You Don’t Stand Alone: Preliminary results from a prospective cohort study on ambulance personnel

Publikation: Konferencebidrag uden forlag/tidsskriftPosterForskningpeer review


Ambulance workers frequently experience potentially traumatizing events and have an estimated PTSD-prevalence of 11 % (Petrie et al., 2018).
Social support is considered an important preventive factor of PTSD. Existing prospective studies that include ambulance workers show no or small effect of social support following critical events (Elklit & Gudmundsdottir, 2014).
Existing studies predominantly focus on PTSD after single events or on one type or source of social support. To understand development of PTSD in ambulance work, everyday exposure in operational work and attention to multifaceted, concurrent use of support is probably required to highlight possible interactions between critical events, social support and PTSD-development.


Konference17th European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Conference
LokationNothern Ireland


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