Activity: Talks and presentations › Conference presentations
In this talk we discuss the perspectives of embedding naturalistic studies of psychotherapy in an ecological framework. An ecological perspective on human behavior includes a focus on languaging, i.e. how we do language together as a form of whole-bodied behaviour or whole-bodied dialogical and coordinated sense making. Thus, attention must be paid to how individuals orchestrate the dialogical alignment of speech (Dubois, 2014) with thinking and gesturing by turning to bodily dynamics and symbols (Love, 2004; Cowley, 2011; Rączaszek-Leonardi, 2011). By viewing language as ecological (Cowley, 2011 Love, 2004; Thibault, 2011; Steffensen, 2011; 2013, Jensen 2014), and grounded in coordinating bodies, languaging - language as first-order activity - becomes the primary unit of analysis.
20. Apr 2017 → 22. Apr 2017
Event title
6th conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition