations in Denmark” Statens Institut for Folkesundhed,
2006 “Survival Associated with cleft lip and palate” Invited speaker at: “Prioritizing a research agenda for Orofacial clefts”, Center for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA
2006 “Oral Cleft in Denamark - Classification, epidemiology and prognosis” Danish Society for plastic and reconstructive surgery, (DSPR) 2006, Århus
2007 “Oral cleft etiology – Environment and parental age” DSPR spring meeting 2007, Roskilde
2009 “Reproductive patters among Danish women with oral cleft” DSPR spring meeting 2009, Roskilde
2010 "Prognosis for number of plastic surgeons in Denmark" Presented by Morten Bischoff Mikkelsen DSPR autumn, meeting 2010
2011 "Plastikkirurgi" Studerendes almen kirurgiske selskab - Odense (SAKS)
2012 "Primary reconstruction of the Breast" Department of Clinical Genetics, Vejle hospital
2012 "Modern breast reconstruction" 10th year anniversary of Breast cancer center in Vejle, Vejle Hospital
2012 ”Modern Breast Reconstruction”
“Focus on Breastcancer”, Kræftens bekæmpelse
2013 ”Breast Reconstruction” ”Ask the experts” – arranged by The Danish Breast Cancer Organisation.

2014 ”Pre-surgery mammography in mammaplasties” Spring meeting in Danish Breast Surgery Organisation.
2014 Oncoplastic surgery “Histo-tema” arranged by the Danish
Laboratory Technicians Organication
2014 Oncoplastic surgery and the irradiation challenges it results in. Staffmeeting at the oncologic department, University og Southern Denmark

Research in progress
Wound healing in caesarean Section
Local anaesthesia in breast surgery
Practice of pre-operative mammography in plastic surgery procedures.

2002 Maja Laursen, midwife Thesis in “Master of Science Education for Health Professions” “Genetic influence on prolonged gestation - a population-based Dansih twin study"
2003 Torben Garbers, medical student Pregraduate research ”Risk factors for oral cleft”.
2005 Britta Ørnfelt, medical student Pregraduate research ”Familiar risk for infantile hypertrophy pyloric stenosis based on a Funen cohort of 50 years"
2005-2007 Janni Elin Yttri, medical student Pregraduate research “Reproductive epidemiology for individuals with oral cleft”
2006-2010 Dorthe Grosen, MD Ph.d. study "Familiar clustering of negative pregnancy outcome: oral cleft and preterm birth.”
2011 Nana Hyldig Thesis in “Master of Science Education for Health Professions”, "Negative Pressure Wound Terapi in wound dehiscence in cesarians"
2012- Nana Hyldig Ph.d. study “Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Intervention for Postpartum Infections following Caesarean Section”
2013-2014 Magdalena Larsson Pregraduate research “Treatment of Postmastectomy Pain Syndrome”
2014-2014 Martin Sollie Pregraduate research “Local anaestesia in breast surgery”

Esso Advanced Course on Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Budapest 12-14 june 2014,12 ECMEC’s
London Breast Meeting, London 45-6 september

Other tasks
2002-2005 Participation in interviews of applicants to Odense medicine study, SDU.
2004-2011 Peer-reviewer of journals for “The Cleft Palate – Craniofacial Journal”
2005 Peer-reviewer of journals for “Preventive Medicine”
2006 Peer-reviewer of journals for “Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology”
2005-2010 Member of The Medical Advisory Assembly for “Fonden for Lægevidenskabelig Forskning mv. ved Fyns Amt” (The Foundation for Medical Research in Funen)
2006-2008 Peer-reviewer of journals for “BMJ”
2006-2007 Peer-reviewer of journals for “American J of Epidemiology”
2007-2012 Examiner at the school of cosmetologist, Unicos, Odense
2007-2011 Planning of Journal Club, Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH
2008-2014 Teacher at “Basic course in research” for medical doctors in specialty training, University of Southern Denmark
2009 Peer-reviewer of journals for “Cancer Investigation”
2009 Peer-reviewer of journals for “Human Reproduction”
2010 Peer-reviewer of applicants for “Policy Research Programme: Pre-Pregnancy Health and Care in England”, National Institute for Health Research, England
2010-2011 Planning of working schedule (Skemalægger), Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH
2010-2011 Planning of weekly education (Undervisningsplanlægger), Dept. of Plastic surgery, OUH
2013-2014 Examiner of medical students at mini OSCE and OSCE in breast surgery. University of southern Denmark.
2014- Lecturer in breast surgery for medicine students in K9 and K12, University of southern Denmark


1. Promising results after single-stage reconstruction of the nipple and areola complex.Børsen-Koch M, Bille C, Thomsen JB. Dan Med J. 2013 Oct;60(10):A4674.
2. Propeller TAP flap: is it usable for breast reconstruction? Thomsen JB, Bille C, Wamberg P, Jakobsen EH, Arffmann S. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2013 Oct;47(5):379-82
3. Risk of oral clefts in twins. Grosen D, Bille C, Petersen I, Skytthe A, Hjelmborg JB, Pedersen JK, Murray JC, Christensen K. Epidemiology. 2011 May;22(3):313-9.
4. Reproductive Patterns among Danish Women with Oral Clefts. Yttri JE, Christensen K, Knudsen L, Bille C. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2010 Sep 8.
5. Recurrence risk for offspring of twins discordant for oral cleft: A population-based cohort study of the Danish 1936-2004 cleft twin cohort. Grosen D, Bille C, Pedersen JK, Skytthe A, Murray JC, Christensen K. Am J Med Genet A. 2010 Aug 26.
6. Autoantibodies to Folate Receptor alpha During Early Pregnancy and Risk of Oral Clefts in Denmark. Bille C, Pedersen DA, Andersen AM, Mansilla MA, Murray JC, Christensen K, Ballard JL, Gorman EB, Cabrera RM, Finnell RH. Pediatr Res. 2009 Nov 25.
7. A cohort study of recurrence patterns among more than 54,000 relatives of oral cleft cases in Denmark: support for the multifactorial threshold model of inheritance. Grosen D, Chevrier C, Skytthe A, Bille C, Molsted K, Sivertsen A, Murray JC, Christensen K.J Med Genet. 2009 Sep 14.
8. Genetic determinants of facial clefting: analysis of 357 candidate genes using two national cleft studies from Scandinavia. Jugessur A, Shi M, Gjessing HK, Lie RT, Wilcox AJ, Weinberg CR, Christensen K, Boyles AL, Daack-Hirsch S, Trung TN, Bille C, Lidral AC, Murray JC. PLoS One. 2009;4(4):e5385.
9. Preconception care. Bille C, Andersen AM. BMJ. 2009 Feb 12;338:b22. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b22.
10. Disruption of an AP-2alpha binding site in an IRF6 enhancer is associated with cleft lip. Rahimov F, Marazita ML, Visel A, Cooper ME, Hitchler MJ, Rubini M, Domann FE, Govil M, Christensen K, Bille C, Melbye M, Jugessur A, Lie RT, Wilcox AJ, Fitzpatrick DR, Green ED, Mossey PA, Little J, Steegers-Theunissen RP, Pennacchio LA, Schutte BC, Murray JC. Nat Genet. 2008 Nov;40(11):1341-7. Epub 2008 Oct 5.
11. [Infertility and congenital malformations--secondary publication] Zhu JL, Basso O, Obel C, Bille C, Olsen J. Ugeskr Laeger. 2007 Mar 5;169(10):918-20. Danish.
12. Folic acid and birth malformations. Bille C, Murray JC, Olsen SF. BMJ. 2007 Mar 3;334(7591):433-4.
13. Oral clefts and life style factors--a case-cohort study based on prospective Danish data. Bille C, Olsen J, Vach W, Knudsen VK, Olsen SF, Rasmussen K, Murray JC, Andersen AM, Christensen K. Eur J Epidemiol. 2007;22(3):173-81. Epub 2007 Feb 13.
14. Infertility, infertility treatment, and congenital malformations: Danish national birth cohort. Zhu JL, Basso O, Obel C, Bille C, Olsen J.BMJ. 2006 Sep 30;333(7570):679.
15. Smoking habits, nicotine use, and congenital malformations.Morales-Suárez-Varela MM, Bille C, Christensen K, Olsen J. Obstet Gynecol. 2006 Jan;107(1):51-7.
16. Cancer risk in persons with oral cleft--a population-based study of 8,093 cases.Bille C, Winther JF, Bautz A, Murray JC, Olsen J, Christensen K. Am J Epidemiol. 2005 Jun 1;161(11):1047-55.
17. Changing lifestyles and oral clefts occurrence in Denmark. Bille C, Knudsen LB, Christensen K. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 2005 May;42(3):255-9.
18. Parent's age and the risk of oral clefts. Bille C, Skytthe A, Vach W, Knudsen LB, Andersen AM, Murray JC, Christensen K. Epidemiology. 2005 May;16(3):311-6.
19. Genetic influence on prolonged gestation: a population-based Danish twin study. Laursen M, Bille C, Olesen AW, Hjelmborg J, Skytthe A, Christensen K. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Feb;190(2):489-94.

Coauthorships, oral presentations and posters
jun, 2012 ”Samtidig rekonstruktion af papil og areola”. DSPR spring meeting, Copenhagen Børsen-Koch M, Bille C, Thomsen JB
jun, 2012 “Intervention for Postpartum Infections following Cesarean Section”. The 38th Nordic Congress of Obstetics and Gynecology. Hyldig N., Bille C, Kruse M, Bøgeskov RA and Jørgensen J.S.
okt, 2012 “Early Experience using ADM for Breast Reconstruction”. DSPR Autumn meeting, Kolding Jørn Bo Thomsen, Camilla Bille, Mikkel Børsen-Koch, Peter Wamberg, Erik H. Jacobsen, Susanne Arffmann
okt, 2012 ”Sekundær Brystrekonstruktion ved anvendelse af en thoracodorsal Arterie Perforant Lap, en Acellulær Dermail Matrix og en blivende protese”. Nordic plastic surgery congress, Helsinki Jørn Bo Thomsen, Camilla Bille, Peter Wamberg, Erik H. Jacobsen, Susanne Arffmann
nov, 2012 ”Simpel rekonstruktion af papil og areolakompleks ved ét-stadie teknik”. DMKS, Aabenraa Børsen-Koch M, Bille C, Thomsen JB
feb, 2013 “Breast Reconstruction with a thoracodorsal artery perforator flap, acellulær dermal matrix and a silicone implant”. World Congress of IPRAS, Chile Jørn Bo Thomsen, Camilla Bille, Peter Wamberg, Erik H. Jacobsen, Susanne Arffmann
maj, 2013 “Intervention for Postpartum Infections following Cesarean Section”. European Wound Management association, Copenhagen Hyldig N., Bille C, Kruse M and Jørgensen J.S.
sept, 2013 ”Developing a propeller TAP flap breast reconstruction technique”. ORBD Breast meeting, Nottingham Jørn Bo Thomsen, Mikkel Børsen-Koch, Gudjon L Gunnarsson, Ann Udesen, Thormod Westvik, Camilla Bille, Susanne Arffmann
Jun, 2014 Spring meeting in “Danish Society for plastic and reconstructive surgery, (DSPR)”
Spring meeting in “Danish Society for plastic and reconstructive surgery, (DSPR)” Thomas Foged, Jens Ahm Sørensen, Katrine Søe,
Camilla Bille


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