Projects per year
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Implementing video consultations in Danish general practice. GPs’ and staff’s interpretations, care practices, and invisible work related to use and non-use.
Lüchau, E. C. (PhD student), Assing Hvidt, E. (Supervisor), Søndergaard, J. (Co-supervisor), Olesen, F. (Co-supervisor) & Atherton, H. (Co-supervisor)
01/05/2021 → 17/12/2024
Project: PhD Project
Video consultation in general practice – a prospective cohort study with a special focus on patients with mental disorders- and problems
van Sas, T. Q. B. (PhD student), Assing Hvidt, E. (Supervisor), Søndergaard, J. (Co-supervisor), Nielsen, J. B. (Co-supervisor) & Huibers, L. (Co-supervisor)
01/09/2021 → 01/09/2024
Project: PhD Project
Liposits, G. I. (PhD student), Pfeiffer, P. (Supervisor), Winther, S. B. (Co-supervisor), Ryg, J. (Co-supervisor) & Skuladottir, H. (Co-supervisor)
01/09/2020 → 31/12/2023
Project: PhD Project
Improving out- patient clinic follow-up of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: use of an individualized APP using patient-reported outcome measurements.
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Co-supervisor)
01/04/2019 → 31/12/2023
Project: PhD Project
Early therapy to promote hand use in infants at risk of developing cerebral palsy
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Supervisor)
01/05/2020 → 31/05/2023
Project: PhD Project
”En tværsektoriel peer-mentor intervention til forbedring af sårbare flygtninge og indvandreres patientforløb”
Nielsen, D. S. (Project manager)
01/05/2020 → 01/05/2023
Project: Research
Evaluating a novel technology in radiotherapy using digital patient-reported outcomes: The PRO-MR-RT study
Møller, P. K. (PhD student)
01/02/2019 → 27/01/2023
Project: PhD Project
Min ryg!
Junge, T. (Project manager), Dahler, A. M. (In charge of work packages), Rosenbek Minet, L. (In charge of work packages), Larsen, C. M. (In charge of work packages) & Kjær, P. (CoPI)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Tatoveringer, livsstilsfaktorer - og risiko for kræft
Clemmensen, S. B. (PhD student), Hjelmborg, J. V. B. (Supervisor), Mengel-From, J. (Co-supervisor) & Frederiksen, H. (Co-supervisor)
01/01/2019 → 31/12/2022
Project: Research
Development and testing of an information and communication technological supported person-centred rehabilitation process for people with mild stroke and their significant others – An experience-based co-design study
Larsen, S. M. (Project participant), Rosenbek Minet, L. (Project participant), Ytterberg, C. (Project participant) & Johansson, S. (Project participant)
01/09/2020 → 31/08/2022
Project: Research
Feasibility-studie af 15-metoden
Nielsen, A. S. (Head coordinator) & Søndergaard, J. (Head coordinator)
01/03/2020 → 31/03/2022
Project: Research
Udvikling, implementering og evaluering af evidensbaserede tilgange til fremme af engagement i meningsfulde aktiviteter for borgere med demens - et aktionsforskningsprojekt
Kielsgaard, K. (PhD student), Kristensen, H. K. (Supervisor), Nielsen, D. S. (Supervisor), Andersen, P. T. (Supervisor) & Horghagen, S. (Supervisor)
30/11/2017 → 30/11/2020
Project: Research
Early initiated physical exercise in newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Co-supervisor)
01/06/2014 → 01/10/2020
Project: PhD Project
Telemedieret hjemmetræning til patienter med meget svær kronisk ob-struktiv lungelidelse - Gensidig konstituering af teknologi, daglig livsførelse og professionel praksis
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Supervisor)
01/08/2016 → 01/10/2020
Project: PhD Project
Telemedieret hjemmetræning til patienter med meget svær kronisk obstruktiv lungelidelse (KOL): Gensidig konstituering af teknologi, daglig livsførelse og professionel praksis
Rayce, K. (Project participant), Rosenbek Minet, L. (Project participant), Huniche, L. (Project participant), Kidholm, K. (Project participant), Vestbo, J. (Project participant) & Duedal Pedersen, C. (Project participant)
01/08/2015 → 14/07/2020
Project: Research
Adherence to treatment guidelines and survival in older women with early-stage breast cancer in Denamrk 2008-2012
Vogsen, M. (Head coordinator)
01/09/2014 → 01/06/2020
Project: Research
Implementation and response evaluation of Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) for peritoneal metastasis in Denmark
Graversen, M. (PhD student), Fristrup, C. W. (Supervisor), Pfeiffer, P. (Supervisor) & Mortensen, M. B. (Supervisor)
01/10/2018 → 31/01/2020
Project: PhD Project
HEAD & NECK, and CANCER: Upfront PET/CT in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Detection of Distant Metastases and Synchronous Cancer, Prognostic Implications, and Patient Treatment
Rohde, M. (PhD student), Høilund-Carlsen, P. (Co-supervisor), Johansen, J. (Co-supervisor), Sørensen, J. A. (Co-supervisor) & Godballe, C. (Supervisor)
01/12/2013 → 27/09/2018
Project: PhD Project
Orto-geriatrics - clinical effect, patient satisfaction and organizational implications
Nørgaard, B. (Co-supervisor), Abrahamsen, C. (PhD student), Draborg, E. (Supervisor), Nielsen, M. F. (Co-supervisor) & Nielsen, D. S. (Project participant)
01/04/2015 → 06/06/2018
Project: PhD Project
For dig som har mistet - samtale om tab og livsmod
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Project manager)
01/08/2015 → 01/06/2018
Project: Research
Interdisciplinary rehabilitation of patients with glioma during anti-cancer treatment
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Co-supervisor)
01/02/2015 → 01/02/2018
Project: PhD Project
Variations in functioning, disability, health related quality of life and perceived rehabilitation needs of Elderly after a fall.
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Project manager)
01/05/2012 → 01/05/2016
Project: Research
HEAD & NECK, and CANCER: Papillary thyroid carcinoma: Clinical significance and metastatic potential
Londero, S. C. (PhD student), Krogdahl, A. (Project participant), Bastholt, L. (Project participant), Overgaard, J. (Project participant) & Godballe, C. (Supervisor)
01/10/2009 → 08/01/2015
Project: PhD Project
Videokonference til rehabilitering/træning af patienter med svær KOL
Rosenbek Minet, L. (Project manager)
01/06/2011 → 01/05/2013
Project: Research
HEAD & NECK, and CANCER: Salivary gland carcinoma in Denmark 1990-2005. A clinical and histological follow-up study
Bjørndal, K. (Project participant), Krogdahl, A. (Co-supervisor), Johansen, J. (Co-supervisor), Overgaard, J. (Co-supervisor) & Godballe, C. (Supervisor)
01/10/2007 → 07/09/2012
Project: PhD Project
Self-Management in Diabetes Care: The importance of self-care management intervention in chronically ill patients diagnosed with diabetes
Rosenbek Minet, L. (PhD student)
01/12/2006 → 11/03/2011
Project: PhD Project