Teaching & Supervision
- 100 - 150 out of 4,893 results
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Masterprojektforberedelse (MICS)
Jakobsson, A. K. & Nielsen, L. 01/08/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Master theses (numerous Master theses on a continuous basis)
Becker, M. 01/09/2007 → 31/01/2024
Course: Supervision
International Strategic Partnerships
Martin-Sanchez, V. & Wang, Y. 01/09/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching
Introduction to Organization / Introduction til organisation
Winkler, I. 01/09/2017 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching
Commercialization Strategy in Theory and Practice
Beach, M. G. 06/09/2023 → 31/01/2024
Course: Teaching