Using Websites and Social Media to Support Local Community Stakeholder Attendance at Project Town Hall Meetings

Anna Lund Jepsen, Pernille Eskerod, Kon Shing Kenneth Chung, Jingbo Zhang, Mauro Ortiz

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Engaging local community stakeholders in projects is important. A project town hall meeting
is a common practice to do so. However, many project town hall meetings suffer from low attendance.
This study investigates how the project organization can use its website and social media to support
attendance. The study draws on literature on social media marketing, the customer journey concept, and
the use of different appeal elements. It applies a case study approach with two cases: The Western
Sydney Airport project and the London Heathrow expansion project. We found that the project
organizations used their websites and the social media Facebook, X and YouTube to a limited extent.
Furthermore, they mostly used rational and transactional appeals, thus foregoing the chance to engage
stakeholders in attending by application of interactional appeals. Based on the findings, we offer a
framework for use of own websites and social media to support the stakeholder journey towards
attending project town hall meetings. Our research enriches project management knowledge by
highlighting what to consider in the application of websites and social media for local community
stakeholder engagement
ArtikelnummerArticle 100164
TidsskriftProject Leadership and Society
StatusUdgivet - 2025


  • interessenthåndtering
  • Projektledelse
  • sociale medier
