Teaching & Supervision
- 49 results
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Ecosystem driven technology development and adoption
Christensen, K. 01/09/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching
Brick Maps - An Intuitive Indoor Location Application
Johansen, A. 02/09/2019 → 01/06/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
IoT Auto-configuration
Johansen, A. 02/09/2019 → 01/06/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
En undersøgelse af brug af hybridvarmepumper i mindre virksomheder og offentlige institutioner i Vejle Nord i stedet for den nuværende varmekilde gas
Filonenko, K. 02/09/2019 → 29/01/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bid behaviour prediction of Autorola auction customers
Johansen, A. 02/09/2019 → 01/01/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Professional Self-study - independant study activity (ISA)
Filonenko, K. 21/02/2019 → 16/08/2019
Course: Teaching
Advances in modeling of district heating systems for supply temperature optimization
Filonenko, K. 01/02/2019 → 30/07/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Modeling the future distributed electricity grid
Filonenko, K. 01/02/2019 → 27/06/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Optimizing the Thermal Energy Storage Configuration
Filonenko, K. 01/02/2019 → 15/06/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Optimization of dimentioning method for district heating pipes
Filonenko, K. 01/02/2019 → 15/06/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Locating vehicles in multi-storied parking complexes.
Johansen, A. 01/02/2019 → 03/06/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Optimizing the Thermal Energy Storage Configuration of Fynsværket
Veje, C. & Filonenko, K. 01/02/2019 → 31/05/2019
Course: Supervision
Heat pumps and excess heat
Filonenko, K. 03/09/2018 → 29/01/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Project: BossWave Plugin for NETx BMS Server
Johansen, A. 03/09/2018 → 02/01/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
First steps of a simulation model for Thermonet
Veje, C. & Filonenko, K. 01/02/2018 → 01/06/2018
Course: Supervision
Software Tool for construction of Building Metadata Models
Johansen, A. 01/02/2018 → 01/06/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Design and testing of high performance regenerators
Veje, C. 01/11/2014 → 01/11/2017
Course: Supervision
Modeling of Li-Ion battery packs as basis for design of battery thermal management systems
Veje, C. 01/11/2013 → 01/11/2016
Course: Supervision
Ensuring technical quality by energy efficient drying of extruded feed pellets
Veje, C. 01/09/2012 → 01/09/2015
Course: Supervision
Energy and exergy modeling of district heating and cooling
Veje, C. 01/01/2010 → 01/11/2013
Course: Supervision
Achieving the goal of a self-sufficient Ærø, utilizing storage.
Huang, S., Filonenko, K. & Veje, C. 03/02/2020 → …
Course: Supervision
Dynamics and control of processes and systems - Modeling (DCPS)
Filonenko, K. 06/02/2019 → …
Course: Teaching
PV-panels installed on flat roofs integrated with an electricity storing battery unit
Filonenko, K. 02/09/2019 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Modeling of DH grid for Smart energipuljen in Vejle Nord LiveLab (40 ECTS)
Filonenko, K. 02/09/2019 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Reaching a sustainable solution for Aeroe’s heat production and consumption
Huang, S., Filonenko, K. & Veje, C. 01/02/2020 → …
Course: Supervision
Data- and Component-Based Energy System Modeling
Veje, C., Dallaire, J. & Filonenko, K. 01/02/2021 → …
Course: Teaching