With the back to the (Atlantic) wall Denmark during the Cold War

Thomas Wegener Friis, Wladyslaw Bulhak, Dieter Kollmer

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    The contribution by Thomas Wegener Friis, Władysław
    Bułhak and Dieter Kollmer turns towards the transition from
    the Second World War to the Cold War. With the new frontline
    against the East the German fortifications facing the North Sea
    and Britain were only of little use. However, other remains of
    the German occupation were still of interest to the Danish
    armed forces. For instance, Bangsbo Fort in Frederikshavn
    could still be used as well as, and even more so, the large number
    of airfields built for the Wehrmacht Luftwaffe. The airfields
    had been active throughout the war as part of the German
    defence against the Allied bomber campaign. The German
    air planes, which the Danish army was eager to take over,
    were destroyed by the British right away. The airfields could
    not be as easily destroyed, therefore most of the eight airbases
    (Karup, Skrydstrup, Aalborg, Tirstrup, Vandel, Værløse, Kastrup,
    and Avnø), which the Danish air force used in the 1950’s,
    were inherited from the Wehrmacht Luftwaffe.
    In most other respects, however, the international scene
    changed, and the article examines the change of military scenarios,
    the important role of intelligence, and the new military
    threats. As the West Coast of Jutland no longer constituted
    a possible frontline of war, the western parts of Denmark
    lost their military significance, and new fortifications,
    such as the forts on Langeland and Stevns, and NATO depots
    to supply Allied troops were established. Danger was now
    perceived to come from the Baltic Sea, from the Soviet Union
    and its Warsaw Pact allies. During the Cold War, the geopolitical
    setup in Northern Europe changed Denmark, however,
    still on the potential frontline.
    TitelThe Atlantic Wall. In regional, national, and international perspective
    RedaktørerJens Andersen, Knud Knudsen, Henrik Gjøde Nielsen, Chrestina Dahl
    ForlagAalborg Universitetsforlag
    Publikationsdato14. feb. 2020
    ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7210-284-9
    StatusUdgivet - 14. feb. 2020
    NavnStudier i historie, arkiver og kulturarv


    • Atlantvolden
    • Den Kolde Krig
    • Danmark
    • Tyskland
    • Polen
    • NATO
    • Militær
    • anden verdenskrig
