Projects per year
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FREI: The Danish Family Revolution: Experiences and Institutions
Bjerre, C. (Co-PI) & Petersen, K. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 31/12/2029
Project: Private Foundations
Private Foundations: Shaping Leadership in Medical Innovation and Addressing Inequalities in Health
Wray, A. (PI)
09/01/2025 → 31/08/2029
Project: Private Foundations
Finding better policies to help children with special needs thrive in the school and beyond
Lazuka, V. (PI), Mellace, G. (Project participant) & Knudsen, M. (PhD student)
01/01/2025 → 31/12/2028
Project: Research Councils
Velux Fonded: The Danish family revolution: Experiences and Institutions (FREI)
Sun, Z. (In charge of work packages), Petersen, K. (PI), Kaarsted, T. (Project participant) & Bjerre, C. (PI)
01/09/2024 → 01/09/2028
Project: Research Councils
Vores historie - et citizen science projekt med gymnasieelever som borgerforskere
Haastrup, M. F. (Project participant), Kaarsted, T. (Project manager), Petersen, K. (PI) & Bjerre, C. (Co-PI)
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Born Once - Die Once: Born Once – Die Once: Towards a transdisciplinary demographic theory of birth and death trajectories (ERC Consolidator Grant)
Baudisch, A. (PI), Mogi, R. (Project participant), Vigezzi, S. (Project participant) & Aleksandrovs, A. (Coordinator)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2027
Project: EU
Beyond the Paycheck: Insights into the effect of Unemployment, Organisational Change, and Job Security on Mental Health
Menon, S. (PI), Di Francesco, R. (Project participant) & Andersen, K. H. (PhD student)
01/09/2024 → 31/08/2027
Project: Private Foundations
SCOR Chair on Mortality Research
Boucher, M.-P. B. (PI), Missov, T. (Project participant), Rizzi, S. (Project participant), Strozza, C. (Project participant) & Aleksandrovs, A. (Project participant)
01/07/2023 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
WarMED: Wartime Medical Education and Disruptions to Physician Labor Supply: Impacts on Physician Quality, the Health Transition, and Innovation
Wray, A. (PI), Dahl, C. M. (Co-PI), Li, S. Y. (Co-PI) & Thomasson, M. (Co-PI)
01/11/2023 → 31/10/2026
Project: Research Councils
De udstødte, de uvelkomne og de beundrede. Resocialisering, velfærd og demokratisering 1945-1950
Lundtofte, H. (PI), Jønsson, H. V. (In charge of work packages), Petersen, K. (Co-PI), Rasmussen, S. W. K. (PhD student), Jensen, J. V. (PhD student) & Lyngholm, D. K. (Project participant)
01/08/2022 → 01/08/2026
Project: Research Councils
Do men and women react differently to an adverse health shock? - Gender Differences in Healthcare Utilization & Health Behaviour
Menon, S. (PI), Mellace, G. (Project participant) & van 't Hoff, N. (Project participant)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
Challenges of Ageing Populations: Physical Functioning, Cognitive Functioning, and Health Economic Consequences
Callaway, J. (Co-PI), Søgaard, J. (PI), Kallestrup-Lamb, M. (Project participant), Strozza, C. (Project participant), Menon, S. (Project participant), Marin, A. O. K. (Project participant) & Aleksandrovs, A. (Project participant)
01/07/2022 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
Precariat, Precarity and Precariousness in (Post-) Welfare-State Scandinavian Literatures
Freisleben Lund, N. (Project participant), Nilsson, M. (PI), Hamm, C. (Project participant) & Nestås Mathisen, I. (Project participant)
01/08/2023 → 31/12/2025
Project: Other Government Institutions
Unequal Lifespans (ERC Advanced Grant)
Vaupel, J. W. (PI), Missov, T. (Co-PI), Vobecká, J. (Project participant), Aburto, J. M. (Project participant), Callaway, J. (Project participant), Kashnitsky, I. (Project participant), Boucher, M.-P. B. (Project participant), Rizzi, S. (Project participant), Villavicencio, F. (Project participant) & Aleksandrovs, A. (Project participant)
01/01/2020 → 31/12/2025
Project: EU
Helbred blandt danske sømænd, fiskere og offshore arbejdere
Ahrenfeldt, L. J. (Principal supervisor), Bøge, A. U. (PhD student), Froholdt, L. L. (Project participant), Möller, S. (Project participant) & Lindahl-Jacobsen, R. (Project participant)
01/09/2022 → 31/12/2025
Project: Research
The cascading impacts of flood control regulations and infrastructure on individuals and communities
Wray, A. (PI) & Meyers, K. (Project participant)
01/01/2022 → 01/10/2025
Project: Research
AXA Chair in Longevity Research
Vaupel, J. W. (PI), Boucher, M.-P. B. (Project participant), Rizzi, S. (Project participant), Strozza, C. (Project participant), Baudisch, A. (Supervisor), Vázquez-Castillo, P. (Project participant), Patricio, S. C. (Project participant), Leger, A.-E. (Project participant), Vigezzi, S. (Project participant), Callaway, J. (Project participant), Aburto, J. M. (Project participant), Vobecká, J. (Coordinator), Lenart, A. (Project participant), Medford, A. (Project participant), Torres, C. (Project participant), Alvarez, J.-A. (Project participant), Schöley, J. (Project participant), Barthold Jones, J. (Project participant), Hvidberg, L. (Project participant), Kjærgaard, S. (Project participant), Basellini, U. (Project participant) & Aleksandrovs, A. (Coordinator)
16/03/2015 → 15/03/2025
Project: Research
MSCA Horizon 2020: DYNAMICS: The Dynamic Impacts of Child Health and Skills Enhanced by School Interventions across the Life Course
Lazuka, V. (Project participant)
01/06/2021 → 28/02/2025
Project: EU
HEALIN: Healthy lifespan inequality: Measurement, trends and determinants
Permanyer, I. (PI) & Strozza, C. (Project participant)
04/05/2023 → …
Project: EU
Research output assessment
Kashnitsky, I. (Head coordinator), Baudisch, A. (Coordinator) & Vaupel, J. W. (PI)
01/09/2018 → …
Project: Research
LIDEM: Forskningscenter for Livet med Demens
Busk Damgaard, M. (Project participant), Andersen, P. T. (PI), Rasmussen, G. (Co-PI), Troelsen, J. (Co-PI), Larsen, H. (Co-PI), Wermuth, L. (Co-PI), Søndergaard, J. (Co-PI), Overgaard, A. K. (Project participant), Noe, E. B. (Project participant), Chiarandini, M. (Project participant), Kjærsgaard, M. (Project participant), Hørder, M. (Project participant), Kjær, P. (Project participant), Simonsen, P. (Project participant), Kaarsted, T. (Project participant), Skovgaard, T. (Project participant), Nielsen, J. B. (Project participant), Nielsen, D. S. (Project participant), Gyrd-Hansen, D. (Project participant), Nørager Johansen, D. L. (Project participant) & Brandt, C. (Project participant)
01/01/2019 → …
Project: Research