Doctoral Consortium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Sustainability

  • Tegtmeier, S. (Chairman)
  • Frederik Gottlieb (Organizer)
  • Ferran Giones (Organizer)
  • Korsgaard, S. (Panel member)
  • Gry Alsos (Panel member)
  • Brem, A. (Panel member)
  • Klyver, K. (Panel member)
  • Fei Yu (Panel member)
  • Jay Mitra (Panel member)
  • Ursula Weisenfeld (Panel member)

Activity: Attending an eventOrganisation or participation in workshops, courses or seminars


The doctoral consortium will havean intensive writing workshop supplemented by lectures and a panel to discuss the challenges Ph.D projects have in common. It is organized to cover the topics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation management for Sustainability. Both, conference and consortium, address issues related to entrepreneurship and innovationfor sustainability, favouring the exchange between theory and practice that helps to identify implications for business and management researchers and practitioners.As a reference, the tentative list oftopics of interest is:New venture creation, entrepreneurhsip processes and the entrepreneurial opportunity. In general, but also in particularthe case of hybrid organizations with blended values, and studies that take into account gender perspectives.Emergence dynamics in entrepreneurship and innovation, venture and industry perspectives. Are there implications for sustainability?Entrepreneurship and Innovation in specificcontexts: Smart Cities for sustainabilityExploring digital technology entrepreneurship, unlocking the interface between recombinant innovation, science and engineeringand digital entrepreneurship?In general, models for sustainable innovation & entreprenuership, what is different?
Period5. Oct 20176. Oct 2017
Event typeWorkshop
LocationSønderborg, DenmarkShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Sustainability
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Cleantech
  • Social entrepreneurship