Teaching & Supervision
- 1 - 50 out of 223 results
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Political Demography: Democracies, Policies and Populations
Ege, F. & Vanhuysse, P. 02/09/2024 → 31/01/2025
Course: Teaching
Historie og samfundsvidenskabelig metode
Petersen, K., Jønsson, H. V. & Bjerre, C. 05/09/2023 → 12/12/2023
Course: Teaching
Historical Perspectives on Current Economics Issues: Big Data and Applications
Ager, P. & Lazuka, V. 01/09/2020 → 31/08/2023
Course: Teaching
Introduction to R
Leger, A.-E., Vigezzi, S., Vázquez-Castillo, P. & Patricio, S. C. 05/08/2023 → 18/08/2023
Course: Teaching
Supervision and Evaluation of around 25 BA and MA Theses in political sociology, political economy, public policy and welfare state research
Vanhuysse, P. 01/09/2015 → 30/06/2023
Course: Supervision
Master Thesis: Changes in infant mortality for zoo-held great apes during the last century
Tidière, M. & Ovando, D. A. C. 01/09/2022 → 01/06/2023
Course: Supervision
Contested Neighbourhoods: The tension between symbolic and social boundaries and their social and political implications
Careja, R. 01/09/2019 → 30/04/2023
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Metode 3 projects
Aaskoven, L. & Careja, R. 15/11/2022 → 31/12/2022
Course: Teaching and supervision › Supervision
Introduction to R
Rizzi, S., Boucher, M.-P. B., Leger, A.-E., Vigezzi, S., Vázquez-Castillo, P., Patricio, S. C. & Kashnitsky, I. 08/08/2022 → 19/08/2022
Course: Teaching
Core Concepts and Research Practices
Pedersen, C. D., Schatz-Jakobsen, C., Hougaard, A., Simonsen, P., Sørensen, N. A., Hogg, E. J. & Sylvest, C. 01/09/2021 → 31/01/2022
Course: Teaching
Karriereprofilfag. Kulturarv - et arbejdsfelt fra a til z
Bjerre, C., Bom, A. K., Mai, A.-M. & Petersen, K. 09/09/2021 → 27/01/2022
Course: Teaching
Literature: Theory and Method in Advanced Textual Analysis
Wohlmann, A. 01/09/2021 → 31/12/2021
Course: Teaching
Litteraturens store emner
Wohlmann, A., Hogg, E. J., Simonsen, P. & Moslund, S. P. 01/09/2021 → 31/12/2021
Course: Teaching
Topics in Econometrics
Trandafir, M. 25/10/2021 → 17/12/2021
Course: Teaching and supervision › Teaching
Human Capital Politics and Policies :Investing in People
Vanhuysse, P. 10/08/2021 → 31/08/2021
Course: Teaching
ISA Project: Denmark’s role in the legal and illegal international wildlife trade
Stärk, J. & Conde, D. A. 01/02/2021 → 31/07/2021
Course: Supervision
Literature, Culture, Media
Wohlmann, A., Simonsen, P., Hogg, E. J. & Yazell, B. 01/02/2021 → 30/06/2021
Course: Teaching
Literature in Time and Space
Wohlmann, A., Hogg, E. J., Schatz-Jakobsen, C. & Simonsen, P. 01/02/2021 → 30/06/2021
Course: Teaching
Bachelor Thesis: Comparison of sex-specific survival patterns for the binturong (Arctictis binturong)
Stärk, J., Tidière, M. & Conde, D. A. 01/02/2021 → 01/06/2021
Course: Supervision
Bachelor Thesis: The history of marine mammals’ representation in zoos and aquariums in the last 150 years
Tidière, M. & Conde, D. A. 01/02/2021 → 01/06/2021
Course: Supervision
Perspectives in American Studies
Wohlmann, A., Magnussen, A. & Rasmussen, K. G. 01/02/2021 → 31/05/2021
Course: Teaching