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Participation in IEA ISGAN Working Group 6 ‘Power T&D Systems'
Shaker, H. R. (PI)
01/04/2025 → 31/03/2028
Project: Research
Optical Gears - Harnessing Light's Angular Momentum Towards Nano Optic Omnidirectional Motion
Laghrissi, A. (PI) & Fiutowski, J. (Co-PI)
01/03/2025 → 28/02/2027
Project: Private Foundations
TeleScent - Long distance transmission of scents
de Oliveira Hansen, R. (PI), Kunstmann, C. H. (Project participant) & Nsubuga, L. (Project participant)
01/02/2025 → 31/01/2027
Project: Research
GRACE: Grid Capacity-Aware Investment Roadmap for Eco-Industrial Clusters
Nami, H. (Organisational project manager), Ardehali, A. (Project participant) & Wenzel, H. (Project participant)
01/02/2025 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
Strong Interactions of Surface Plasmon Resonances with Molecular Resonances on Corrugated Gold Gratings
Gupta, P. (Project participant)
Project: PhD Project
NanostuctOPV: Organic semiconductor nanoparticle lattice for organic photovoltaics
Martos, D. G. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
Room-Temperature Generation of Indistinguishable Single Photons
Kumar, S. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
Making a single photon capable of detecting a single molecule
Zenin, V. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
Digital Twin as a Decision-Making Support Tool for Resilience of Urban’s Infrastructure under Extreme Climatic Events
Shu, J. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
Process Design and Optimization of Green-Ammonia Production
Malekli, M. R. (Project participant) & Khosravi, A. (Project participant)
Project: Research
Integrated Optic Waveguide Polarizer Filters Based on Leaky structure
Gupta, P. (Project participant)
Project: Research
New water glasses for precipitation of aqueous metal ions
Warner, T. E. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
A study of optimizing the persistent luminescence of Na2(O,S)-intercalated cubic carnegieite, xNa2S∙Na2O[Na6Al6Si6O24]
Warner, T. E. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
Nanophotonics in the focus of an electron microscope
Stamatopoulou, P. E. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
DDPTX: DDPTX: Deciphering the Dynamics of Power-to-X Systems
Khosravi, A. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
Mini Picker
Hammerich, C. (CoI), Rasmussen, M. H. (CoI) & Larsen, O. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
EU - Interreg - 3A Syddanmark-Schleswig-K.E.R.N - Funktionelle tynde film til højteknologiske anvendelser
Skou, E. M. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
Ferry-Free Coastal Route E39: Fire and Explosive Resistance of Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT)
Shu, J. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research
Bio-Inspired Behavioural Additive Construction: Teaching Robots How to Build Like Nature
Naboni, R. (PI)
Project: Private Foundations
LARYNGOLOGY and PHONIATRICS: Standardization of the Voice Range Profile for Clinical and Research Purposes, assessment of the voice in patients with Laryngeal Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Non-Neoplastic Lesions, and monitoring the vocal outcome of transoral CO2 laser microsurgery
Printz, T. (PhD student), Godballe, C. (Co-supervisor), Juhl, P. M. (Co-supervisor) & Grøntved, Å. M. (Supervisor)
Project: PhD Project
Applied Cooperative Control for Drones
Aghaee, F. (PhD student) & Jouffroy, J. (Supervisor)
Project: PhD Project
Model-Driven Robotic Assembly
Sloth, C. (Head coordinator) & Kramberger, A. (Head coordinator)
Project: Research