Carleton University

  • Stoyan Tanev (Visiting researcher)

Activity: Visiting another research institution


Research partnership activities

This stay in Canada focused on: a) research cooperation with I2M partners in the Technology Innovation Management Program in Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada; b) meeting potential candidates for the PhD position in the I2M group that will start on March 1, 2010; data analysis of results submitted by two Bulgarian students in Bulgaria; writing and submission of two full text articles for the EBRF 2009 Conference proceedings; writing and submission of extended abstract for participation in a research workshop in Strasbourg, France, Feb, 25-26, 2010 (abstract was accepted, paper is in the process of being written); participating in the "Lead to Win" activities of the TIM program; delivering of a presentation on value co-creation and design in the School of Industrial Design at Carleton University; working with one student to define a research topic on value co-creation; wokring with Whyz - a new company start-up to develop a demo of a web search tool that could be used for I2M research
Emneord: reseacrh partnership, research cooperation with business firms, data analysis, article submission
Period1. Dec 20098. Jan 2010
VisitingCarleton University


  • reseacrh partnership
  • research cooperation with business firms
  • data analysis
  • article submission