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Maria Aagesen
- Department of Public Health
- User Perspectives and Community-based Interventions - Assistant Professor
Person: VIP
Claus Aalykke
Person: VIP
Maiken Skovrider Aaskoven
- Department of Public Health
- DaCHE - Danish Centre for Health Economics - Assistant Professor
Person: VIP
Lotte Abildgren
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, CFPK - Centre for Patient Communication (Odense) - Assistant Professor
Person: VIP
Linda Juel Ahrenfeldt
- Department of Public Health
- Research Unit of General Pratice - Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Hannah Ahrensberg
- National Institute of Public Health
- Public health in Denmark - Ph.D. Student
Person: VIP
Alan Patrick Ainsworth
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Surgery (Odense) - Clinical Associate Professor
Person: VIP
Mark Andrew Ainsworth
- Department of Clinical Research
- KI, OUH, Research unit of Medical Gastroenterology (Odense) - Clinical Professor, Senior Consultant
Person: TAP, VIP
Maria Holst Algren
- National Institute of Public Health
- Public health epidemiology - Senior Advisor
Person: VIP
Mohammed Inayatullah Maula Ali
- Department of Molecular Medicine
- Genome Biology - Assistant Professor
Person: VIP
Mette Alkærsig
- Department of Psychology
- Clinical Psychology - Ph.D. Fellow
- The National Center of Psychotraumatology - PhD student
Person: VIP
Thomas Allen
- Department of Public Health
- DaCHE - Danish Centre for Health Economics - Guest researcher
Person: VIP
Ayham Al-Masri
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Hospital Sønderjylland - Teaching Asscociate Professor
Person: VIP
Osamah Saadi Abbas Al-Obaidi
- Department of Regional Health Research
- IRS - Esbjerg and Grindsted Hospital - External Lecturer
Person: VIP
Carla Maria Lourenco Alves
- Department of Molecular Medicine
- Cancer Research - Aadjunct professor
Person: VIP