Teaching & Supervision
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Master Thesis (Civilingeniør): Undersøgelse af betydningen af tørringsmetoder på indholdet af ginsenosider og polyacetylener i amerikansk ginseng (Panax quinquefolium L.) rødder
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2006 → 31/01/2007
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Master Thesis (Civilingeniør): Opkoncentrering af æblesaft fra forfiltreret råsaft ved brug af vakuummebrandestillation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2005 → 30/06/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Udvikling af metode til vanding af planter med saltvand
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2006 → 30/06/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Undersøgelse og optimering af emballage til fødevareolier
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2005 → 30/06/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Fjernelse af arsen fra drikkevand ved MF med Fe(III)-flokkulering og NF
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2005 → 31/01/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Master Thesis (Civilingeniør): Undersøgelse af opbevarings-, tørrings- og ekstraktionsmetoders betydning for indhold af potentielle bioaktive stoffer i pilebark (Salix purpurea)
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2005 → 31/01/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Beer stabilisation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2005 → 31/01/2006
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Test af pilotanlæg: Fremstilling af solbærkoncentrat ved osmotisk membrandestillation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2005 → 30/06/2005
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Opkoncentrering af birkesaft ved direkte kontakt membrandestillation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2005 → 30/06/2005
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Fremstilling af saftkoncentrat ved osmotisk membrandestillation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2004 → 31/01/2005
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Test af pilotanlæg til forbedret frugtsaft
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2004 → 30/06/2004
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Befugtning af indsugningsluften til brændselsceller
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2003 → 31/01/2004
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Biodiesel
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2003 → 30/06/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Tilpasning af CMA-30 til SAE AMS 1435
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2003 → 30/06/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Opkoncentrering af valleprotein ved membrandestillation
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/2003 → 30/06/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Udnyttelse af spildvarme til tankopvarmning på Aarhus Oliefabrik A/S
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2002 → 31/01/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Konstruktion og indkøring af TDM-pilotanlæg
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2002 → 31/01/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Anvendelse af kemometri til koncentrationsbestemmelse af ethanol, acetaldehyd og benzaldehyd med NIR
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/2002 → 31/01/2003
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Oprensning af Tjæresøer
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1999 → 31/01/2000
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Substitution af tetraklorkulstofmed freon ved bestemmelse af olie/fedt i vandved hjælp af IR-spektroskopi
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1999 → 30/06/1999
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Karakterisering af rRNA bindende domæne af erythromycin resistent methylase (ErmE)
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1999 → 30/06/1999
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Tilpasning af mobilt forbrændningsanlæg til klinisk risikoaffald
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1998 → 31/01/1999
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Katalytisk fremstilling af polyglycerol
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1998 → 31/01/1999
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Opkoncentrering af tekoncentrat
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1998 → 30/06/1998
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Dimensionering af tre bitumentanke, med rør, ventiler og pumper
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1998 → 30/06/1998
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør):Skitseprojekt til De-NOx enhed til mobilt forbrændingsanlæg
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1997 → 31/01/1998
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Papir-, lim- og valsekvalitetens inflydelse på limfugestyrken i festartikler
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1997 → 31/01/1998
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Forprojektering til CMA-produktion
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1997 → 30/06/1997
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Gas separation by pressure swing adsorption
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1996 → 31/01/1997
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Fastfaseanalyse og HPLC-analyse af D3-vitamin
Knud Villy Christensen 01/09/1996 → 31/01/1997
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Diplomingeniør): Fremtilling af absolut ethanol
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1996 → 30/06/1996
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Head of lab course advanced inorganic chemistry for teachers
Ebel, T. 01/04/1993 → 30/06/1995
Course: Teaching
Bachelor Thesis (Teknikumingeniør): Rensning af procesvand
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1994 → 30/06/1994
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Teknikumingeniør): Oprensning af kviksølvholdigt affald
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1994 → 30/06/1994
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Teknikumingeniør): Hydrolyse af Sorbinsyrepolyester
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1993 → 30/06/1993
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Teknikumingeniør) - Røggasrensning med regenerering af sorbent: marineanvendelse
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1992 → 30/06/1992
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Bachelor Thesis (Teknikumingeniør): Redoxforhold i øl
Knud Villy Christensen 01/02/1992 → 30/06/1992
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
K530: Kvantitativ analytisk kemi
Xavier Christian Fretté 02/02/2015 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
XBIO3: Advanced Natural Products Chemistry
Xavier Christian Fretté 01/09/2011 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Model predictive control of power converters
30/01/2019 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Think Business - ideation (Innovation and Creativity)
01/02/2013 → …
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching