This repository contains materials and data used and described in: Sanchez-Lopez, R., Fereczkowski, M., Santurette, S., Dau, T., Neher, T. (2021). Towards Auditory Profile-based Hearing-aid Fitting: Fitting Rationale and Pilot Evaluation. Audiol. Res. 11, no. 1: 10-21. Abstract Background - The clinical characterization of hearing deficits for hearing-aid fitting purposes is typically based on the pure-tone audiogram only. In a previous study, a group of hearing-impaired listeners completed a comprehensive test battery designed to tap into different dimensions of hearing abilities. A data-driven analysis of the data yielded four clinically relevant patient subpopulations or “auditory profiles”. The purpose of the current study was to propose and pilot-test profile-based hearing-aid settings to explore their potential for providing more targeted hearing-aid treatment. Methods - Four candidate hearing-aid settings were developed and evaluated by a subset of the participants tested previously. The evaluation consisted of multi-comparison preference ratings carried out in realistic sound scenarios. Results - Listeners belonging to the different auditory profiles showed different patterns of preference for the tested hearing-aid settings that were largely consistent with the expectations. Conclusion - The results of this pilot evaluation support further investigations into stratified, profile-based hearing-aid fitting with wearable hearing aids. Please cite this article when using the data Description of the files: Audio files used in the SenseLabOnline environment. Each folder corresponds to one participant. APBHAF_MUSHA.xlsx: Raw Data of the MUSHA experiment. APBHAF_MUSHA_Analysis.R: R code for the data analysis. MUS_SoundScenes.mat: Mat file with a structure 1x9 MUS with the raw acoustic signals before processing with the hearing-aid simulator. CurrentMixture: matrix consisting of the simulated acoustic signal recorded by the 4 microphones of the hearing-aid satellites: 1) front-left, 2) back-left, 3) front-right, 4) back-right. CurrentAnchor: matrix consisting of the simulated acoustic signal recorded by the 4 microphones of the hearing-aid satellites: 1) front-left, 2) back-left, 3) front-right, 4) back-right. The Anchor is -6 dB SNR. SampleLabel: Either "Kantine", "Traffic" or "Quiet" ConditionLabel: Either "Cond1", "Cond2" or "Cond3" fsmix: sampling frequency. For all signals must be 32000Hz MUSHA_Instruction: Instructions used for explaining the task and the environment. * The participant IDs in each of the files has been assigned randomly to ensure the anonymization of the data. The pseudo-anonymized data might be shared under request by direct correspondence with the authors.
Date made available | 17. Apr 2020 |
Publisher | Zenodo |