Caring through Metaphors: Reflections on a Medical Training Module

Activity: Talks and presentationsConference presentations


Metaphors are common in the language of medical practice and illness experience, where they enjoy an ambivalent reputation: Uses of metaphors in health care have been described as harmful or healing, stigmatizing or inviting, prescriptive or generative. However, metaphors are not only rhetorical devices of communication; they are also small artworks in themselves, inviting its users to unfold their unpredictable, aesthetic potential via creative practices of imagination, appropriation and playful defiance. In doing so, metaphors can be used in original and unpredictable ways, generating a collaborative space for care and self-care. The talk will present insights from my research on illness metaphors and my educational work with physicians, where metaphors are not only objects but also sources of knowledge.
Period31. Oct 2024
Held atHealth Sciences
Degree of RecognitionInternational