Homicide in Denmark

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalks and presentations in private or public companies


166 homicides (85 men and 81 women) took place in Southern Denmark (approximately 720.000 inhabitants) in the period 1983- 2007. Many of the victims were socially disadvantaged, half was alcohol intoxicated at the time of death and almost a third had a chronic abuse problem. The majority of these homicides were committed at home by a family member. Agitation, jealousy, psychosis and family homicides (a parent kills his/her own children and spouse) were the most common motives.
Emneord: Homicide, Forensic Medicine
Period7. Nov 2008
Event titleDrab
Event typeConference
OrganiserDansk Selskab for Retsmedicin
LocationFuglsø Center, Djursland, DenmarkShow on map


  • Homicide
  • Forensic Medicine