Working with relational (material-semiotic) theories

Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceedingKapitel i bogForskningpeer review


This chapter reflects on the unique methodological opportunities and challenges for scholars when working with actor-network theory and assemblage theory, hereafter jointly referred to as the relational approach. It argues that this approach blurs the line between theory and method, as it offers not only conceptual tools, but just as importantly advances a set of methodological sensibilities that can transform the conduct of empirical research. It outlines four interrelating sets of relational sensibilities (heterogeneity, hybridity, interconnectedness and emergence) and reviews and reflects on the methodological steps taken by consumer scholars and those in neighboring fields to capitalize on these sensibilities. We devote attention to how relational researchers can adjust conventional methods, and how they can creatively combine them to shed light on material-semiotic processes and relations.
TitelHandbook of qualitative research methods in marketing
RedaktørerRussel W. Belk, Cele Otnes
ForlagEdward Elgar Publishing
Publikationsdatosep. 2024
ISBN (Trykt)9781035302710
ISBN (Elektronisk)9781035302727
StatusUdgivet - sep. 2024
NavnResearch Handbooks in Business and Management series


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