Teaching & Supervision
- 1 - 50 out of 71 results
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Biostatistics II
Hjelmborg, J. V. B., Halekoh, U., Clemmensen, S. B. & Möller, S. 24/10/2024 → 11/12/2024
Course: Teaching
Tina Vestphal. Relatives of mentally ill patients in forensic and general psychiatry -Those who fight alongside
Tingleff, E. 01/01/2021 → 31/12/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
The Ricoeur and Participant Observations Seminar
Simony, C., Agerskov, H., Pedersen, B. & Hounsgaard, L. 01/02/2017 → 01/11/2023
Course: Teaching
Literature searching - Internal co-examinator
Hansen, S.M.-B. 27/09/2023 → 29/09/2023
Course: Teaching
Medvejleder præ-graduate studerende ved øjenafdeling E, OUH
Stokholm, L. 01/09/2022 → 31/08/2023
Course: Supervision
A descriptive non-response analysis of pregnant women in The COVIDPregDK cohort – A Danish register-based research
Stokholm, L. 01/02/2023 → 30/06/2023
Course: Supervision
Introduction to Cross-disciplinary teaching module
Tingleff, E. 01/02/2021 → 30/09/2022
Course: Teaching
Qualitative research methods, methodology and epistemology.
Tingleff, E. 01/02/2021 → 30/09/2022
Course: Teaching
Mixed models in Health Science
Hjelmborg, J., Kristensen, S. B. M., Halekoh, U. & Mohammadnejad, A. 21/06/2022 → 22/06/2022
Course: Teaching
Ethical considerations in qualitative studies involving vulnerable people
Tingleff, E. 30/03/2022 → 30/03/2022
Course: Teaching
How to navigate through the many different types of systematic reviews
Tingleff, E. 23/02/2022 → 23/02/2022
Course: Teaching
Data Management and Responsible conduct of Research - ph.d. kursus
Morsø, L. 02/02/2022 → 04/02/2022
Course: Teaching
Biostatistics II
Mohammadnejad, A., Hjelmborg, J. V. B., Timofeeva, M., Halekoh, U. & Bang Mohr Kristensen, S. 28/10/2021 → 15/12/2021
Course: Teaching
Survival Analysis
Hjelmborg, J. V. B., Bang Mohr Kristensen, S. & Clemmensen, S. B. 25/11/2021 → 02/12/2021
Course: Teaching
Camilla Hundevad Sirach Lauritsen. Pårørende i retspsykiatrien
Tingleff, E. 01/02/2021 → 14/06/2021
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Survival analysis in medical research
Hjelmborg, J. V. B., Villumsen, M. D., Bang Mohr Kristensen, S. & Clemmensen, S. B. 25/11/2020 → 09/12/2020
Course: Teaching
Master thesis: Two-way text message interventions and healthcare outcomes in Africa: Systematic review of randomised trials with meta-analysis
Linde, D. & Lundh, A. 01/02/2020 → 30/06/2020
Course: Supervision
Evidensbaseret Medicin I
Hrõbjartsson, A. & Søndergaard Linde, D. 17/06/2019 → 30/06/2020
Course: Teaching
Sandra Breth Jakobsen. Arbejdet med stemmehøring i socialpsykiatrien
Tingleff, E. 01/02/2020 → 11/06/2020
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Systematic literature search + systematic review + writing a research proposal
Tingleff, E. 01/01/2017 → 31/12/2019
Course: Teaching
Scientific article: eHealth Interventions and Intimate Partner Violence: A Systematic Review of Randomised trials
Søndergaard Linde, D., Rasch, V. & Lundh, A. 01/02/2019 → 31/07/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Forskning og Evidensbaseret Medicin
Hrõbjartsson, A. & Søndergaard Linde, D. 04/02/2019 → 21/06/2019
Course: Teaching
Hovedvejleder for prægraduatstuderende stud.med. Dorthe Marie Sjødahl Bryde fra 1. februar 2018 på projektet: Increasing efficacy of CAR T cells derived from Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia patients
Barington, T. 01/02/2018 → 01/02/2019
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Underviser (1 forelæsning á 45 minutter i genterapi), Sundhedsstyrelsens H-kursus i Diagnostisk og terapeutisk Immunologi, København
Barington, T. 25/11/2018 → 25/11/2018
Course: Teaching
Hovedvejleder for ph.d.-studerende cand.scient. Ane Landt Larsen fra 1. oktober 2011. Projektet hedder: Expression and signaling in the CD200-CD200R pathway. Forsvaret afholdt d. 9. november 2018.
Barington, T. 09/11/2018 → 09/11/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Ph.d.-kursus i etnografisk metode og kvalitativ analyse i arktis
Hounsgaard, L. 24/09/2018 → 28/09/2018
Course: Teaching
Hovedvejleder for bachelorstuderende stud.scient.biomedicin Helena Gåsland på projektet: A BAFF based chimeric antigen receptor for multiple targeting of BAFF-R, BCMA and TACI in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Barington, T. 01/02/2018 → 01/08/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Hovedvejleder for ISA-studerende Mette Elverdam på projektet: Udvikling af antistoffer rettet mod B celle aktiverende faktor receptoren til kimærisk antigen receptor T celle terapi i behandlingen af kronisk lymfatisk leukæmi. Afsluttet 20. juni 2018
Barington, T. 20/06/2018 → 20/06/2018
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Underviser (7 forelæsninger á 45 minutter i almen immunologi), Sundhedsstyrelsens H-kursus i Teoretisk Immunologi
Barington, T. 23/04/2018 → 26/04/2018
Course: Teaching
PhD course: ”Videnskabelige kompetencer og arktisk forskning”. Ilisimatusarfik (Univeristy of Greenland)
Tingleff, E. 12/03/2018 → 16/03/2018
Course: Teaching
Epidemiologi, lægeuddannelsen, Københavns Universitet
Stokholm, L. 19/04/2017 → 15/06/2017
Course: Teaching